30 Day Shred question

i was just wondering if anyone experience pain in both shins during 30DS?i read about knee pain some people experienced after the workout. I realized that my shins hurt the most after Day 1 and thought it will go away after Day 2 (i did take a break for 2 days before starting with D2) but it didnt. So after my Muay Thai training last night i continue with my Day 3 and only did 10mins before i gave up.I applied some ointment like i usually do after Muay Thai but it didnt make much difference. Now Im not too sure if i can even pass Level 1.


  • RoyalLadySanders
    I was doing 30 day shred everyday for awhile....I don't remember any serious shin pain but that's probably because I was hurting all over. After a few days, I guess my body had adjusted so I started doing No More Trouble Zones everyday instead. No major pain with that dvd...I'm assuming because I'm working the same muscles. Now, I'm doing Biggest Loser and my shins are in such pain.

    I would say, if your shins aren't used to an exercise on the dvd then they would be sore for a few days. I suggest soaking in some epsom salt, applying ice or rubbing some icy-hot on them and pressing through (as long as your ankles aren't swollen or anything). You'll notice your shins will get used to the exercises after a few days.

    It could also be due to over use and your shins are aggravated. If you feel the need, take a break a little longer from doing that particular dvd and/or consult with your doctor.