Feeling a bit down today.

It's totally silly. I weighed myself today, which I do every week, and I was a pound up. I know deep down this isn't completely real because I had fish and chips last night and I find that when I eat a heavy meal it carries on to the next day. I was meant to go to zumba last night but my mum bailed out (due to being ill) and as it's the quieter night (we go twice a week) I gave it a miss as well. So we had fish and chips. Thing is, I had enough calories, I'd only eaten like 500 throughout the day and had like 10 glasses of water. I've also been good all week, so I know it must be cos of that heavy dinner. It's just so heartbreaking when you work soo hard all week and then you get on the scales and you're a pound heavier. Especially cos last week I lost four pounds and I was so happy. It just brought me right down. I thought I was set to lose twenty pounds by christmas but now I feel like I can't.

Anyway, today we always go out for lunch at work. Normally I'm naughty and I don't log fridays, but I did today because I want to weigh myself tomorrow. Anyway, I have like 400 calories left. It's going to be so damn hard going home and eating a salad when I feel like my efforts are wasted anyway. I totally realise this is stupid and over the top and my efforts aren't wasted if I lost 4 pounds last week. It's just, at times like this I start to wonder if I can actually keep this up. I'm at work feeling like I want to burst into tears, it's ridiculous.

I'm not sure whether to weigh tomorrow now cos I've eaten a lot at lunch, but I think mother nature is on it's way next week (could explain why I am so emotional) so I won't be able to weigh next week. I can't go two weeks not knowing what I weigh! Or should I just accept I put on a pound? lol.

Anyway, I'm going swimming tomorrow morning to make up for no zumba. (weigh before or after swimming?).

Sorry about this emotionally messy rant!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Our journey is filled with ups and downs. Don't stress over 1 lb.:flowerforyou:
  • philfitt
    philfitt Posts: 3 Member
    When you eat foods like that, you gain a little water weight. Don't obsess over small weight gains like that, it is perfectly normal and will vanish over the next couple of days.

    I had fish and chips, a massive bag of maltesers and a mars milk shake last night and gained 3 pounds. I'm not fussed though because it will be gone by Sunday. I always have a treat day where I eat whatever I like guilt free.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You are losing weight. As part of that, you will have weeks you lose, weeks you stay the same, and weeks you go up a little. It is part of the process. You can't lose your mind over it. After logging my weight for a while, I have noticed a pattern - I lose a little, then gain a little of it back, stay there for a few weeks, and then lose again, gain a little back, stay for a few weeks, and on it goes. Knowing that about myself, I don't let it bother me when I see that little gain, or when I stay there for a little while. Find your pattern and embrace it. It is who you are and you can't change it.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I see the exact same thing, up 1, down 2, up 3 even, then later down 4, water weight and other facts, 1 lb is not worth getting upset over as it is highly likely it would not be actual FAT gained. I always say to myself if I ate well and did not binge eat 3500 cals in a day, then there is no way I could have gained 1lb of fat... so don't stress about it, and just get back in the game...
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    I,m glad i,m not the only one feeling like this.
    Mother nature is visiting me at the minute and i feel like a brick :0/
    My weigh in is on sunday and i know its going to be bad as i,m stuck at 13.3 and i cant shift the scales down anymore and ive been like this for a month! grrrr!
    I,m trying not to cry myself as im putting in so much hard work and not getting the result i want :0(

    I,m trying to keep at what i,m doing and just wait for the scales to get the hint and go down!

    Try not to feel down i know its easier said then done but your not on your on in feeling like this
  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 78 Member
    It's perfectly natural to go up and down during the week. Are you weighing ONCE a week? Just START OVER each morning and stick to it!! YOU can do it.. Don't give up so easily.. Nothing in life worth having is given to you.. you work for it!! SO if you want to lose and do this.. Prove it to yourself..and do it FOR YOURSELF!!! First and foremost!!! :0
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I agree with everyone else, weight fluctuates by as much as a few pounds. I was up this morning but I know it's water weight so I'm not worried. It really does take several days of being naughty to actually gain back a pound, it takes extra calories to make an extra pound and I didn't see that in your post.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Hey girl, the 1lb could be water retention, it happens sometimes, is it your TOM? Even if not, everyone fluctuates a couple of lb's every now and then.

    Please do not feel too upset about it. I gained 2lb last week, I was a little annoyed but then realised it might just be water retention or the wine I drank the night before and I exercised a bit more at home and cycled soemwhere and back for peace of mind, the way you plan on swimming tomorrow.

    You can have more than a salad for dinner - try 50g (dry weight) wholemeal pasta, cook it, add sauteed garlic (optional), 100g steamed or boiled green beans, half of a cooked and chopped chicken breast and 30g or a nice tablespoon of Philadelphia light to make a creamy sauce (add a bit of pasta water too to make the philly go further).

    This is a good sized portion and under 400cals and it will fill you up a lot more than plain salad and trust me, it's good!

    Chicken - Breast, meat only, cooked, roasted, 0.5 breast, bone and skin removed 142cal

    Tesco - Wholemeal Spaghetti, 50 g 163cal

    Kraft Light Philadelphia - Medium Fat Soft Cheese - Spring Onion & Black Pepper, 30 g 44cal

    Generic - Green Beans, 100 g 40cal

    TOTAL: 389 calories, 7g fat.

  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    As others have mentioned it's only 1 pound. You can make it up fairly easily.

    However, you need to start logging Fridays! Do you know that if you go over on that day that you could wipe out a weeks worth of work? Yep, it can happen. That's 1/7th of the week.

    No one wants to go home and eat a salad. However, with a little planning you can have satisfying meals that fill you up. Trust me you can do it. It takes more work upfront but the results are well worth it.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    Your weight gain could be water retention if you had foods high in sodium. If you lost 4 pounds last week you are obviously on the right track so please don't beat yourself over this 1 pound gain.. which could just be water anyways. Making a lifestyle change requires patience and hard work. You willl get the results you seek if you work hard for it. Just shake this little setback off and get back at it. Don't look behind... just work with the present moment. Today you CAN make a difference. My advice would be to avoid the scale tomorrow but you do what you feel is best.. just don't feel negativity towards yourself because negativity, in my experience, does NOT act as a motivator for change. When I feel negative about myself it makes me want to just throw in the towel.. don't let that happen to you. If you want a healthier body, you CAN make it happen!

    Best wishes!
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    It's hard work. You are doing this for your health and these minor 'inconveniences' need to be treated as just that. Remember the bigger picture! Forgive yourself and move forward! :happy:
  • charbogue
    Thanks guys :). I think it was just a bit disappointing (plus emotions).

    I only weigh once a week yeah, last week I weighed twice. On the wednesday I was 16.10 and then when I weighed properly on the friday I was 16.5. So, I learnt not to do that anymore!

    You're all right anyway, it's only a pound. Even if that is true (which I doubt) then I have still lost 10 pounds.

    I will have a salad when I get in, drink lots of water, and swim tomorrow.
  • charbogue
    Aw you guys are wonderful. I will take all your advice :). I think i've just been so motivated to do well these past couple of weeks, it's always on my mind. It gets a bit stressful!

    Kevin3344 - I will definitely start logging every day now. I used to avoid it when I knew I had a bad day. No longer!
  • LMTx
    LMTx Posts: 19
    A pound can come and go...

    Chin up & don't get disheartened :smile:

    Just remember that you were once 11 pounds heavier... You may feel like you've had a little set back but just think how much happier you'll be next week when you loose that pound and some.

    You go girl. You can do it!
  • charbogue
    Thank you!!
  • danagisana
    danagisana Posts: 42 Member
    Just know that you aren't the only one who gets freaked out and discouraged when the scale goes up. I always find myself doing that and I can tell myself a million times not to worry but I still do.
    So give yourself a break, and don't give up, and just know that if you keep up the good work the general trend on the scale will be downward and that's all you need.
    good luck!