And I still see Flaws__ with pic

I have lost 16 pounds so far and Still want to see this last 14 come off Yes am at a healthy weight and what not but I want killer abs by summer hopefully I just dont understand when some times Look in the mirror at my body and still see flaws my waist is smaller but love handles are still there just want them off and my arms could be more tone strech marks are defintely getting worse Other days I look in the mirror and think wow I am really doing good I am at a point were others are seeing the change in my body and I often get compliments But how Do yous deal with these feelings of good not being good enough and constanley want to see the results of all the hard work and effort ? or being your own worst credict Just need some advice on these feelings
253829_213645108670050_100000736870920_622444_3343050_n1.jpg me beore
320610_289987001035860_100000736870920_877932_1686803931_n.jpg me now


  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    You look amazing!
  • First of all... YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!!

    I don't think you should put too much pressure on yourself. What you are doing is obviously working and in time you will get those killer abs. Maybe you should write a list of the things you used to do and the lifestyle you used to live and compare it to the way you are now? I'm sure that way you will realise how much you have changed for the better.

    You should be proud about your achievement and believe in yourself. Look at how fantastic you look and realise that you have got this!!

    Good luck xxx :flowerforyou:
  • You look fantastic, those 16lbs have really made a difference. I've lost 40 and I still don't see that much of a difference.

    I think you have to find a balance between how much work you want to put in to achieve your goals and how good you want to look. Once you've gotten as far as you can go you need to decide whether you want to up your effort or whether you are happy with how you look. But improvement takes time as well as effort. Its important to be patient although - I find that the hardest thing of all.
  • Bosbes
    Bosbes Posts: 55 Member
    You look great and more people will tell you. The problem is you not loving your body like you should. It´s entirely possible to love your body and still want to change it (build muscles, lose weight etc.). Maybe you can try to look at your body in a different way. List things you like about your body. Be happy because it's functioning and healthy :). I think people should do this no matter what they weigh. There are always positives.
  • you look like a different person!
  • LickyNees
    LickyNees Posts: 101 Member
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I pretty much think body shape/weight is like "hair" or "skin"... You've got these "bad hair" or "bad skin" days when no matter how hard you look at it, you just think "man, my skin look awful!" or "why does my hair sucks so much today!!!".

    The truth is that it mostly depends on how you perceive yourself on that particular day, because you can't change that much physically in 1 day...
    And I am sure on the days you feel good mentally, then your whole body has got that aura that makes you look good no matter what.

    Not sure how to deal with it though, I guess I just try to ignore those "bad days" now =)
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I thnk you look awesome. (:
  • You look fantastic!
  • Sebnem123
    Sebnem123 Posts: 123 Member
    you look great...
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    You look totally HOT!! But I totally understand what you mean about not always seeing the good things that have happened to your body. Sometimes all I see is the empty wrinkly skin that used to be plumped out with fat, now its just gross! You just have to accept that yes, stretch marks will look worse, but taken as a whole your body will be looking better and your health will be so much improved for losing the weight.
    Keep at it, losing weight is about retraining your perception of yourself, not just eating less.
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    awesome pics, your legs and shoulders look amazing especially!

    i'm at similar point in the journey in that some days i feel fab and thing i look great, some days, all i can see is the wobble. but i keep reminding myself that 6 months ago, *all* i saw was the wobble :D

    I've accepted that i don't want to exert the will power and effort that would give me the sub-20%BF, cut and muscled look you see in the likes of jamie eason, how ever much i might day dream! and even if i did, i suspect that even people like her have bad days.
    so some days, my brain will be unreasonably disappointed that i don't look like that and pick on my flaws, and some days it'll decide that all of the effort i have made has been so worth it and my body is looking good. i'm lucky that i don't end up stuck in first mode of thinking for days on end so i can keep an amused distance from the highs AND the lows.

    i am willing to exercise restraint and keep up the active lifestyle long term and keep on paying attention so i don't slip back into my old habits and that itself is a huge victory. enjoy the highs and laugh at the lows when you can, and you will be fine :)
  • you look stunning, but like you said it's crazy how no matter how well we do or accomplished can we is our flaws or what we are unhappy with...
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    ok im defintely going to work on loving my body this might be were these feelings are coming from
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    Look at those toned legs!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have the same issue.. love handles love me... but they are shrinking n soon they'l be gone soooon !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Those legs are killer! You look fantastic. Just keep going and you will get what you want. But really. You are doing great. Congrats on your achievements and keep going strong.
  • liseylee2012
    liseylee2012 Posts: 7 Member
    you look great, be easy on yourself. we are human, so perfection should never be a goal... I love your body
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Holy crap, you look gorgeous! Great legs and shoulders!

    I see my flaws all the time myself. Sometimes I look in the mirror and don't think I look any different than I did 35 pounds ago. And I think it's because sometimes we see what's really there, and sometimes we only see our mental image of ourselves, which can change with the weather. Before I lost weight, there were days I felt beautiful and days I felt crappy... why should it be any different now?

    How I feel is almost always based on that mental image. For instance... for an event, I wore last year's Halloween costume, and compared it to photos of it from last year. And I realized that how I look NOW is how I thought I looked in it then, if that makes sense. My mental image was skewed, but in the opposite direction!

    So whenever I feel like a hamster in a wheel, that I'm not making any progress, I shake myself out of it and stick my camera on a tripod and take some self-portraits. The mirror lies, but the camera gives me a different perspective.