Need a weight loss partner!

Hi guys,

I'm making this posting primarily to find a weight loss partner of similar age to myself. I'm 19 and have been trying to lose weight for a few years. It's happening slowly, and about a year ago I made some good progress. Then things happened and I literally put it all back on again.

Now, though, I am determined more than ever to lose weight and get it shape.

I was wondering if there were any like-minded people of a similar age to me who would like to be my 'partner' for moral support, encouragement and just generally someone to be a buddy. :)

Hope to hear from *anyone* soon! ^_^


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I'll send you a request! I'm 19 as well and have added some GREAT supporters on here that are the same age!
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    Howdy! I'm new on here. Eighteen. My name's Victoria.
    It would be great to find a *few* people around the same age. I have NO friends, and I hate it!