Low-Carb, Low Calorie Protein Ice Cream?

I'm looking for any successful attempts to make a fairly low calorie, low-carb, protein ice cream. Basically, looking for a home-made alternative to Breyer's Carb Smart product.

I made a low-carb protein ice cream the other night using unsweetened almond milk, IsoPure zero-carb protein powder, no-carb heavy whipping cream, and some salt substitute, which turned out alright, but with the heavy whipping cream, it made it high in calories, even using just a half-cup for 2 cups of almond milk. Zero carbs (yay!), but high in calories (still undecided whether this is really important).

Tried to experiment without the heavy whipping cream and just shake/freeze the concoction, but it didn't turn out so well in my attempt to keep it lower calorie and lower carb than the 1/2 cup serving in Breyer's Carb Smart ice cream (which is laden with sugar alcohols!).

Appreciate any feedback. Thanks!


  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    Try frozen bananas that have been mixed in a blender/food processor. You can add peanut butter to increase protein, chocolate powder, strawberries, etc are also good additions.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    frozen berries (berries are lower in carbs than most fruit), agave nectar to taste, Greek Yogurt, milk and protein powder, blend for consistency of soft serve. If to runny add more berries and yogurt, if too thick add some more milk.

    This does not freeze well better eating right away, if you do want to freeze it you may want to let it thaw slightly then re-blend prior to enjoying.
  • CharlieLopez2005
    Try frozen bananas that have been mixed in a blender/food processor. You can add peanut butter to increase protein, chocolate powder, strawberries, etc are also good additions.

    Sounds tasty, but the only issue is that frozen fruits are somewhat high in carbs, and peanut butter (real peanut butter, that is) has some carbs in it, too. Though on occasion, I do like a few spoonfuls of real peanut butter with low-carb yogurt (Kroger has a decent brand that's 4 net carbs per cup).
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    The only thing that comes to mind for me is Protein "sludge".

    It's not really ice cream, but it does have the same consistency. You just have to have a really good tasting protein powder to pull it off (low quality ones taste like crap!). 2 scoops protein powder, 1 or 2 tbsp of peanut or almond butter, water until it's the right consistency - mix and stick in the freezer for 10-15 minutes!
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    It's called Arctic Zero. It's pretty good actually. NOT a creamy consistancy, but it does the trick....They have 5 flavors. So far the chocolate mint is my favorite. A Whole pint for 150 calories. THAT my friend, is A LOT of stuff!

    You can look it up on google- it's got a whole website.
  • CharlieLopez2005
    It's called Arctic Zero. It's pretty good actually. NOT a creamy consistancy, but it does the trick....They have 5 flavors. So far the chocolate mint is my favorite. A Whole pint for 150 calories. THAT my friend, is A LOT of stuff!

    You can look it up on google- it's got a whole website.

    Thanks for the recommendation! Just took a look at their website. Definitely better, 1/2-cup serving to 1/2-cup serving size, than Breyer's Carb Smart ice cream.

    I bet these would be good with Walden Farm's zero-calorie chocolate or caramel syrups.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    It's called Arctic Zero. It's pretty good actually. NOT a creamy consistancy, but it does the trick....They have 5 flavors. So far the chocolate mint is my favorite. A Whole pint for 150 calories. THAT my friend, is A LOT of stuff!

    You can look it up on google- it's got a whole website.

    Thanks for the recommendation! Just took a look at their website. Definitely better, 1/2-cup serving to 1/2-cup serving size, than Breyer's Carb Smart ice cream.

    I bet these would be good with Walden Farm's zero-calorie chocolate or caramel syrups.

    Just a suggestion.............if you are not eating a lot of "products" and low carb processed foods then calorie counting should be a thing of the past.

    Those walden farms concoctions are worse than the Breyers Carb Smart ice cream..........they are nothing but chemicals.

    Best to stick with basic ice cream and then add some chopped nuts, berries, raw coconut..........stuff that actually has nutritional value.

    Here is a recipe for a good ice cream though.



    1 can coconut milk, full-fat;
    2 eggs or 4 egg yolks (yolks alone will give even more richness);
    Seeds from 2 fresh vanilla beans or 4 tbsp real vanilla extract.
    Possible flavoring options (add any or a combination of the fallowing flavorings)


    1/2 cup of your favorite berries (chopped or blended to a puree);
    1/2 cup coconut flakes;
    1/4 cup finely chopped mint;
    1/4 cup chopped nuts;
    Lemon, lime or orange zest;
    3 tbsp raw honey;
    1/4 cup dark chocolate chips or flakes (you can take a high quality dark chocolate and chop it yourself to your liking).


    Boil some water in a pot and reduce to a simmer.

    Place a heat proof bowl over it in a double boiler fashion and pour the coconut milk in it. Put vanilla seeds or vanilla extract with the coconut milk and heat until hot, but make sure it doesn’t come to a boil. If using flavorings such as mint or dark chocolate, you can add them now. You can also add chocolate at the end of the process to keep the pieces whole.

    Whisk the eggs of yolks in a separate bowl. Add one ladleful of the now hot coconut milk to the eggs while whisking quite vigorously. What you’re doing is tempering the eggs and slowly bringing the temperature up without cooking the eggs and risking that they scramble. Add two or three other ladlefuls of the coconut milk mixture and incorporate them to the eggs while whisking continuously.

    Take the tempered eggs and whisk in the bowl where the rest of the coconut milk is on the double boiler.

    Whisk for a couple of minutes non-stop to form a thick custard. Make sure it doesn’t get too hot and the simmering water doesn’t touch the bowl.

    Once the custard is ready, remove from the heat source and let it cool on the counter or the refrigerator.

    You can add any other flavoring you want to use once the custard is cold enough to put a finger in it and feel comfortable.

    Let it cool even more in the refrigerator before freezing it.

    Put in your ice cream maker and follow its instructions or put in a baking dish in the freezer and stir vigorously every 30 minutes for about 2 to 3 hours until it’s set.

    Take it out of the freezer for about 10 minutes before enjoying so it softens a bit. Serve with added coconut milk, berries, mint, coconut flakes or any other flavoring you might like.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    These are all great ideas! I'm taking notes...:bigsmile:

    Original Poster: Can you tell us the recipe you used? I know you had problems with it, but it might be easier to give suggestions to tweak it if we know how you did it in the first place. :smile:
  • CharlieLopez2005
    These are all great ideas! I'm taking notes...:bigsmile:

    Original Poster: Can you tell us the recipe you used? I know you had problems with it, but it might be easier to give suggestions to tweak it if we know how you did it in the first place. :smile:

    In a blender bottle:

    1 Scoop IsoPure protein powder
    2 Cups Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk
    1/4 tsp No Salt

    Put in a storage container to freeze and thorough shaking.

    Results: It was either solid or liquid, but never anything approaching creamy texture. Seems that heavy cream had something to do with this.
  • steamlita
    steamlita Posts: 39 Member
    OP, try to find the "ice cream" brand Arctic Zero. It's a frozen protein shake that can be scooped like ice cream. 150 calories a PINT, 37 calories per serving. It's a dream, and imo tastes great.
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    What about protein fluff?

  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    It's called Arctic Zero. It's pretty good actually. NOT a creamy consistancy, but it does the trick....They have 5 flavors. So far the chocolate mint is my favorite. A Whole pint for 150 calories. THAT my friend, is A LOT of stuff!

    You can look it up on google- it's got a whole website.

    If you let it thaw for about 30 min - it's creamy enough ;)