Jenny Craig is causing depression. Help?



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I've been on JC and WW's and had nice success only to slowly gain back the weight over time. I'm much older than you but one thing I've learned about myself is that I'm an emotional eater and I love sweets/carbs/salty snacks, etc. The more I eat of them the more I want. The word "diet" can cause some of us to have difficulty losing the inches and pounds because if we veer from our "plan" we feel guilty and say "what the __, I've already blown it" and eat anything in sight. There's also the thought that if we can't have it we want it even more. Eating at restaurants can be a challenge when on a pre-made food plan if you are still at the stage where you eat the plan food and aren't starting to incorporate your own. JC wants you to start planning your own meals when you are ready but I question your counselor saying you can only have chicken when you eat out. That's not real life! They should be teaching you about choosing a balanced option without too many high calorie add ons. I no longer refer to restricting calories and eating right as a diet, but as a "lifestyle". This means I will have both good and bad days but I forgive myself more easily and stay the course. Eat the number of calories in a day that satisfy you, not starve you. You will lose weight more slowly but you will lose! The key is eating balanced meals and snacks and making healthier choices without depriving yourself of a treat once in awhile. Total deprivation leads to disaster. Stay active and don't beat yourself up mentally when you slip a little. You're human and deserve to live your life with balance. MFP is a great tool with many great people on your same journey. Seeing a nutritionist/dietician may be very helpful for you to find the balance and learn about healthy eating that gives you the results you want. Good luck!