Belly deflating...Hips hurting..

eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
So when I started this journey I was incredibly close to 400lbs, 388 to be exact. Since March I've dropped 74lbs doing it the right way. I eat my calories, I exercise regularly, drinking plenty of water, and most important... I enjoy life and if I want something I'll eat it.

It seems with my loss my skin on my stomach is hanging and it's resting on my hips. I've always had a large stomach that hangs but it's never made my hips hurt until recently. I was wondering if anyone has had any issues like this?

If you look at my pics you can get an idea about the stomach.


(Oh, sorry I think I put this in the wrong section. Maybe if anyone could give me tips or pointers on firming up that skin it might fit into this section lol)


  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    The chances of your being able to tone the skin that is stretched out that much is pretty slim. I have a similar problem, from 7 pregnancies then being moderately overweight. I'll be having the skin removed in March by a plastic surgeon.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I know I won't be able to tone it completely but I know it'll shrink up some. I'm relatively young (27) and I've never had kids (don't think that matters stretched out either way). I have a friend who's lost over 100lbs and she's shrinking up. I don't expect to have a 6 pack but I hope it'll eventually get less and less to where it won't make my hips hurt.
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    My husband hit just over 300 before we got married. He worked out and lost the weight SLOWLY and steadily. Through strength training and slowly losing the weight he doesn't have a whole lot of extra skin. I think that is key.
  • At 27, your body may absorb the excess skin. I have known people who lost the excess skin slowly after they lost the weight. I have been losing the excess skin with the fat. Genetics plays a role. What I am thinking is that you are still carrying a good bit of weight. I wear a lightweight support panty when I exercise even when I do water aerobics. I also wear a bra under my swimsuit. At your weight, I would do water aerobics and avoid excessive stress on your body. You don't want to stretch those ligaments. I have been stagnant at 239 for about 8 months. However, my pendulous belly is getting smaller. I do exercise. I do a combination of walking, water aerobics, swimming and weight training. I wear appropriate support garments. I do not wear corset like girdles. I do recommend a good support bra like lillyette, bali and not a sports bra. Many are designed for small breasted women or small women. If you need the support, use it. It's the stretched ligaments that make your breast sag. I'm 55. Good luck kid! I'm proud that you are doing so well. Ann
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When you say pain... as in shallow pain between the skin, tissue and muscle? Or deeper in the joint or bones? I have found that "light support" garments or support pantyhose help with the discomfort of "loose" skin and assists in reducing the jiggle of the lower belly and bum. I did have some chiropractic adjustments on my lower back and hips when I felt my gait had been affected by the lost weight. Losing 6 inches off each thigh would make anyone walk differently and change your posture.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Try incorporating Tae Bo Insane Abs into your routine.