help! losing focus

hey everyone I need some advice! I was doing so great with eating healthy and exercising, but this past week it's been really hard for me. I find myself not getting into my work outs like I used to and while I run about five miles a day, it's not enjoyable anymore. I'll eat healthy through out the day and then at night I'll give into all my cravings. i feel bloated and frustrated and I promise myself I'll never snack like that again and then before you know it I'm doing the same thing the next night. I'm afraid I gained weight back, but I just can't seem to get back into it.


  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I suggest reading the guy on the headlines below you. The Anything is Possible Thread.
  • laFuerte
    laFuerte Posts: 13 Member
    maybe try some new recipes to help with the cravings. find something new you like that is a good night time snack. i am the same way i have one bad week after multiple good weeks. having options in your work out might help. or find a new place to run if it is what you enjoy. even adding some weights in to break the mundane. maybe do your running for twenty or thirty minutes then do a new something else(weights, planks, yoga) i like to scroll through the cable work out selections to mix it up. you and your body will benefit from the change! good luck with everything :)
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    I understand what your saying this use to be me. I found that for me it helps if I change up my routine every so often. For instance instead of going to the gym everytime to workout you could take a dance class or karate class or zumba. Changing the routine can help keep you from losing momentum. As far as the eating I really don't know what to advise, for me I just had to cut myself off. For awhile I wouldn't even buy the things like chips, ice cream, or cookies because if it was there I would eat it. Now I have chips, cookies, and pie in my house and I have no desire to put it in my mouth. Another thing I do when it comes to snacking is if its high calorie I have t workout to earn it so I ask myself is it worth it if I have to burn 500 cals to eat it, usually not. lol Good luck!
  • Luckiestmomever
    Luckiestmomever Posts: 44 Member
    Aw, you can do this! Read some inspirational quotes and stories. And whatever is tempting you, DON"T BUY IT! I have weeks where I can't buy the treats for my family because I'm too weak to resist, and then other weeks it doesn't bother me. Look through some pics of yourself at your heaviest also, and start a new list of why you want to lose weight. Do whatever it takes to make you remember why you started this in the first place. You can do it!
  • fitnessgoddess17
    fitnessgoddess17 Posts: 125 Member
    hey everyone I need some advice! I was doing so great with eating healthy and exercising, but this past week it's been really hard for me. I find myself not getting into my work outs like I used to and while I run about five miles a day, it's not enjoyable anymore. I'll eat healthy through out the day and then at night I'll give into all my cravings. i feel bloated and frustrated and I promise myself I'll never snack like that again and then before you know it I'm doing the same thing the next night. I'm afraid I gained weight back, but I just can't seem to get back into it.

    You sound like you are exactly where I am. I've been doing this for a year and I'm tired. I do good all day and then evening hits and I just don't care. I have a crappy dinner I have a drink and I end up sabotaging myself. I was 15 pounds away from my goal now I'm 20. At the beginning of this week I hit a low and had to dig deep and recommit myself. I made myself a new weight loss goal and had to re-find my drive. It took me 3 months to find it. I hope you can do it sooner but dig deep. You really want this and success will be yours. Feel free to friend me if you need support from someone who has been where your at.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I joined a challenge and it's keeping me on track. Every time I'm like, "Oh, I'm not going to work out," I think about how I need to get my butt to the tredmill for my team, and then I go. I should go for myself, but I'm the kind of person who hates letting other people down, so the group challenge thing REALLY helps!
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in the same boat but for me it's been about 2 weeks. I finally had to face the music today and get on the scale. I'm fortunate I didn't gain anything. I just FORCED myself to start 30 Day Shred I felt terrible through it but I made it. I know tomorrow will be better. Hang in there sister!
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    We all need a break. I was running everyday this summer and then I just was over it. I took a few days off and before I knew I was ready to head back out. Sometimes we just need to mentally let go a little. Eat right stay on track but it is ok to take a break. Being healthy is a constant road if we are not having fun and enjoying it we will eventually run right off the track. I have been your friend on here for a while now you are doing good. Holidays are a tough time emotionally and physically. It's ok to take some space and come back when your body and mind says "get up off this couch and do something will ya!" ~Corina