I'm sitting here crying because....

LaTee21 Posts: 37 Member
I just came from Weight Watches and I've gained 4 pounds. I spent the entire (since last Saturday) preparing for Thanksgiving. I ate light all week and I worked out everyday minus Thanksgiving. Yes, I went over my calorie in-take Thursday and Friday but I didn't shovel it in. I didn't go on a binge so what happened? Why did I gain back 4 pounds. It's takes me 2-3 weeks to lose that kind of weight. Why did it come back in a matter of 2 days. I'm looking for answers and encouragement. I'm an adult woman crying like a baby because I feel complete despair.

I haven’t began a weight training program. I do strictly cardio so I don't believe it's muscle mass.


  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    some of it is probably water and also it takes a few days for all the thanksgiving food to get through your system, if you know what I mean. Don't be disheartened. Keep going with your plan and you'll probably have lost it by next week. *Hugs* :flowerforyou:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    It would be very difficult to gain 4 pounds of actual fat in one week. Since one pound is 3500 calories, you would have needed to eat 14,000 extra calories on top of your daily allotted calories.

    I'm going to guess that the extra four pounds is A. Mass of the actual food (it may not have all "processed and exited your body yet" if you know what I mean) and B. Water weight from extra sodium. In my house anyway, turkey day dinner has a lot of sodium.

    Keep your chin up, drink extra water to help flush out the retained water and I'm sure you'll see a drop on the scale over the next week.
  • obaker
    obaker Posts: 76 Member
    Don't despair yet! Did you happen to eat lots of salty food? Could be water retention.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    some of it is probably water and also it takes a few days for all the thanksgiving food to get through your system, if you know what I mean. Don't be disheartened. Keep going with your plan and you'll probably have lost it by next week. *Hugs* :flowerforyou:

    Ha, we said almost the same thing :happy:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    some of it is probably water and also it takes a few days for all the thanksgiving food to get through your system, if you know what I mean. Don't be disheartened. Keep going with your plan and you'll probably have lost it by next week. *Hugs* :flowerforyou:

    This. Hopefully your next weigh in will be a pleasant surprise, so don't give up!
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    it happens... I just weighed myself and It said I gained 2 pounds since yesterday, Yesterday I ran, biked. walked, walked upstairs and played golf and I gained a total of 6# since last week, its just part of losing. keep eating the right foods and exercises and it will go
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    it would take about 14k calories over maintenance to gain 4lbs...mathematically!
    Water weight!
  • hannah1591
    hannah1591 Posts: 47 Member
    Like everyone has said it will probably be water weight. My weight did something similar the other week and I weighed myself a few days after and I was down the 4lbs, it said I had put on.

    I wouldn't worry about it :)
  • I think everyone here, including myself will say they have had bad weeks such as these. The only encouragement I can offer may sound corny, but it's true-I believe it's important to have the good cry, but after that....let it go. The only way to stay on a health&fitness plan is to stay focused on your goals (big term and short) , and be positive.

    And, even though I saw that you said you don't believe in muscle mass, doing interval training with light weights (the firm) or something like Jillian Michaels "no more trouble zones" (again with light weights) doesn't add bulk, but helps to tone you/make you more lean. plus more muscle means higher metabolism...
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    some of it is probably water and also it takes a few days for all the thanksgiving food to get through your system, if you know what I mean. Don't be disheartened. Keep going with your plan and you'll probably have lost it by next week. *Hugs* :flowerforyou:

    Ha, we said almost the same thing :happy:
    Great minds! :bigsmile:
  • LaTee21
    LaTee21 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm calming down. I'm not going to quit. I know weight loss isn't easy but it's nuts because since joining MFP I account for everything I eat and I'm more focus on living a healthy life. It's like for the first time I'm not just dieting and because of the wonderful people here I don't feel alone in my struggle to adapt to a new lifestyle. I guess part of my emotional state has to do with feelings of guilt for indulging and seeing my calorie intake go into the red.

    Thanks for the cyber hugs and I'll find a way pull my chin up. I can't stay here. I promised myself I wouldn't give up this time.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    I'm with everyone else, Water weight. Also normal fluctuations of being a woman likely has an influence. I did not go over calories but still ate small amounts of most foods offered. My hand were very swollen because I do not usually eat much sodium. Getting back on track and drinking plenty of water to flush out excess and you should be back to normal soon.
  • Laverne51
    Laverne51 Posts: 5 Member
    Don't give up, cry it out. New day is always a new start. If you give up, you'll never reach the end results. I've been there too. So you may have messed up and don't know how, just get back on track. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off ASAP, the longer you stay in despair, you're wasting time. You're a fighter and a winner, you're not a quiter. Those 4 pounds are in the past. If you had a good breakfast today, you're on your way. You can do it!
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Yup, probably water. Lots of sodium in ham, the chips on the snack table, gravy, etc. Chug some water for a day and see what happens :D
  • bobbie1963
    bobbie1963 Posts: 138 Member
    Mindy i don't know about you, but at night time befor going to bed i allways weigh 3or 4lbs more than morn. time, don't you? i would just go back to the way you was doing , watch what you eat see how it goes, good luck. do you eat weight wachers food only, just wondering is that good food? don't worry so much .
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    You coming up to your monthly maybe? I gain up to 8pounds the week before and lose it all the week after - that's water. There is no way youy gain muscle mass that fast, even if you started wieght training, there is only a very limited amount of muscle you will built up over years time ^^ and you also have not put on lbs of fat, because, as pointed out by the others, that would mean you had to eat 14k plus in calories. I also think it's important to point out again, that weight by no means is the best indicator for a healthy life style. So stop frwaking out about a couple of lbs, it's not worth it ^^ start measuring your body fat indeed... or your level of fitness...
    The only other thing I can say about weight watchers - the programme doesn't work for everyone.I've lost nothing with weight watchers and worked strict to the plan they gave me - eventually came together with someone who knows a ;lot about the human body and nutrition and figured out that due to the programme, my intake had been far too low - hence, I was grumpy and starving my body lol
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I think everyone's given all of the possible reasons so I'll just throw in that you ARE NOT ALONE!! And I agree with whomever said have a good cry: I'm sure soon after you get the emotion out, you'll feel better and once a little more time has passed and you can think things over a bit more rationally, you'll be over it. It is super frustrating, yes, but 1) progress is not a straight line--as line as you are generally moving in the right direction, you are good to go 2) weight loss is science and about the numbers, true, but it's very delicate science that is affected by about 1,200,899,488 more factors than we can personally control: that's just life! 3) the harder won something is, the more you will appreciate and hold on to it soooo...once you have reached your goals, you'll be damned if you backslide!!

    Emotional and mental growth is always hard, but in the end it is rewarding!! Good luck to you!
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