


  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Sabotage implies intent. If this person was ACTUALLY trying to sabotage you then she is NOT your friend and you should have nothing to do with her because she is a horrible, rotten person. If she actually a very nice person that you enjoy talking to and having lunch with, then she was not trying to SABOTAGE you. I happen to be the type of person who enjoys baking for people. I also happen to be the type of person who wants nothing more than see people reach their weight-loss/fitness goals. People who bake are not the freaking devil.

    eta: you brought the cookies home, but they aren't in the trash yet? Are you trying to SABOTAGE yourself?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Looks like you have the opportunity to share with this gal that you can indeed eat that work-provided lunch and eat a cookie once in while, fitting it into the calorie and macro goals MFP sets up for you. She will quickly see that this is much more manageable, gives better results and is easier on her wallet than Herbalife. Hooray!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I did a blog post about this

    I see so many post about people that feel others are not supportive of their effort to lose weight.

    Boyfriends that want to eat junk

    Friend offering a donut

    Family that say ou do not need to lose weight, eat just one.

    They are NOT jalous of you, they do not want to sabotage you!!!! Stop thinking everyone is out to get you.

    Feeding is caring.

    THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO!!!! And frankly they do not have to. You are changing, they are not. Most people are not evil, they just have not walked in your shoes. This '' jounrney'' (hate the word) is a solitary one.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    They are not jalous of you!!!!
    I see so many post about people that feel others are not supportive of their effort to lose weight.

    Boyfriends that want to eat junk

    Friend offering a donut

    Family that say ou do not need to lose weight, eat just one.

    They are NOT jalous of you, they do not want to sabotage you!!!! Stop thinking everyone is out to get you.

    Feeding is caring.

    THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO!!!! And frankly they do not have to. You are changing, they are not. Most people are not evil, they just have not walked in your shoes. This '' jounrney'' (hate the word) is a solitary one.

    This X100
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    I did a blog post about this

    I see so many post about people that feel others are not supportive of their effort to lose weight.

    Boyfriends that want to eat junk

    Friend offering a donut

    Family that say ou do not need to lose weight, eat just one.

    They are NOT jalous of you, they do not want to sabotage you!!!! Stop thinking everyone is out to get you.

    Feeding is caring.

    THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO!!!! And frankly they do not have to. You are changing, they are not. Most people are not evil, they just have not walked in your shoes. This '' jounrney'' (hate the word) is a solitary one.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Feeding is caring.

    THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO!!!! And frankly they do not have to. You are changing, they are not. Most people are not evil, they just have not walked in your shoes. This '' jounrney'' (hate the word) is a solitary one.
    I didn't begrudge my loved ones for putting out tasty sodium-filled, not-even-close-to-low-fat goodies on the Thanksgiving table yesterday. I appreciated the offering, partook in moderation, and moved on.
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    I know this lady just sounds mean, but I work with a lady that shows her love with food. That's even harder because I understand what she is doing and just can't hurt her feelings! She is from another culture along with being thin as a rail herself, so I had to work hard to figure out what to do. I took a long look at myself and decided I would use these opportunities to work on my willpower. When she brings me fruit I eat it where she can see me and adjust my other snacks. When she brings me cookies I leave them on my desk and when a co-worker passes by I quietly offer them one while I eat my Skinny Cow candy bar. This lady also cooks actual food for me sometimes like spaghetti/garlic bread, etc and when she does I put it in the fridge and bring it home for my husband that night. I just figured out it's something I have to deal with, not everyone else. Before I started this journey we had a woman on weight watchers at our office. The boss brought donuts one morning and she came through and said real loud "you people are going to have to stop bringing stuff like this!!" It made me mad because at that time none of the rest of us were dieting so I thought what the heck??? I thought she should control herself and not try to dictate for everyone else. So now I have kept quiet about my own journey and just silently losing weight......they will notice sooner or later!! :)

    Down 28 pounds in 95 days!!!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I know this lady just sounds mean, but I work with a lady that shows her love with food. That's even harder because I understand what she is doing and just can't hurt her feelings! She is from another culture along with being thin as a rail herself, so I had to work hard to figure out what to do. I took a long look at myself and decided I would use these opportunities to work on my willpower. When she brings me fruit I eat it where she can see me and adjust my other snacks. When she brings me cookies I leave them on my desk and when a co-worker passes by I quietly offer them one while I eat my Skinny Cow candy bar. This lady also cooks actual food for me sometimes like spaghetti/garlic bread, etc and when she does I put it in the fridge and bring it home for my husband that night. I just figured out it's something I have to deal with, not everyone else. Before I started this journey we had a woman on weight watchers at our office. The boss brought donuts one morning and she came through and said real loud "you people are going to have to stop bringing stuff like this!!" It made me mad because at that time none of the rest of us were dieting so I thought what the heck??? I thought she should control herself and not try to dictate for everyone else. So now I have kept quiet about my own journey and just silently losing weight......they will notice sooner or later!! :)

    Down 28 pounds in 95 days!!!

    I believe this is will you have much more success and people probably love being around you. You are very GRACIOUS. Congratulations on your success. I hope people listen to your strategies for LIFE.
  • My girlfriend does the same to me, when she was pies at work she brings im home to me.What I do is a
    give them people I play tennis with.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I know this lady just sounds mean, but I work with a lady that shows her love with food. That's even harder because I understand what she is doing and just can't hurt her feelings! She is from another culture along with being thin as a rail herself, so I had to work hard to figure out what to do. I took a long look at myself and decided I would use these opportunities to work on my willpower. When she brings me fruit I eat it where she can see me and adjust my other snacks. When she brings me cookies I leave them on my desk and when a co-worker passes by I quietly offer them one while I eat my Skinny Cow candy bar. This lady also cooks actual food for me sometimes like spaghetti/garlic bread, etc and when she does I put it in the fridge and bring it home for my husband that night. I just figured out it's something I have to deal with, not everyone else. Before I started this journey we had a woman on weight watchers at our office. The boss brought donuts one morning and she came through and said real loud "you people are going to have to stop bringing stuff like this!!" It made me mad because at that time none of the rest of us were dieting so I thought what the heck??? I thought she should control herself and not try to dictate for everyone else. So now I have kept quiet about my own journey and just silently losing weight......they will notice sooner or later!! :)

    Down 28 pounds in 95 days!!!
    I believe this is will you have much more success and people probably love being around you. You are very GRACIOUS. Congratulations on your success. I hope people listen to your strategies for LIFE.
    Bingo. The cookie plates will keep coming from other folks as the years go by. Best to be gracious, and recognize that it's a gift -- a sacrifice of time and/or money. The only person that can sabotage your weight loss is yourself. We each decide whether we will snarf down the plate of cookies, share them with others, save them, etc.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't let her get in your way, she probably just forgot. That said, you can always throw them away or put them out in the lunch room for everyone else to enjoy :)
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Good Grief, throw them away.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Do you have a neighbor? Give it to them then your passing the kind thought along without breaking your diet.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Thanks for the support.

    If it was from anyone else, I would have taken it in the spirit that they are just being nice, but this one person is the kind who would do it deliberately because she knows it would not be what I want. I would prefer to not have her in my life at all, but we work very closely together as we run the section at work together and share an office. Our job often requires two people to do a job for safety reasons and all elements need us to know what the other is doing, so I have no choice but to be around her far too often.