I don't know why, but is this weird

jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
I guess a little back story first. I have been overweight really morbidly obese my whole life. My parents, family, and friends were never judgemental always supportive of me at any weight. I would be the one that usually brought up that I had to do something about my weight.

But for some reason, I don't feel comfortable telling my parents how much I weight now. I will tell them how much I lost but not how much I weigh now, My dad doesn't really ask, my mom usually does. They also keep asking me when I am gonna stop, but follow it up with stop when you feel comfortable. I also don't feel comfortable in front of my parents with my shirt off, everyone else I feel comfortable with it just not them. They have never given me any reason that I can think of to feel this way. Is this weird? The shirt thing has nothing to do with loose skin, I do have some. I just don't get it. Any psychiatrists out there that can help. I crushed a huge milestone and would like to tell them, but for some reason I can't bring myself to it. My uncle asked me today in front of my parents and I responded with Less than you, yeah, I know that was rude. That's just me though. I can be rude at times but that's why they love me.


  • moniquelessard
    Maybe you feel uncomfortable with all that attention being directed your way? Maybe it's because you did it for you NOT for them or anyone else, and you're happy with that. Maybe you don't want the focus to be on your weight but rather all of the hard work you've put into losing the weight. It was a daily challenge and maybe you'd prefer for someone to say "wow, you're amazing because you never gave up. You put your mind to being healthier and you didn't let anything stop you. You've worked so hard for this. You should be so proud of yourself."

    Just a few ideas. I don't know you, so I can't fully analyze the situation. ;)

  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    it could be that, cause I told one of their best friends and he's always like, wow, i can't believe how well you're doing etc... he's always like I can't believe how much hard work you've put in.
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    that's not weird at all...parents are sometimes too close to the situation. Even though they supported you, you probably needed to hear something other than all that love...if you're a parent, you know exactly what I mean.

    find a way to announce your next benchmark goal and share it them, if possible. you're obviously self-conscious and uncomfortable disclosing this information about yourself for some reason. real men do cry...i don't mean that ugly. they certainly sound like they adore you.

    all my best wishes
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    thanks, maybe when I get to half the man I use to be I will announce, it will be in about 10 more lbs.
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    I would be like that too. I've just started 15th Oct and have lost 27lb but
    I havn't told my parents I,m even on this journey. My parents would be
    very supportive also but going back when I lived there and was trying to
    loose weight I think they were too supportive and a bit in my face.
    I think for some weird reason they would be asking me a lot how I am
    getting on etc. but because I have failed before and they have been
    there I want at the moment to do this without shouting about it.
    Sounds strange I know but hard to explain also.
    Good luck to you.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    that makes some sense too. they always ask how I did this week and such, usually I don't really think about it and tell them how much. It's not really a question though of how much I lost more of how much I weigh. My mom did stop asking me when I said the same thing to her that I said to my uncle when I responded with less than you. I think part of it might be that I was embarrassed by how much I weighed when I started and don't want them to do the math to figure it out. I will tell people in here I was like 376.4 when I started and as of this morning I was 199.4. It's unofficial though, I weigh in on Saturdays officially, I know with my sodium consumption from today, I probably won't be under 200 tomorrow even though calorie wise I was pretty good today.

    Congrats on your weightloss to date 27 lbs in a little over a month is awesome