Change for 1 in a family of 4 ...

MacInCali Posts: 1,044 Member
Hi everyone! While I've been with MFP for 85+ glorious days, I realize I never introduced myself. My name is Marnie. I am a 39-year-old married mother of 2 from California who works full-time.

While my situation is not unique by any means, it tends to make my journey just a tad bit harder. With that being said, I have found the strength and support I need through MFP friends and tools. You see, I am the only one in my family who is ready, willing and able to make a change for the better. My kids, of course, can eat whatever they please (and should eat whatever they please while they can, lol), but my husband and I cannot.

I work long hours and my husband does the cooking. When he cooks, life is great. WHEN he cooks. Unfortunately, more often than not, I get "the call" ... you know the one ... "Let's have McDonalds/Burger King/Pizza/Fill in a fast food joint, any fast food joint" call .... So on my way home, I pick up the choice of the night. The old me WANTED to refrain from ordering something for myself but felt "it wasn't fair" if I didn't get to partake like everyone else. So I would partake. Several times a week ... 3, 4, 5 times a week.

That was the old me. 85+ glorious days ago, one of my best friends told me about this site, who learned of it through her daughter. One day of logging and I was hooked. I did NOT want to have to log a fast food meal worth hundreds of calories so, guess what? I didn't get anything for myself. I came home, passed out the food to my family, and made a salad/sandwich/frozen meal. Whatever it took. For me, it's no longer an option. Do I have the calories? Sure I do. Is it worth it to me to spend them on fast food? No. Tonight was another fast food night ... Del Taco this time. I came home and made a Lean Cuisine and added two ounces of turkey to it for extra protein.

The old me ate a lot of fast food because I caved to the demands of my family. The old me was 28lbs heavier 85+ days ago. The new me has fallen in love with MFP, has exercised almost every day and has lost 28lbs in the process so far. It is not easy having a family who is not the best support system, but I am proof it CAN be done! :happy:


  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    Wow, 28 lbs in 85 days! Your weight loss and your life choices are impressive. Keep up the great work!
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I can relate to the no family support thing. My kid loves McDonald's and fast food and hates the "icky" stuff I make. She's also all about the candy and the pastas and the fattening stuff - like most kids are. My roomie is addicted to fast food. Every day, almost every meal he eats it. Mostly Taco Bell. It's difficult to sit there with that smell filling the room and tell myself to eat something healthy instead, but I just have to take one look at his huge gut and it turns me off from it. I do think it's a bit inconsiderate sometimes, though. I don't think that people who are on a diet should affect others who aren't, but I also think that they should keep in mind that a diet and eating healthy isn't nearly as easy as it should be and maybe they shouldn't be stuffing all that junk and fast food in our faces as taunting temptation! But either way, congrats on holding it up yourself! I know the willpower that takes.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Oh man, that could very nearly be my story, except I'm still at the beginning of it. I came here when I finally hit yet another fast food fatigue point. Hubby's not quite ready to jump on the train full-steam, but then he's better at moderation than I am. I have finally given up the notion that we'll do it together all the way... he just doesn't think about these things the way I do, and so when I try to mirror him, I end up making choices that sabotage my efforts. I'm looking forward to getting the support I need here to go it alone! Thanks for introducing yourself and giving me hope!
  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    It is so hard when you are the only one. I am like you, except we are on such a tight budget that fast food is a rare occurance. My husband eats a lot of pizzas, and hot pockets, ice cream and soda. He works for a national food company and brings home a lot of stuff that I just cannot eat. I keep hoping that my choices will rub off on him, and maybe one day they will. Until then I have to put myself first and I am doing that for the first time in over a decade. Good for you, you have some killer willpower!