How to take a compliment



  • rcpayton
    Just saying Thank You works just fine. Yesterday, a relative I hadnt seen in a while said "you look really great". I didnt know if he was commenting on my weight loss (if he had even noticed) or that I just look fine in general. If I had started talking about my weight loss and he wasnt referring to that, then I would have felt strange. :) So, I just said, "thank you". I acknowledged his compliment, showed gratitude and moved on.

    You have worked hard and deserve to receive compliments! But the biggest compliments are the things you say to yourself. Ive always been hard on myself about my weight/appearance. So, when I give myself a pat on the back for getting this far, it motivates me even more! We are our own worst critics sometimes.

    Congrats on the weight are doing great!!!! ;)
  • selfishshellfish
    Yeah, I'm also in the 'just say "Thank you"' camp. Say it with a smile and don't make a big deal out of it.

    I have learned that it's possible to do this convincingly even when you don't believe or feel the compliment.
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    You look fantastic

    If the complimenter is female- " Thanks! Wanna make out?"

    If the complimenter is male- "Thanks! Do you have a sister?"