what am I doing wrong??



  • chrissys74
    thank you all so much! I did not think about a lot of things you all posted! I am going to cut out the processed foods (which is like a total duh moment for me because I make sure my kids eat no processed foods and here I am eating it like crazy) I am also going to start strength training and adding more cardio.

    Has anyone done Jillain Michael's Shred in 30??? I think I am going to pick that up and start adding more fruits and veggies in my diet and yeah, losing 2 lbs a week were I am probably isn't reasonable. I think I will go for .5 a week. Oh and I have to get a better scale! Mine is NEVER accurate. Shesh!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    WOW!! Thanks so much for all the fast responses. I have been to the Dr. and everything is normal. NO, I odn't have much weight to lose but I really want to tone up. I was is very good shape before having my kids. (that profile picture is before kids..I could not find another off hand. LOL) and since having them I just feel totally out of shape even though I am at a good weight. I hope I am making sense. I will take all your advice. I will start doing more strenght training and for longer periods. According to this program I am at 1200 a day which is bare minimum. Also, I have been measuring and nothing has changed so I don't think it is muscle. UGH! I wish!

    How do I open my diary?? I do eat a lot of lean cuisines and things like that because it take less time. I homeschool both my kids so time is a BIG factor. Maybe my diet is the problem??? I will try and open it up.

    I haven't looked at the diary yet, but I can say from past experience that Lean Cuisine, although lower in calories than other meals, aren't that great for helping lose weight, They still have a large amount of sodium in them, and I never lost weight when I ate them. I raelize I'm single and have more time to prepare food, but sometime I do stuff in bulk and freeze it. For instance I made about 3 quarts of chicken soup and then froze it in single servings, or I'll make spaghetti, or burritos as well. Anything simple and easy-I always cook a lot on my george foreman grill, sometimes I'll grill a few chicken breasts for the week and then eat them one by one in a salad. And then with vegetables, sometimes I'll get a bunch and then cut them up and put them into individual servings so I can just grab them and go throughout the week. People say calories in vs calories out is how you lose weight, and for the most part I think that's true, but I've noticed since turning 30 that if my calories don't come from healthier foods, then the weight just lingers and doesn't want to leave as quickly. Hopefully this helps a bit.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    I'm so proud of you for posting that you would like input to help you lose weight. I peeked at your diary, and I agree with the other posters here, try to get away from the "frozen dinner" route. Even the "skinny" or "lean" styles. While they are quick and easy, you can eat a LOT more food and feel even fuller when you make it yourself.

    My thing lately is I take two slices of high fiber bread, make a vegetable sandwich, I'll either cook a scrambled egg or portion out a 4 oz chicken breast and pound it thin, hit it in a skillet for 3 minutes a side, throw it on that sandwich... I'll have a Greek yogurt, couple pieces of fruit and maybe some almonds! takes less time to make than heating up a microwave meal and tastes incredible and you made it yourself! And that is just lunch!
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    WOW!! Thanks so much for all the fast responses. I have been to the Dr. and everything is normal. NO, I odn't have much weight to lose but I really want to tone up. I was is very good shape before having my kids. (that profile picture is before kids..I could not find another off hand. LOL) and since having them I just feel totally out of shape even though I am at a good weight. I hope I am making sense. I will take all your advice. I will start doing more strenght training and for longer periods. According to this program I am at 1200 a day which is bare minimum. Also, I have been measuring and nothing has changed so I don't think it is muscle. UGH! I wish!

    How do I open my diary?? I do eat a lot of lean cuisines and things like that because it take less time. I homeschool both my kids so time is a BIG factor. Maybe my diet is the problem??? I will try and open it up.

    I haven't looked at the diary yet, but I can say from past experience that Lean Cuisine, although lower in calories than other meals, aren't that great for helping lose weight, They still have a large amount of sodium in them, and I never lost weight when I ate them. I raelize I'm single and have more time to prepare food, but sometime I do stuff in bulk and freeze it. For instance I made about 3 quarts of chicken soup and then froze it in single servings, or I'll make spaghetti, or burritos as well. Anything simple and easy-I always cook a lot on my george foreman grill, sometimes I'll grill a few chicken breasts for the week and then eat them one by one in a salad. And then with vegetables, sometimes I'll get a bunch and then cut them up and put them into individual servings so I can just grab them and go throughout the week. People say calories in vs calories out is how you lose weight, and for the most part I think that's true, but I've noticed since turning 30 that if my calories don't come from healthier foods, then the weight just lingers and doesn't want to leave as quickly. Hopefully this helps a bit.

    I also agree with Emily_J_J - I NEVER lost weight when I was dieting eating "lean cuisine". Also, I was as grouchy as a Grizzly Bear...

    Emily _J_J is right, if you are short on time day to day, you can make your own little frozen meals out of better quality ingredients.