You have to be kidding.



  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member
    I like your profile picture !!!!!
    I'll even add you as a frien if you accept .. just to protest to that person ! ;)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    What she has neglected to tell everyone, is that the person who sent it to her did it in response to a thread she was posting on. Someone wrote in requesting info about weight loss surgery and she proceeded to bash a young girl for choosing surgery. Her opinions were harsh and she chose to be obnoxious. The original posters questions were forgotten and the thread was completely taken off subject.

    We are here to support people, not judge them for what they do. If we respond in that manner, why would anyone want to join this group and put themselves out there to ask questions.


    For starters, it is against the rules to bring up an old thread in a current thread and secondly, how is her receiving nasty PM's acceptable per past "possible" behavior? It sounds as if you are saying it is acceptable, and its not. If someone felt she was "bashing" someone else in a thread, they should have reported her, rather than bash her in multiple PM's.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    What she has neglected to tell everyone, is that the person who sent it to her did it in response to a thread she was posting on. Someone wrote in requesting info about weight loss surgery and she proceeded to bash a young girl for choosing surgery. Her opinions were harsh and she chose to be obnoxious. The original posters questions were forgotten and the thread was completely taken off subject.

    We are here to support people, not judge them for what they do. If we respond in that manner, why would anyone want to join this group and put themselves out there to ask questions.


    For starters, it is against the rules to bring up an old thread in a current thread and secondly, how is her receiving nasty PM's acceptable per past "possible" behavior? It sounds as if you are saying it is acceptable, and its not. If someone felt she was "bashing" someone else in a thread, they should have reported her, rather than bash her in multiple PM's.

    Totally with you on this one. Two wrongs don't make it right!!

    I read that thread. I don't really see where she attacked anyone. She offered an informed opinion based on her experiences and someone with a different opinion lashed out at her. She didn't attack the OP at all and the OP thanked her for her opinion.