post-partum weight loss

I'm trying to lose my baby weight and need some help/advice. This is my third baby and i seem to be having a harder time losing the weight now. The weight just fell off with my first, the second time, I worked my butt off, but it came off easily. This time, maybe because of age or less time, it is not coming off so easily. I have about 25 lbs to lose, i'd be happy with 20.

I started myfitnesspal a week ago, it said I needed 1200 calories to lose the weight, I started with that and the scale went down 2 lbs in 2 days, then I saw that since I'm breastfeeding I should add 500 calories, so I did and the weight never changed after the first 2 days, it was exactly the same.

I'm confused about how many calories I really need. I know a week may be too little to tell. If I eat 1500 a day, is that suffiicient? I'm not worried about losing my milk supply, because I make so much, but I'm worried about not losing if my body thinks it is starving.

Also, if anyone wants to be my friend, I need all the help I can get. I seem to lack the motivation this time :)


  • jessyhyde
    I am having the same problem as you other than im not breastfeeding im bottlefeeding! But i started about a week ago and am just really getting going!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    OH, no no no, don't try to cut calories when breast feeding! Customize your settings to what your baby needs please; whatever your doctor tells you for your calorie goal. If you exercise and eat those calories, you'll lose weight. By now I'm sure you know breastfeeding burns calories! You're eating more, you're feeding your baby and you're working out and you'll be okay. When you're done breast feeding then, I'd reassess the situation. Healthy baby's come first.
  • Kimmydoll99
    The older you get does make it harder to lose, and the number of babies does also do a number on your bod! After 4 babies, I know! But don't stress out if after two days your weight stabilizes--remember, it's healthiest to only lose 1-2 lbs per week, and while it's exciting to watch the weight fall off quickly, it's really not as healthy as doing it the slow and steady way. And regarding your milk supply--while you still may have alot for your baby, if you are limiting too many calories/fat, there will be a notable drop in your milk-fat supply. If you pump, you'll be able to see the difference--the milk is less thick and creamy and "cream" colored and will look more watery and "bluish" colored. Your baby NEEDS this milkfat for brain development, so don't worry so much if your body doesn't lose as much as you want right away. Definitely have 1200-1500 calories per day, and especially if you're working out, allow yourself some healthy extra calories or you'll wear yourself out and just be starving by the end of the day like I usually am! It's hard to be a mom, so give yourself some grace, take care of your beautiful babies, and aim for healthy eating and fun movement for the time being. You'll get there, keep it up!
  • Kimmydoll99