Scared of what was once considered off limit foods

I am coming from an Atkins background since 2003. Foods that were high in carbs (especially simple carbs) were off limits otherwise you would upset your whole weeks worth of hard work. I was really good at abstaining for quite a few years until life got in the way. Then it got easier and easier to just have a take out meal rather than cook at home.

Now that I am watching calories and learning so much about it...Pizza, ice cream, cookies, all scares me now.
I know I can 'have' them now if I want, in moderation yada yada but for some reason I just can't bring myself to eat them. I'm an all or nothing type person and I am scared one cookie is too much and 100 not enough!

Does this ever get better? I AM learning other savory foods don't affect me like sugary ones do and when I make my own personal pizza I can stop at that and be fine...but what I am scared of is having a take out pizza or a piece of birthday cake, or a cookie from Subway. My coworkers who are on here with me tell me all the time I can have these things, just in moderation...but I know ME and Me doesn't think she could handle the cravings after having just one slice of pizza or one cookie or one piece of cake.

Just wondering for those who are making the transition like I am to portion control...does it get to where a little bit will satisfy you rather than create a binge? That's what I am afraid of.....the looming binge!


  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    I've actually found that when you stop eating certain things, most of it stops tasting as good as it used to, so at least at first you have to make a habit of eating badly to get hooked on it again. Pizza might be an exception. :)
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I've actually found that when you stop eating certain things, most of it stops tasting as good as it used to, so at least at first you have to make a habit of eating badly to get hooked on it again. Pizza might be an exception. :)

    I agree with every word of this.
  • I know what you mean. I have certain foods and snacks that can easily lead to a binge. I finally accepted that there are some foods and snacks that I am just better off staying away from. There is nothing wrong with just staying away from certain foods. This may be avoiding the real solution but I am better off not tempting myself.
  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    Make your own homemade items, better portion controls, knowing what in it and it taste delicious. I will have a pizza, I take bread, put some meat, cheese, other veggies and toast it in the oven. Yum! Perfect for those days you just want pizza but know you don't have the calories!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    It's funny, sometimes I can eat just one little bite of candy and be satisfied, especially when it's dark chocolate almond bark, but if there are cookies or cakes around or even pizza, I'm still subject to overdoing it. For some reason I just don't know how to say NO to certain things yet, but I'm getting better at it.

    I'm trying to tell myself that those things are just bad food and I have no business eating them. I'm making homemade pizza tonight, though, and I know all of the ingredients are healthy and good, but still, I can only have ONE piece, otherwise I'd go over on cals for the day. And I'm fine with that. Sugar is different, once I get started it's not easy to stop. So I don't even start, and have a piece of fruit or grapes instead. Once the tastebuds lose the taste for sugary sweets, it's surprising how much better fruit tastes.

    I've been at this for 1 year, lost 49 lbs, and I must say that "good" food is starting to be much easier to eat. Raw cauliflower instead of chips, great big salads for lunch, etc. Sometimes I just need a BIG plate of something that I know isn't going to ruin my day. I've learned that getting enough potassium every day and including foods rich in Omega-3s has made me feel much better and my outlook is generally very positive.

    When we eat bad stuff we feel bad for several reasons. It's poison to our bodies, it has a boomerang effect which makes us want more, and it also makes us have to live with guilt. Yuck. I don't want to live that way.

    If you're around birthday cake or cookies or take-out pizza, you'll just have to learn to control the amount you have. It's not easy! Just tell yourself it's bad for you. And it is.

    Bad food begets bad energy which begets bad attitude. Those things add up to one miserable person. I know, I've been there.

    Keep us posted! Do good, I know you can.
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    When you want to have one of these foods, set your self up for success by only having a sensible amount of them available to you. Want one subway cookie? Don't eat it at the shop, wait til you're at home/your desk/your car/wherever you are headed and can't go back to get another. Want a piece of birthday cake? Take the last one and close the lid/put the rest away before eating your piece. The more work between you and the unhealthy portion the better your chance of success. Once you get used to having only one portion, you should be able to get rid of the hurdles.