So lost, So alone...



  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I know its a bad economy for this, but find another way to treat yourself! :smile:

    Shopping. That's right, I'm a total tomboy but a closet shopahollic! Go to target, the shoes section, and buy yourself an adorable pair of flats.

    All in all what I'm saying is try and remember about the other things that make you happy and do them. Go hang out with friends and rent crappy movies or read (no really do it you will be rolling in stitches!) Get creative and go to some band or art show - who knows you might even meet that man you don't need there!

    (and I'm not being cruel I'm single too and it hurts but me and my gals just hang out more)

    We're having a spaghetti dinner and comedy show night on Valentine's Day. Little do they know they're all getting ground turkey in their meat sauce!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I know its a bad economy for this, but find another way to treat yourself! :smile:

    Shopping. That's right, I'm a total tomboy but a closet shopahollic! Go to target, the shoes section, and buy yourself an adorable pair of flats.

    All in all what I'm saying is try and remember about the other things that make you happy and do them. Go hang out with friends and rent crappy movies or read (no really do it you will be rolling in stitches!) Get creative and go to some band or art show - who knows you might even meet that man you don't need there!

    (and I'm not being cruel I'm single too and it hurts but me and my gals just hang out more)

    We're having a spaghetti dinner and comedy show night on Valentine's Day. Little do they know they're all getting ground turkey in their meat sauce!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! :laugh: :laugh:
    :laugh: @ the turkey comment:bigsmile:
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    Please do not feel that way. Enjoy being single ( i know all the ads and seeing couples being lovey dovey makes it hard)
    When you do have a relationship and eventually marry you are going to long for the days that you could sleep in, take a long hot bath,even go to the bathroom with no interuntions.
    I have so many friends and people I know who are in a relationship that don't have sex.always fighting, or grow apart but when Valentine comes the flowers and the candies come.
    Being single should not make you feel sad,you should be proud you must be a very smart women not settle for any guy that comes along. That takes courage.
    Take care of yourself first and here's to the SINGLE LADIES!!:drinker:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I'm so sorry to hear that. Tks for sharing your feelings of loneliness and unhappiness, and your search for a solution with us.

    Who says Valentine's Day only means love between couples?

    I believe it stands for Love itself period.

    :heart: Love yourself no matter what.:heart:
    :heart: Love yourself no matter what :heart:
    :heart: Love yourself no matter what :heart:


    :heart: Love yourself no matter what :heart:
  • :flowerforyou: babes we all love you dearly here and you know you are not alone all your pals are here. look here i am married unhappily and would rather be alone, considering that your time is not your own, you always waiting hand and foot on someone else and seeing to his needs first. rushing home to cook clean and see to the kid. then after everyones sorted then only can you do what you need to do for yourself. being married is so much harder than being single. and its worst when u with someone and you fell lonely as you do, unappreciated and unloved. still no presents hugs of kisses and arguments have turned into silence. the bed have an invisable dividing line and bath time instead of romance time quiet time. See Hun its not that bad being alone. when i was single i loved it so much, i never use to cook and cleaned one a week thoughly and weekends it was easy to get up and go. Jogging and walking in the eveing after work. or just getting home curl into bed with a book. Oh those nice long uninterrupted candle light baths with my Kenny G playing for me, i at least did it once a week. occupy yourself with a hobby dear, fill your time with things you love doing and learn that the most important kind of love is to love yourself and god loves you dearly.
    :happy: mwah be happy that theres a bright side to singleness and it wont be forever, theres someone who will come your way and love you beyond all galaxies and oceans. that you are so worth. take care, Nats
  • oh i agree i havent had SEX in such a long time. and cant even remeber what we argue abt anymore. these days i just fight for some alone time an dtime to relax and eat a meal in peace. :drinker: girls be smart and love your singleness for now. dnt settle for less
  • that is wonderful. i also had a crappy day and exercise works best to get rid of the pounds and frustration......
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    When I was single, Valentine's Day was such a big deal. I would get all depressed that I didn't have somebody when all my friends had boyfirends and I wasn't getting flowers and candy. Now I'm married. I don't want chocolate (Well, I want it but I don't want my husband to get it for me because chocolate is the :devil: ). I don't want to go to some expensive restaurant and spend all that money. So we're gonna just sit at home and do nothing special. So now that I'm finally not single on V-Day, I don't even celebrate much for it! So now Valentine's Day isn't that big a deal to me!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I'm a little late, but I feel for you. :heart: I hope you feel the love from the people here at mfp. You and your health and your well being are more important than a day on the calendar, than a cookie or chips or whatever. You are strong and capable and insightful. :heart: Be kind to yourself at this time of year and all those suggestions are so great, so hopefully you can try some. Be well, and know that you are never alone.:love:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i have just one more suggestion--clean when you're lonely, sad, bored. there is immense satisfaction in making something go from dirty to clean, for me anyway. i love the vacuum stripes! plus when your hands are occupied and you're scrub, scrub, scrubbing, you can't be eating and you can focus entirely on the task. be one with the sponge. :laugh:
    "have something to look forward to every day. Momentum is important."--Joan Lunden (I've butchered the quote, but you get the idea.)
    anyway, thanks for being so honest. and thanks for letting us love you with our posts. :heart:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I so feel you.

    This is the first Vday in 8 years that I will spend alone (in the beginning throes of my divorce). So far, I've done okay not thinking about it too much. The hardest thing is hearing my very close girlfriend telling me about the romantic night she has planned for her fiance.

    However, this is my suggestion.

    Do something on Vday. I am lucky - my sister's bday is the 10th, and because my stepdad works on Vday, and my mom didn't make any plans with him, my mom is doing the traditional "whatever you want for dinner" dinner for my sister on the 14th. So I will be looking at the 14th as my sister's bday celebration, not Valentine's Day.

    But it's not easy. All I can think about is how last year for Valentine's, my then-husband took me to Orlando. We went to Disney World and had a great, romantic time...

    And this year, I'm alone while he's with his floosey (I'm being nice here, but she deserves other names).

    I know how you feel, and I will be praying that God gives you the strength to get through this.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I so feel you.

    This is the first Vday in 8 years that I will spend alone (in the beginning throes of my divorce). So far, I've done okay not thinking about it too much. The hardest thing is hearing my very close girlfriend telling me about the romantic night she has planned for her fiance.

    In the same boat.
    This will be my first Valentine's alone in over 11 years.
    Maybe this is why I've fallen back into binge eating too. :frown:
    Maybe this is where I should consider myself lucky that my husband never did anything romantic or sweet to celebrate Valentines Day in the first place. No card, no chocolates, no flowers, no dinner. I was lucky to get a quick kiss and a "happy Valentines day".
    So I guess my plus is this year won't be much different.
    Holidays suck. :grumble:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I so feel you.

    This is the first Vday in 8 years that I will spend alone (in the beginning throes of my divorce). So far, I've done okay not thinking about it too much. The hardest thing is hearing my very close girlfriend telling me about the romantic night she has planned for her fiance.

    In the same boat.
    This will be my first Valentine's alone in over 11 years.
    Maybe this is why I've fallen back into binge eating too. :frown:
    Maybe this is where I should consider myself lucky that my husband never did anything romantic or sweet to celebrate Valentines Day in the first place. No card, no chocolates, no flowers, no dinner. I was lucky to get a quick kiss and a "happy Valentines day".
    So I guess my plus is this year won't be much different.
    Holidays suck. :grumble:

    I'm sorry that you're in the same boat as me. It does suck, but you're right...having fond memories of Vday's past makes it hard. Last year was Orlando, the year before that...he was so sweet. Our dog (now his dog) ate my underwear. He loved underwear. I was running out of it, and the ones I did have were falling apart. But it was something I rarely bought for myself. So my then-husband gave me a gift card for Victoria's Secret for an insane amount of money that I never, ever would have spent on myself. Then he made dinner. And the year before that...


    I'm trying no to think about what he's doing for his...girlfriend (it's hard to restrain myself here ladies) this year.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Sorry you're having a bad month. :flowerforyou:

    Now get back on the wagon & make Valentine's Day 2010 a day to celebrate! :wink:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Ugh, I remember the crappy feeling around Vday when I was single. But just remember that your prince charming could be right around the corner, ya just never know. I wasn't necessarily looking when I met my boyfriend, and I met him through a friend (she is his cousin) that I have actually known for years, I just never met any of her family before then. So someone wonderful could be right under your nose and will come around when you least expect it. This is my second Vday with my boyfriend but before that I hadn't had a boyfriend on Vday in years. In fact, a couple years ago I got dumped just before sweetest day (not sure if you have it where you live, but here in Michigan its like Vday but in October).

    Do what I do when you're alone and in need of some TLC.....pick up your favorite (healthy) meal, pop in your favorite DVD and just relax knowing that you don't have to deal with the looooong waits at restaurants on Vday, lol. Or go shopping that day, or get a mani/pedi...whatever it is that you love to do, just pamper yourself. I know it's just a few days away, but maybe for the next time your facing a day like this, promise yourself that if you eat well for two weeks before hand, that you can reward yourself with a cheat meal that day. Don't go overboard, just something you ordinarily couldn't have.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I'm single this Valentine's Day too, but I'm actually really excited about it. I'm trying to stay positive and think about all the money I won't be wasting on this overly commercialized holiday. Do you have any girlfriends you could get together with? Every year my friends and I get together and hang out. This year we're getting together at my house and we're renting the most action-packed guy flicks that we can. None of that lovely dovey make me want to cut myself valentines crap, but hot sweaty guys blowing stuff up instead! I'd much rather watch a muscled guy with no shirt on than The Notebook anyway. :love: :wink:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    i have just one more suggestion--clean when you're lonely, sad, bored. there is immense satisfaction in making something go from dirty to clean, for me anyway. i love the vacuum stripes! plus when your hands are occupied and you're scrub, scrub, scrubbing, you can't be eating and you can focus entirely on the task. be one with the sponge. :laugh:
    "have something to look forward to every day. Momentum is important."--Joan Lunden (I've butchered the quote, but you get the idea.)
    anyway, thanks for being so honest. and thanks for letting us love you with our posts. :heart:
    Cleaning is my way of feeling good as well, not necessarily when I'm down but anytime it just makes me realize how awesome it will all look when I'm done!:flowerforyou:

    But tis true, cleaning out a closet and listening to your favorite upbeat music can do wonders to distract and help you find lots to pass along, trash, and treasures you knew you had but wondered what the heck had happened to them! Closets...they are magical wonders:blushing: :laugh: :bigsmile:

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