Need motivation to become a "morning person"

I am really not a morning person. I love my bed and never want to get out. If I could sleep until noon everyday, I would. Of course, that isn't going to happen with a full time job and a toddler! I want to find time to work out, but if I leave it until after DD goes to bed, it never happens. Once I get home from work, it is immediately start making dinner, eat, clean up, get baby ready for bed and to sleep, then I collapse on the couch. I think if I am going to consistently work out, I need to do it early.

So, besides just sucking it up, any advice on how to start actually getting up early to exercise, and not set my alarm with good intentions, then hit snooze when it goes off? I know part of it is that I go to bed too late, but it is such a hard cycle to break. DH and I are used to having 8-11pm to be "our time", but I can't be going to bed at midnight and getting up at 5 and functioning well all day. It is also hard because I work shifts. I will start work anywhere between 6 and 11 am on day shifts, and work 1 week of nights every 4 weeks.

I love the idea of being a morning person...having time in the morning to enjoy it and not just a mad dash trying to get out the door on time, th extra energy from exercising before work, etc. It is the reality I am having a problem with!


  • Brachra
    Are you working out now? because i know even if i find time to work out for just 10 minutes (something high-intensity even) that i sleep WAY better and my body wakes itself up in the morning..

    Also, theres nothing wrong with using things like caffeine (in small amounts) to give yourself that tiny push in the morning. you will eventually fully wake up. but youll feel better.

    dont do what i do and drink 3-5 5-hour energies at one time and chug a monster and a redbull...ull feel awake, but ull feel like your going to have a heart attack.
  • joshuamhort
    Something I had to do was set my alarm clock on the opposite side of my room because I would turn it completely off while I was asleep and before it would go off. I set my alarm next to my door so that I would have to get up out of bed, then have to bend down to turn it off. Then I would be awake enough to at least move around a little bit.

    Hope this helps!
  • novaboi24
    novaboi24 Posts: 16 Member
    Listen, you only get one shot at life. But you get a chance to sleep and lie in bed everyday. Now, you can lie in bed in the morning, or GET UP AND DO SOMETHING WORTHWHILE.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    If you have a smart phone you can download alarm clocks, I have one that is a puzzle alarm you either solve 5 math problems or re-type the quote that is on it. your alarm goes off continuously until you finish the puzzle by the time you are done you are pretty much wide awake. Its about the only thing I have found that prevents me from hitting snooze a million times.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I think that is one thing you have to do on your own, or get a spouse/boyfriend/friend that will be with you to wake you and get you out of bed in the morning. But once you get in the mode, then it's easy. However, forget about trying to sleep in on the weekends. That spouse/boyfiend/friend will not let you sleep in on the weekends, those morning people don't understand how to be quiet because they think everyone should be up "this" early!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    That's cool!
    If you have a smart phone you can download alarm clocks, I have one that is a puzzle alarm you either solve 5 math problems or re-type the quote that is on it. your alarm goes off continuously until you finish the puzzle by the time you are done you are pretty much wide awake. Its about the only thing I have found that prevents me from hitting snooze a million times.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    You just described me. I think morning should start at noon. The only way to do it is to do it. I started by having a friend of mine who had to get up hideously early wake me at 6 every morning and keep texting me till I got up. When I was accountable to someone it helped. Then I worked with a trainer and my sessions were at 7 so I had to get up at 6 to get there. Since I paid him in advance, I was losing money, not to mention really irritating him if I didn't show, so again, more accountability. I am currently doing an early morning crossfit class and I love it. I feel great the rest of the day, so I love getting up to go. I think probably having someone hold you accountable is a good way to go. It's what seems to have worked for me.
  • winodini
    winodini Posts: 135 Member
    I am having a hard time waking up too :( I am running/walking when I do wake up though, and Iu love how I feel for the day after... but that snooze button is the devil!
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    If you have a smart phone you can download alarm clocks, I have one that is a puzzle alarm you either solve 5 math problems or re-type the quote that is on it. your alarm goes off continuously until you finish the puzzle by the time you are done you are pretty much wide awake. Its about the only thing I have found that prevents me from hitting snooze a million times.

    Good Heavens! That's just sadistic! I can see me stomping my iphone into the carpet.
  • Skeith5
    Skeith5 Posts: 89 Member
    Fight it all you want but I don't think you'll really be able to change. I'm not a morning person, I enjoy sleeping in but I never do. It's a struggle to get my body to wake up in the morning for work.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    If you have a smart phone you can download alarm clocks, I have one that is a puzzle alarm you either solve 5 math problems or re-type the quote that is on it. your alarm goes off continuously until you finish the puzzle by the time you are done you are pretty much wide awake. Its about the only thing I have found that prevents me from hitting snooze a million times.

    Good Heavens! That's just sadistic! I can see me stomping my iphone into the carpet.

    Hahaha sadistic yes..but now I actually get up in the morning with out issues - I don't even need to use this alarm anymore and it only took me about a month to get used to early mornings.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    If you have a smart phone you can download alarm clocks, I have one that is a puzzle alarm you either solve 5 math problems or re-type the quote that is on it. your alarm goes off continuously until you finish the puzzle by the time you are done you are pretty much wide awake. Its about the only thing I have found that prevents me from hitting snooze a million times.

    Oooh, that sounds cool! I don't want to do the alarm by the door of the room thing because DH doesn't get to bed until between 12-3am and I don't want him to wake up too much, plus, I don't want to risk it waking the baby! I definitely won't get anything done at 5am is a crazy 2 year old is up with me. A smartphone beside me could work though.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Fight it all you want but I don't think you'll really be able to change. I'm not a morning person, I enjoy sleeping in but I never do. It's a struggle to get my body to wake up in the morning for work.

    I agree. Also, you don't really give a reason for you not being to exercise in the evening... just that "it never happens." Why doesn't it? I have a sneaking suspicion that it could possibly not be the timing that is the issue, but the actual act of exercising. If you are up until 11 PM and have a toddler, that's a lot of time between her bed time and yours. You just have to bite the bullet and commit to it. If you aren't fully committed, you will always hit snooze, or always stick around on the couch after your daughter goes to sleep.

    There will always been a reason not to work out...
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    What works for me is getting in the shower. Tell yourself when the alarm goes off, "If I'm still tired after this shower I can just go back to bed." The when you get in the shower you will feel more awake(use a shower gel you enjoy to get you in a positive mood). I have speakers in my bathroom and have playlists just for showers. You will find more times than not you will workout and be glad you did.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I gave that idea up long time ago. My body fought me and won. I am a night owl at heart...'hoo hoo hooo' LOL!!!!!!!!!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I gave that idea up long time ago. My body fought me and won. I am a night owl at heart...'hoo hoo hooo' LOL!!!!!!!!!
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Get a puppy. :laugh:
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    If you have a smart phone you can download alarm clocks, I have one that is a puzzle alarm you either solve 5 math problems or re-type the quote that is on it. your alarm goes off continuously until you finish the puzzle by the time you are done you are pretty much wide awake. Its about the only thing I have found that prevents me from hitting snooze a million times.

    OMG I want! What's it called?
  • pascale485
    pascale485 Posts: 173 Member
    Everytime you hear your alarm buzzing in the morning think to yourself : Fit or fat today???
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Get all of your workout clothes ready the night before. Then, when the alarm goes off, just tell yourself all you have to do is put on your workout clothes. If you still want to go back to bed, you can. Chances are, once you put the workout clothes on, you'll be motivated enough to go. Honestly, it only takes a few times of doing it before it becomes easy. I get up at 3:45 to work out before work now!