Need This For Health Reasons

Hi - This is my first day on a journey I've done many times, but never using this site. I have recently been diagnosed with Fybromyalgia, and I really need to get a lot of weight off to make even walking much easier on me. Having the fybro is no joke, so I really want better health. I also have back issues, so I'm a real mess right now.

Friends would be great, I could really use the support group.

Thanks a bunch.


  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I understand your health issues, as I also suffered from fybromialgia and have back issues. You have made the right choice for yourself and your loved ones. You will be amazed at the difference of the quality of your life once you begin losing the weight. I've lost 22 pounds thus far since August 2011, and feel like a whole different person and happy! Feel free to add me as a friend!:flowerforyou:
    GMPOTS Posts: 19 Member
    I have found logging my food and water has been really helpful in keeping me on track. I enjoy the forums also. I feel alot better with the first 10 pounds off.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis :(
    This site is amazing! When I don't feel like working out, or I want to take a day off dieting, I log in and see how hard everyone else is working and it resets my motivation.
    Back in January I was obese and now I'm on the lower end of the "healthy" bmi scale. My back doesn't hurt, my feet and ankles don't swell, and I'm lovingly informed that my snoring is getting better (LOL!)
    You can do it!
  • JayKay60
    JayKay60 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm new too and like you I NEEEEEED to do this for health reasons. I have arthritis and you get the same "brain fog" as with fibro - plus I had a brain haemorrhage last year and although it was nothing to do with my weight, it's been quite a wake-up call! Let's do this together!!
  • boredwithfat
    boredwithfat Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the motivation. I look forward to my first ten pounds off !!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    New as well and doing oit for the health, as in regards to health there is a lot I have a disposition for. So I need to minimize the risk a bit ^^
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I'm also on this journey for health reasons! I have psoriatic arthritis and need to lose weight to help with the inflammation in my joints and back. Losing weight is definitely a challenge for someone with a chronic illness but the benefits are enormous. I know we can all get healthy together! Welcome and feel free to add me! =)
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    We should start a group for people with autoimmune disease... Since we all have different challenges then the average person. I'm pretty new still and not exactly sure how to do that. Any of you guys veterans who have some know how?
  • welcome i love mfp it a great support team i don't know about your heath but i do know about heath issue i am ADHD and have seurze and i have learning disabilty and binocular vision dyfunction and have back problem i go to a chro once a month.. You will find that once you start to lose the weight and gain lean musle that every thing will become easyer and you will feel better mentaly and physical. God Bless and Good Luck please email me if you need anything i can be the best support you will ever have.

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member

    I have steel rods in my spine and a bulging disc. So, I know ALL about back issues. You can do this. Will it be easy? Nope. But, it'll definitely be worth it! :)
  • Unfortunately Fibromyalgia is been found to be very common. Most people, like myself have been misdiagnosed for years before finding I have fibro. Still trying to get the correct combonation of medications to at least make the pain bareable. Like you hoping that the weight loss will help. Good luck on your journey.
  • Hey nice to meet you I am 42 and making life changes in regards to health as well....I would love to have support friends as well. if you would like to be a buddy and we can motivate one another that would be awsome. get back to me...thanks, Heather