Falling off the wagon

I posted when I first joined MFP about being at a plateau. This was on Monday, and I know I've not really given myself enough time to lose more weight, but this plateau has really put a damper on my mood and on my motivation. Last night, we went to Pizza Hut to eat. I only ate one slice of pizza, but that isn't the worst part - I woke up this morning and ate two slices for breakfast!! Given they were small slices, lol... I'm so disgusted with myself. It's been a very long time since I even ate pizza, but I know my being stuck at this same weight is why I did this. I even skipped my exercise last night because I felt so bad. I plan to do at least two 30 minute cardio sessions today, though. My weight jumped two pounds this morning, is this because of the sodium in the pizza? Water retention, maybe? I really hate being down and out, because I do impulsive things - like eat pizza for breakfast! I've lost 60lbs., and the last thing I need to do is give up on myself... I really need some support... =(


  • pixiesx3
    pixiesx3 Posts: 172 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    There is another recent post with a similar title. People put some good info on there. I will try to link it here! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/405729-fell-off-the-wagon

    Keep moving forward!!!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Read your quote in your profile pic! You can have a bad day or bad week-just remember how important you are and worth achieving ANY challenge life hands you!
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    There is no alternative. You either keep on keeping on, or you go back. And you know you don't want to go back. I am the Plateau Queen! Been stuck for a couple years. Yes, YEARS! My body won't let go of any more. But it will gain it in a heart beat. I work my *kitten* off just to maintain. So believe me, I know the frustration of a plateau. But if you use it as an excuse to slip back into old habits, it won't be a plateau anymore. It will be a gain. If you haven't had pizza in a long time. then enjoy it and then hop back on the wagon. Get your workouts in today and plan your healthy meals for the rest of the week. Oh..and toss the rest of that pizza!
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Don't let it get you down. After the diet I'd had the past few days I gained 7 lbs within one day. Obviously water retention from sodium. We all go through the plateau. Remember, to keep your weight in check it's a lifestyle, not just progress. Try to keep your workouts up and food choices healthy. Let yourself eat pizza sometimes without feeling guilty. You can do this!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I got really stalled out for like three weeks then lost 1.3, 1.8 the last two weeks. Stick with your logging and exercise and remember it is a WAR!!! Those little (cuss word) fat cells do not want to die and will fight you every ounce of the way!!! I find eating something really healthy like a salad, fruit, veggies after an indulgence (even if I am not "hungry") helps detoxify the effects of that food out of my system.
    Stop beating up on yourself, just eat healthy!
  • ramon3
    ramon3 Posts: 10 Member
    honestly, this might help with your plateau. when i started on mfp i was at 190 and stayed around the same weight for a long time. then started tracking cals and exercising right and dropped. eventually made it to 180 and plateaued and same thing at 170. i heard that if you tried to vary up your diet and have a few days with calorie spikes and not work out for a few days (once i went almost a week), then get back into it, it will help break it. so i tried that and thats how ive been dropping each time i plateau. granted, everyone is different so you have to try different things. i always have the fear of "if i do this and eat a lot more than usual ill gain", but it has been working out in the end for me.
  • daveytrouble
    for me the most important thing is making the cardio piece not an option in my head. i have to do it. once i see how many extra calories i have i am way less stressed about the diet piece and makes gives me more motivation to eat healthy since i dont want that brutal hour i just spent on the treadmill to be for nothing.

    i also drink this horrid preworkout everyday before the gym even if im only doing cardio. i feel like it gives me waaay more energy and motivation and gets me through the time faster, even if its just placebo.

    good luck!
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    ok, pal -- deep breath. now take another one. and again.

    now ... you know what you need to do, right? (trick question; you've already done it.) :)

    so get up, dust yourself off, and start changing what and how you're thinking.

    what's done is done; can't change that, right? but you CAN absolutely change what you do next.

    so ... go drink a big 'ol glass of water right now. take a walk, head to the gym, pop in a workout dvd ... whatever you do for exercise. even 10 minutes of exercise now is going to start turning things around for you, because you'll be taking action.

    i'm basing this on my own experience, when i'm struggling mentally. what i've learned is that doing small, positive things helps me feel better about everything, and it starts to get my head in a better place.

    i encourage you to let go of your frustration and disgust; there are WAY better ways to use that energy.

    you can do this. you've done it. you know what needs to be done. so like nike says, just do it.

    i have total and complete faith in you. rock on! :)
  • Janice032557
    Janice032557 Posts: 163 Member
    I just recently went through an almost-gave-up-on-me moment. I hurt the bottom of my foot and could not ride my bike. So instead of pushing on with the healthy eating I put that by the way side as well. The only way this works for me is to log in all my food every day. You just have to force yourself to get back on and go with it.

    As far as hitting a plateau...when I was a member of Weight Watchers (WW) there was a woman who had a similar problem. The woman was told to eat a little bit more food like add a point or two to your day. This may be all your body needs to get moving again. And I don't mean have pizza, add a piece of fruit or have an extra helping of veggies. Try drinking more water.

    Feel free to friend me. Good luck to you, hope you get back on soon!!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    There is no alternative. You either keep on keeping on, or you go back.

    There is nothing more than this ^. This is perfect. This is what I keep telling myself every day.
  • KeepingChocolate
    KeepingChocolate Posts: 45 Member
    There is no alternative. You either keep on keeping on, or you go back. And you know you don't want to go back... I work my *kitten* off just to maintain. So believe me, I know the frustration of a plateau. But if you use it as an excuse to slip back into old habits, it won't be a plateau anymore. It will be a gain. If you haven't had pizza in a long time. then enjoy it and then hop back on the wagon. Get your workouts in today and plan your healthy meals for the rest of the week. Oh..and toss the rest of that pizza!

    I agree wholeheartedly with this. I was consistently losing but then I went into a plateau, then I got discouraged, and now I've started to gradually gain. :embarassed: I canNOT go back to the old me. I need to remember that a plateau is not the end of the world; it does not wipe out what I have accomplished. I've actually had to go back in my food diary to look up "how did I do this before?". The hard part is "toss the rest of that pizza!". :laugh:

    We can do this. :flowerforyou: We're here for you. Keep on keeping on.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    You didn't fall of the wagon...you jumped. You weren't pushed and it wasn't an accident. So get back on it and hold on, strap yourself on if you must but stay on there.

    Like another poster, I've been on a plateau for almost a year. I'm not at my goal - still 15 pounds shy - but despite doing everything exactly as I was, logging every bite, exercising, etc.. I haven't lost an ounce in almost a year. Does that give me reason to jump off the wagon?? not at all. Am I committed to my new healthy lifestyle no matter what the scale says? Absolutely! I am treating it like maintenance. I mean, once we get to our goal, we have to maintain it which is just as hard and takes just as much commitment, right?

    So, stop jumping off the wagon. You can have results or excuses....but not both.
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    1. Divorce the scale, or at least do a trial separation;
    2. Keep on keepin' on, no matter what .. it's a lifestyle, not a diet;
    3. Add more exercise to your routine;
    4. Drink more water (and watch your sodium intake);
    5. Maybe join a challenge here on MFP to have accountability; and most important ...
    6. Believe in yourself!!
    You will work through this and come out so proud of yourself on the other end!! Oh, and I agree about reading your profile! Great word!!
    Blessings! :heart:
  • mrsxbrightside
    I really want to thank EVERYONE for all of the wonderful responses! They really helped me today!! It means a lot to me that you all took the time to read and reply... this place is great! =) NOW! It is time to my butt moving!! I will be back on later.
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    Please don't give up!!!! I have lost over 150 pounds, and my body cycles. I lose, lose, lose, then I have plateaus that last up to 2 months. The last one was 7 weeks. Drove me INSANE. But in the last 7 days I have lost 8.2 pounds. So please hang in there!! I don't know why our bodies do this, other than to torture us - HAHA. I have replaced 2 of my 6 meals per day with protein shakes in the last week, but the overall calories are about the same as the last 7 when the scale didn't move. DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • kimibunny
    Unless those 2 slices of pizza had 3,500 calories each they didn't cause you to gain 2 pounds. Drink a lot of water, take a good D, and forget about it! One slip up isn't going to ruin anything. In fact, some people have planned days/meals when they allow themselves to indulge in a little something extra. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just don't make it a habit.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Don't beat your self up, it happens. if you already lost 60lbs, then you seem to be doing pretty good. so you ate or binged on some not so healthy foods, it all good what every you do keep exercising and be proud that you can work out. i have fallen off the wagon several times, but i know that one day i will achieve my weight loss goals even though it feels hopeless. it's not, just keep looking ahead and don't look at the ground..unless the road is uneven becareful not to sprain your ankle. :-)