Thanksgiving Regret

Hi, everyone! I joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, and I absolutely love it! I have lost 5 pounds so far. Problem is, I went way over my calories both Thursday (Thanksgiving) AND Friday. I weigh myself on Thursday mornings, so I told myself I will not step on the scale until then, but I am terrified that I have ruined all my hard work! Just looking for some advice on how to not let this get me down......


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Weight loss like life is full of ups and downs. Just go on from here and do your best. It's all up to you. Just think before you reach.
  • techgeeksquared
    techgeeksquared Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, everyone! I joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, and I absolutely love it! I have lost 5 pounds so far. Problem is, I went way over my calories both Thursday (Thanksgiving) AND Friday. I weigh myself on Thursday mornings, so I told myself I will not step on the scale until then, but I am terrified that I have ruined all my hard work! Just looking for some advice on how to not let this get me down......

    Work hard this week and don't get on that scale until next Thursday. The last thing you need right now is something to bring you down. You are doing great. Stay focused and positive. Crap happens. :) Wait until next week to weigh in. You can do this!
  • jsoaper01
    jsoaper01 Posts: 99 Member
    today is a new day, i have lost 48 pounds and gained back five, but this morning i started new again, we all fall off the wagon, get a good support system, brush off your britches and get back in the saddle, start again new today, give yourself a few days and weigh again
  • Davorla
    Don't panic .... you enjoyed Thanksgiving ... so what ... the most important thing is that you've learned that occasions like this should be a treat and not the norm! Don't worry ... just get back to a healthy routine and you'll see the results!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Holiday foods have negative calories. I read it on the internet.
  • techgeeksquared
    techgeeksquared Posts: 30 Member
    Holiday foods have negative calories. I read it on the internet.
    Nice :)
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    A couple days doesn't ruin everything! If anything you might have gained a lb, but it's usually more water from sodium than anything and once back on track a couple days and watching sodium and drinking plenty of water and it's gone again! It's way too early to give up! You have a great start! Besides, this isn't a diet, it's about a lifestyle change. Everyone eats on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don't try to change things now that you'll never change!
    And another thing, sometimes, for me, a good day of going over will kinda jumpstart my metabolism or something and doesn't cause damage, but rather more weight loss.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hi, everyone! I joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, and I absolutely love it! I have lost 5 pounds so far. Problem is, I went way over my calories both Thursday (Thanksgiving) AND Friday. I weigh myself on Thursday mornings, so I told myself I will not step on the scale until then, but I am terrified that I have ruined all my hard work! Just looking for some advice on how to not let this get me down......

    Happy early cheat weekend!
    Now hit the path and later...hit the weights!
  • nurseygirl66
    nurseygirl66 Posts: 25 Member
    You know, life goes're talking about 2 days of your week, month, year. You fell off, just don't stay off. Excercise today, try to load up on protein today and stay away from carbs the next couple. So much of this journey is mental and when we make a mistake we're sometimes our own worst enemies and give up all together. You're going to be fine :)
  • 38meanie
    I gained as well. Nothing too out of hand but its ok. During this process, I have had many up and down moments but as long as you're still trying thats really all that matters. But for me, the important thing was that I enjoyed the holiday festivities and now I can get back to business and go from there. Hang in there and best of luck!
  • scklein
    Wow, what a great response! This is the first time I've posted something on the forum, and I can see why the MFP community is a great resource! Thanks, everyone, for the fantastic encouragement!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    To undo all the work you've done losing 5 pounds, you would have had to consume 17500 calories above the amount of calories it would take to maintain your current weight. That's... 35 slices of pecan pie. If you ate 35 slices of pecan pie, my hat goes off to you! :happy:

    My only regret is that I had but one stomach to fill.
  • PinkDeeAnna
    The same thing happened to me...I have lost 50 lbs and I ate not real bad on Thanksgiving but enough to go over my calories, fat, sugar, etc. I weigh on Fridays...well it wasnt nice to see yesterday morning, but I knew I wanted to indulge on some yummy foods and I did. NOW back to normal routine and to continue losing and get those 3 lbs I gained for the holiday! It will be ok just stay focused and it will Happen!!!
  • rhorae
    What's done is done. The important thing is what lies ahead. Besides think of it this way IF you hadn't worked to lose those pounds before Thanksgiving in stead of maintaining you would have GAINED pounds after Thanksgiving. Now because of your efforts you did NOT gain pounds You just remained status quo.. In the past you would weigh more instead of the same...YAY Now the real enjoyment begins. Keep on keepin on through up through Christmas. AND keep on trackin therein lies the real truth....You will see the results. I say congratulations is in order for no weight gain over a 3 week span. Yay for YOU!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I will admit I am an everyday weigher...with that said I have learned some things about my body and when I first started this journey I would get depressed and beat myself up with food when I did see a gain...but now I have realized especially on days and events when you kind of expect that gain such as holidays I weigh myself the next day sure enough a gain,get back to normal eating right and add some exercise lots of water and you will lose the weight real fast within 2 days, anytime you get a quick gain like that it is things like sodium and retaining water from food you ate and since it was the holiday you shouldnt beat yourself up about it get back to your healthy lifestyle and youll be over it
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    honestly to be straight forward about it, you really have to wait until you get back to normal eating and use the bathroom to see how much you actually gained. While it looks like I gained 5lbs from my overeating on thanksgiving I actually probably only gained 1lb because I weighed myself before all the food has been eliminated from my system. So don't get down on yourself just yet.
  • gumigal82
    Hi, everyone! I joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, and I absolutely love it! I have lost 5 pounds so far. Problem is, I went way over my calories both Thursday (Thanksgiving) AND Friday. I weigh myself on Thursday mornings, so I told myself I will not step on the scale until then, but I am terrified that I have ruined all my hard work! Just looking for some advice on how to not let this get me down......

    You will go up&down, but the point is to stay focused on the goal&positive:) The fact that you lost 5 pounds already is a great achievement! I would let Thanksgiving day go, and not step on the scale until next week. (I only track my weight once every other week) Also, put in an extra cardio workout or two this week-plus some strength training.
  • scklein
    To undo all the work you've done losing 5 pounds, you would have had to consume 17500 calories above the amount of calories it would take to maintain your current weight. That's... 35 slices of pecan pie. If you ate 35 slices of pecan pie, my hat goes off to you! :happy:

    My only regret is that I had but one stomach to fill.

    That really puts it in perspective!
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    Agreed. You won't gail back 5lbs after just one or 2 days. Leave the scale in the corner and get back on track. All will be fine!
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I know you said you're new to this but honestly, none of us became overweight in 2 days and none of us are going to ruin all our hard work in 2 days. One pound is 3500 calories so in order to gain your 5 pounds back you would have had to eaten 17500 calories over your maintenance calories in the 2 days. Get back on track and don't weigh yourself until next Thursday and you'll be fine.

    I'm not going to lie, I ate an embarrassing amount of food and enjoyed the heck out of it. I have no regrets. Personally, I refuse to losing weight and being healthier ruin my enjoyment of either food in general or holidays and special occasions in particular. What's the point in going through all of this if you can't enjoy yourself every once in a while? I don't limit my social events because of my eating habits. Sometimes I make good choices and sometimes I say screw it and make bad choices. The key is you can't make bad choices all the time:)

    I can't say it enough, relax and enjoy yourself. If you take this too seriously then when you have a misstep it seems like the end of the world. It's not. Start over making better choices the next day or at your next meal. In the past I was very militant about losing weight and I did but as soon as something went wrong I gained it right back. Now that I've finally quit being so spazzy about (and I was really spazzy in the past) I'm close to where I want to be, I'm enjoying life and I'm eating in a manner that I can sustain for the long term. Good luck with everything and stay off the scales until Thursday:)