Anyone trying/ struggling to maintain?



  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    same boat. i can go about 2 weeks of exercising and good eating. i can do bad for like 2 days and i'm gaining 4 lbs! i don't get it!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I was on maintenance for months until I got sick. Now I'm trying to gain weight. This seems to be harder than losing or maintaining.
  • I'm so small so I find that I gain when I up my calories to 1200. (usually aim for 950cals but I lose on that!) 1000 seems right for maintaining for me, but that's soooo small! I know I can't keep it up. really frustrating! especially if I go out for dinner or something and have one meal that's around 1500 I spend all week trying to lose one day!

    and MFP sets my maintence at 1340! lol. they have no clue :P

    i don't understand how people can survive using that low of a calorie total for the day, seems nearly impossible. I guess daily activities can also play a part in calorie expenditures as well as lean body mass. When you say you gain, do you measure using the scale and the bf%? Or solely on the scale? Do you also have a set time and a routine before checking(in terms of hydration/other variables)?