
So how do you keep yourself from falling off the wagon? What helps you from sabotaging yourself and all the hard work that you've done?

I'm like the old cliche, work hard and play harder. Meaning, I will give my work outs and healthier eating habits 110% during the week, but on the weekends I will self destruct. And seeing how tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I seemed to have started the weekend a bit early. :(

Any tips or advice will be greatly appreciated.


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    So how do you keep yourself from falling off the wagon?

  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    So how do you keep yourself from falling off the wagon? What helps you from sabotaging yourself and all the hard work that you've done?

    I'm like the old cliche, work hard and play harder. Meaning, I will give my work outs and healthier eating habits 110% during the week, but on the weekends I will self destruct. And seeing how tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I seemed to have started the weekend a bit early. :(

    Any tips or advice will be greatly appreciated.

    If I've eaten crap... I'll just work harder at the gym... I plan what I'm going to eat and when ahead and the exercise I'll do that day allowing some flexibility... then I usually go over my exercise and under my cals-boom...winner, job done!
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Its really tough during the holidays for sure. I'm doing a specific challenge to help my willpower issues and give me better self control. I basically log my goal everyday, for thanksgiving its going to be something like : "don't eat more than your allotted calories" "skip the dessert" or "eat half portion sizes". I haven't decided yet. But everyday I make a goal for that day and mark it with a yes or not if I accomplished my goal. At the end of the month I look at my results, if I am satisfied I reward myself with something I've wanted (other than food... but it can be food too)

    I actually created a group, and made this challenge public for people to do as well so we can all be in it together. Check us out:
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    My opinion- don't class yourself as "self destruct" for enjoying a nice meal on the weekend. You can still loose weight and be healthy without being 100% perfect all of the time. The old saying of everything in moderation is true.
    Also, I don't know if you have any "banned " food, but when I used to ban foods, it always made me crave them more, so unbanning them stopped the guilt and failure feeling which could derail a day of good intentions.