Can one day blow your diet?



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I think I'll just delete my MFP account now.

    And give up on yourself???
  • november03
    november03 Posts: 205 Member
    I could eat 4-5000 calories tomorrow no problem. Do I plan to no....but I will enjoy myself! =)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Just enjoy the day. . Eat what you want and get back on track Friday!:bigsmile:
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Not at all. In fact, honestly I have a day I don't worry about calories and I have actually lost weight from eating more one day a week. :)
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I ate 2500 calories for both dinners (Wed and Thurs) and gained nothing.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I was kind of thinking about the numbers relating to how a person might over eat on one day and how the numbers relate to regular eating throughout the week.
    Say you are over 2 days, but at the same time is it that you average your calories throughout the week to equal a normal week and not go over. Does that make it over eating? How long of a duration is over eating considered? A day, week, or other?

    What if you went over your calories every other day, but under on the other days?

    Just thinking about the way everything works. :)

    Is a day of over eating plus a day of under eating the same as 2 days of eating your regularly scheduled calories?