HELP!! How is this possible?????

Ok fellow MFP peeps. I need some advice. And if nothing else, I just need to know what I am doing is right.

So here is a little back ground. I started on 10/25/11. My starting weight was 288.5, I have since lost 14 lbs and weigh in at 274.6.

Here is my problem:

Last week, life got in the way, and I was unable to work out AT ALL! But I still managed to lose over 4 lbs. (the week before that I had gained 0.2 lbs) So this week, I have decided to work out every day because of Thanksgiving and all. My "official weigh in days" are on sundays. So sunday I weighed in at 274.2, then Monday I was 274.6, then Tuesday I was 274.6, then Today..... 274.6. I know it has only been a few days, but I have never seen the scale stay at the EXACT same number!!

Since I lost over 4 lbs last week, and I didn't do any exercise, but I did stay within my calorie range... It is making me feel like maybe I shouldnt be working out... Like maybe the working out is keeping me at a stand still? I don't even know if that makes sense.

I feel like it is too early for me to be having a platue. I haven't lost that much, and I have soooooo much more to go! Any tips to help keep me moving?? Thank you so much. Also you can look at my food diary.


  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    For what it's worth, I wouldn't worry about it too much yet. If it goes on for a while maybe, but it's only been a week.

    What I imagine happened is that your metabolism relaxed a little last week, but since your caloric intake was still low, you lost some weight. But once you kicked in the exercise this week, your body reacted and slowed your metabolism, trying to keep up with the energy burn.

    Again, that's my non-professional guess.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Ok fellow MFP peeps. I need some advice. And if nothing else, I just need to know what I am doing is right.

    So here is a little back ground. I started on 10/25/11. My starting weight was 288.5, I have since lost 14 lbs and weigh in at 274.6.

    Here is my problem:

    Last week, life got in the way, and I was unable to work out AT ALL! But I still managed to lose over 4 lbs. (the week before that I had gained 0.2 lbs) So this week, I have decided to work out every day because of Thanksgiving and all. My "official weigh in days" are on sundays. So sunday I weighed in at 274.2, then Monday I was 274.6, then Tuesday I was 274.6, then Today..... 274.6. I know it has only been a few days, but I have never seen the scale stay at the EXACT same number!!

    Since I lost over 4 lbs last week, and I didn't do any exercise, but I did stay within my calorie range... It is making me feel like maybe I shouldnt be working out... Like maybe the working out is keeping me at a stand still? I don't even know if that makes sense.

    I feel like it is too early for me to be having a platue. I haven't lost that much, and I have soooooo much more to go! Any tips to help keep me moving?? Thank you so much. Also you can look at my food diary.

    Its not a plateau.

    Stop weighing yourself everyday. Your body can fluctuate between 5-10 lbs esp as a woman. Exercise also increases water retention. That's most likely the issue.

    Remember: Weight loss does not always mean fat loss and fat loss does not always come with weight loss. Instead of chasing a number on the scale, try using alternative measures of success, like pictures, tape measures, and how your clothes fit.
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    I feel ya! my scale won't move past 165.8 ugh!! it gets frustrating b/c I still have a long way... but regardless I'm not giving up. :) so keep going and don't give up! :)
  • Keep working out - it WILL benefit you - I promise!!! Staying at the same weight for a few days is not a plateau, just your body may not be showing changes on the scale each day. Sometimes I would go 4-5 days without losing then it would all come off at the end of the week or something. Water weight, hormones, and sodium intake can all play a roll in that too. Just don't stop working out! Your body needs lean muscle to burn off that fat!
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    imo you have gained muscle... so..for me that is normal in the beggining of working out alot. Either that or your not drinking enough and your body is retaining the water. Y
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I think because you had such a big loss last week it would be normal to have a small loss or even a small gain this week. The fluctuation you are noticing though is likely due to water that gets retained by your body to help repair your muscles when you workout. This does mean that you often weigh more on the scales when you are working out but remember, scale weight is not everything - it is fat that you really want to lose and working out will definitely help with that.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    imo you have gained muscle... so..for me that is normal in the beggining of working out alot. Either that or your not drinking enough and your body is retaining the water. Y

    Not muscle, can't build muscle in a caloric deficit
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    Hey girl,
    Scales are touchy little beasts sometimes, so don't let it get you down. Keep on doing what you know is good for your health, and the numbers will follow. Working out makes you healthy, and the scale will catch up with your efforts. :D
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Sore muscles from working out=water retention for repair. Drink extra water to flush out the excess.
  • janeitg
    janeitg Posts: 33 Member
    I definitely recommend measuring yourself. I got stuck but a friend had nagged me into measuring. When I remeasured, I had lost inches but no pounds. For me it was two weeks before the pounds started coming off again but I had lost 2 inches. Also I try to only weigh once a week. Otherwise I drive myself crazy. I don't want to think I'm heavier just because I drank a extra water.
  • Have you updated your fitness/diet profile since you lost weight? I just figured this out today. If you go to Settings and then click on "update fitness/diet profile", it should list your updated weight, and then just reprocess it. It will update your calorie goal. I just updated mine today after losing 12.6 pounds, and my calorie goal is 80 less/day.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Weight fluctuates big time. I have weighed 5 pounds different in the same day at times.

    With that said, it is best to weigh once a week, at the same time, in the same way. I think that is the best way and how I have done it throughout my journey.

    With that said, don't focus as much on the number. I know that is tough but if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing then the rest WILL take care of itself. There is too much proof otherwise.
  • How much water are you drinking? I glanced at your food log, but you aren't tracking water. You have some really high sodium days, which causes us to retain water, especially if you are getting enough. Exercise can make you retain water as well, especially if your muscles are fatigued or sore. From experience, drink lots of water, and really watch sodium content. Good luck!
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I know, with me, if I have a larger than normal loss. I most likely am not going to lose the following week. I may even be up. I know when it's up it's not real weight gain though. Last week, I lose 2.8lb. Which is a lot of me. This week, I was up a lb. I didn't record it though, since I know it isn't real. Hopefully this coming week I will be down again. Though with thanksgiving, not sure. But, we'll see.
    As someone else once stated, weight loss isn't linear. Think of a staircase, it's not going to go down all the time, you may stay the same at points.
  • sunshinesher01
    sunshinesher01 Posts: 82 Member
    Have you updated your fitness/diet profile since you lost weight? I just figured this out today. If you go to Settings and then click on "update fitness/diet profile", it should list your updated weight, and then just reprocess it. It will update your calorie goal. I just updated mine today after losing 12.6 pounds, and my calorie goal is 80 less/day.

    Yes, Actually I do this every sunday when I weigh in. Thank you though, I know that could make a huge difference if that wasn't being updated. :)
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    You can't really judge a pound of weight over a day. The scale is going to flip flop forwards and backwards in the matter of a few days. A pound of fat doesn't just disolve that easy. Neither does it manufacture that easy. What you are most likey seeing is body waste. What you eat has to process, until it finds its way out of your body it will show up on the scale. Sometimes its in the form of water and sometimes solid. That is why, we are always advised to weight only once a week, or better yet once a month. I for one cannot do it. I am a scale hopper. But since some of us are scale hoppers we need to remind ourselves of things like waste. Even if you have alot of exersice it will cause your muscles to hold water for a few days. So just keep in mind to do the right things, count the calories, exercise, and look for the long term scale movement. If we do the right things it is supposed to happen....... just not overnight. or day to day.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I've been there and than come Sunday BAM I'm down ! Just keep doing what you are .. drinking your water, eating healthy, it will change! Also it's common to have a big loss one week and a small/no loss the next week! You can do this!!

    Last week I was 264 (started at 297 see we are similiar) we started a challenge that required 1 gallon of water a day, Tuesday 266, Wed 268!!! I immediately stopped drinking the gallon! and by Sunday I was back down to 264 .. but monday 266 again!!

    But the last month I lost 24lbs.. so just keep on keeping on it will happen!
  • imo you have gained muscle... so..for me that is normal in the beggining of working out alot. Either that or your not drinking enough and your body is retaining the water. Y

    Not muscle, can't build muscle in a caloric deficit

    beat me to it. HATE when people say this.

    OP: stop weighing everyday. Can't hit a plateau after 3 days
  • STOP getting on the scale so frequently and looking for results in a day, or even in a week. Doing the right things with regards to eating and exercise will pay off. You have a marathon to run - not a sprint.
  • sunshinesher01
    sunshinesher01 Posts: 82 Member
    Ok thank you all for your encouragement. I guess I just had to hear that I am doing this right. I will try and increase my water intake, that is one area that is always low for me... For some reason I just don't drink that much. Also, I am glad to hear that I should just keep working out, even though right now the numbers aren't moving, cuz I love the way I feel durring and after a work out.

    As far as the measuring goes... I did that yesterday (or was it two days ago?) and nothing.... Its strange though, cuz my jeans are fitting loser (even right out of the drier), but my measurments are still the same. Maybe the tape measurer is shrinking with me? LOL

    Thanks again for all of the tips and encouragement!!