Posting naked pictures of your kids online?



  • Angelie28
    Angelie28 Posts: 197 Member
    Reminds me of my mother that always shows my baby nudes to visitors...very embarassing.
    Guess I'm against it as it would be easy for a guy to simply download and spread the picture via other channels resulting in some sickos using it for .........

  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I agree with you 100%, there are a lot of sick people out there, 1 which could be someone she knows. I would take it down......I made my mom take a picture she posted of my son on the toilet, the picture was cute and did not show anything, but I told here it was not appropriated for facebook.....and if your friend thinks it is appropriate than that is very sad:angry:
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    FB is not the place for nude pictures! I have pic of my LO in the bath splashing etc but there is no way I would post them even though my photos are secure to friends only not even friends of friends! I think it is just not safe and a little unnecessary! People don't want to see that unless they do want to see that!!! Maybe you should PM your friend and say that you are not sure it is safe for that pic to be up?
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    Yeah, you need to talk to your friend and highlight the dangers of her actions. I'm sure she will take it down when you explain your concerns. If she doesn't then I would seriously re-think your friendship.
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    How about just putting on your FB status an official sounding warning how nude pictures of kids in FB might easily end up on hands of paedophiles and hope that doesn't happen to any of your friends!? Copy paste things to the end so it might even go circulate and wake up some other parents who really haven't thought it that way, yet...
    No need confront the person personally, any wise enough parent takes the hint, stupid ones takes the risk - at the expense of their kids safety and privacy.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I don't know about telling her it's inapropriate. I don't know her that well and I tend to stay out of people's business.

    you might let your friend know that child pornography laws are extremely strict. if the kid is posing or genitalia is exposed they can be charged with distribution of child porn as well as contributing to the delinquency of a minor as children can view fb. I would calmly suggest they remove it for their own safety and refrain from it in the future. If it is lude, I would shortly after report it to fb so they may remove it. Too many pervs out there for a 4 y/o
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    In this day and age this is crazy. Not only because of perverts but because people have kids taken away from them for these kinds of things. Is she nuts?
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Baby baby...okay..but a 4yo! That's a little over the line. Something to talk about with her if you find it that uncomfortable. It's also considered child porn in some neck of the woods and she'll be lucky not to be turned into CPS
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    I echo what everyone is already saying- the situation needs to be addressed. Whether you post it directly to them, or a status update- it may cause some problems. However, if they take offense to you trying to protect their child... it is because nobody likes to be called out on bad parenting. I would not only say something to them DIRECTLY in a PM but I would flag/report the image as well.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    you can report the photo and it might get taken down. Thank god i'm old now, because if my parents were on social networks when I was a kid and put naked pics up I would be SO PISSED when i was older.

    IDK though. I am a rather paranoid person, and I feel a bit annoyed even when people use their child as their profile photo on forums.

    Don't even get me started on's fine if your kid and you are together in a pic, but i hate when a person has a profile picture of just their kid. it's like it's all about their child, and they don't exist any more!
  • stronglikebull
    I don't know about telling her it's inapropriate. I don't know her that well and I tend to stay out of people's business.

    so you don't know her well enough to discuss your obvious discomfort with her but you're perfectly happy to talk about it behind her back to random people on a different social networking site? come on.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    A friend of mine just posted a naked picture of her 4yo daughter on her FB profile. I'm comfortable with nudity and I have nothing against posting pics of my kids on FB, I do it all the time. But this is crossing the line. I'm very uncomfortable with having this picture on my feed!

    What are your thoughts?

    It's illegal, actually... years ago they determined that even taking photos of your own kids in the bathtub is illegal. You should let your friend know, because she is likely not aware of this, and is posting pictures like this with innocent intentions... but if the authorities saw this, she could actually be charged with creating child pornography. If someone were to flag the photos, facebook may be obliged to report her to authorities... you should send her a message for the protection of her and her child.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Report it to facebook.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Reminds me of my mother that always shows my baby nudes to visitors...very embarassing.
    Guess I'm against it as it would be easy for a guy to simply download and spread the picture via other channels resulting in some sickos using it for .........

    I would suggest reminding her of this and how it can make her kid a target of pedophiles. The internet is not a safe place for such pics. Keep the cute "baby in the tub" pics for the home album.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Personally I think 4 years is too old to have naked pictures at all. She's not a baby. She is old enough to be aware of her body and want privacy.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Personally I think 4 years is too old to have naked pictures at all. She's not a baby. She is old enough to be aware of her body and want privacy.

    This is what I was thinking. Why would a parent even take naked pictures of their 4 year old, let alone put it on FB? It's just wrong.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    After reading a news report about one of the Sesame Street music composers being arrested for child pornography and having naked pictures in his possession of a 4 year old girl, I wouldn't feel comfortable posting any kind of naked pictures of children at all. Maybe a little private note to her might not hurt.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I spoke to a mutual friend about this and she agreed with me. We both sent her a pm and she removed the culprit. :)
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    I have to say I never post any pics of my child or even my partner as i class my family as personal information like my bank details which i have to protect. Even with passwords and encryptions. I wouldn't want my partner posting pics of me or my child without my permission. Especially on somewhere like facebook! Absolutely a no go! Especially moreso to complete strangers who can view your friends list on there without actually being in your friends list - so it seemed the last I logged on there a year ago. No no no. There's close friends you've grown up with and taken years to get to know and then there's Internet friendship. Yes some people on the net can be deemed friends but do you really know them?

    That's all I have to say.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I am so glad she removed it!