I am single and this Valentine I am doing this for myself.

I have seen too many single people that I feel lonely. So Please give words of encouragement to the single people here. What are you going to do for yourself this Valentine?


  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I have seen too many single people that I feel lonely. So Please give words of encouragement to the single people here. What are you going to do for yourself this Valentine?
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Well... I'm a little outta place b/c I'm not single... but, my boyfriend has to work on V-Day, so I'm going to hit the gym and make ME better. :heart: :drinker:

    And, I will avoid the Valentine's Day aisles at the store at all costs. :angry: Even though I'm with someone, I can't stand the commercialism. .... or the chocolate tempation. :wink:
  • plumpgirl
    :heart: "You have to love yourself first." We hear this all the time but it is so very true. This Valentine's Day I am going to love myself enough not too eat an entire box of chocolates!
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    That is funny and a great Idea!!
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    The last valentines day I was single I went to the gym (which was empty!!) and then went to my moms. I watched spawn with my little brothers while I eat steamed chicken. It was a good relaxing night. This day isnt a big deal to me though. My boyfriend and I are going to my moms for a family dinner. Its just another day.
  • csantos1182
    when i was single i always spent valentines day with my best friend, going out to dinner, going dancing, whatever seemed like fun.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    My single friend always calls Valentines day 'Singles Awareness Day'.

    V-day is pretty much a holiday created to boost the economy right around the time that everyone has exhausted all of their money on Christmas, and have just started to recover.

    So don't worry! It's just a fake holiday anyway.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i am single and i dont give a rats a** about VD!
    wow, that sounded bad! :devil:
    actually, i am quite grateful that i choose not to stress about this evil hallmark holliday. the only thing i do is send a message on FB and/or myspace to my pals to say i love them, and maybe a blanket text to them as well.

    for those of you that are single and get the saddy's, i think treating yourself to a movie, mani, pedi, dinner, shopping spree, etc are excellent ideas! and just think - there are a ton of people who are in relationships who wish they were single, so embrace your freedom and smile at the tought it most likely wont last forever.
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    I never felt bad as a single on Vday and neither should you! It's just another day.

    Cheer you up: A few years back a girlfriend and I went to dinner at Red Robin just to get out and talk and was floored to see how many couples spent their "special day" there. I would rather be single then to have that be my "special Vday meal".

    And another: If you happen to be coupled up and your man does nothing for you until a holiday or your birthday...would you rather not be single?

    Just shows you that single or not, there are always lonely people out there on this Hallmark Holiday, created by people who wanna make a buck.

    Just my soap box 2 cents.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    I've been single more years than not-single! Even though there are times when I wish I had "someone" - I also love the time I have to myself and the lack of strife.

    I get to choose where, when, and with whom I spend my time.
    I can buy whatever I can afford.
    I can wear what I want.
    I can go to bed and get up on my own schedule.
    I can change my own tire, take out my own garbage, pay my own bills, parallel park, plan my meals when I want, eat healthy, watch chick flicks on TV.
    I can have three cats.
    I don't have to "check-in" with anyone if I decide to stay out five hours longer than originally planned. ~~~and then get in 'trouble'.

    I am buying myself a Valentine present.:heart: I know I'll get what I wanted!

    I know the single life is not for everyone, but I heard on the local news that 42% of the households in the nearest big city to me are single occupants. I was surprised. But there are a lot of single people out there, and we are not all looking to be comforted - or to hook up with someone!:laugh: or to be "taken care of" on the holidays. Please don't feel sorry for me!!!!!!

    And don't call us "Strays!":angry: (ok, me thinks she doth protest too much??) :wink:
  • marisa0918
    This year I am glad to be single! I was in a bad relationship this time last year, so trust me being single is not that bad.....could def be worse.... I'll introduce you to my ex and trust me you will appreciate being single so much more!!! :laugh: of course he also happens to be the father of my child so I still have to see him once a week :grumble: Ohh well we do make better friends then lovers and he want to be a father.
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    When I was married I was not happy, When I was single people looked at me wierd because I choose to be single,but it was so much fun. I took my time and found a great guy, he does not like to celebrate Valentine, he says why do I have to give you flowers because it is the thing.I agree with him,beside I don't like roses.
    Some people view being single as "what is wrong with me" and people here are so understanding and helpful. Keep the great ideas coming.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I'm going to look in the mirror on Valentine's Day this Saturday, smile and say:

    :heart: "I love you! Happy Valentine's Day" :heart:

    I'm going to remember to love me, myself no matter what. Single or not single. Fit or not fit. Clothes fit or not fit. Whatever, I'm going to love myself no matter what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm going to give myself a big hug and tell me what a wonderful person I am and that I'm so proud of me. :happy:
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    Ive been single for around 5 years by choice. right now I like being single. I like the freedom to do whatever i want and not concern myself with another person I can be very selfish and it wont hurt anyone else. I dont think V-day is a big deal at all and the last few years I have done absolutly nothing lol its just another day.

    But in the far past when i was single on V-day I would get myself my fav chocolates ( milk chocolate vanilla buttercreames) and some wine and rent a good movie and really enjoy my treat :) darn i wish i hadnt remembered that cause it sure sounds good to me right now :love:
  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    Forget dates, go out with your single girlfriends! When I was single I used to make a girl date with some of my good friends and we would all go out to eat and to see a chick flick. It was always fun!!
  • naner
    naner Posts: 110
    I am spending V-day with my 4 yearold daughter!! :smile: :love: and i might be going to my bestfriends house.:heart::bigsmile: