why am I fat?



  • dimpleschick
    dimpleschick Posts: 85 Member
    I'm not fat, but I have gained weight due to having thyroid disease and the general effects of aging. Metabolism screeches to a halt around age 50, compounded by having a sluggish thyroid. So I want to lose the extra pounds so stay healthy and look good in my clothes.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    In my case:

    Genetics (root cause) and a general lack of knowledge about how to change - leads to reluctant acceptance of current unhealthy self and perhaps most importantly a complete lack of understanding of an alternate (fit/healthy) existence.

    Numerous studies tell us that change and the unknown are inherantly fear inducing for the vast majority of human kind. Therefore the option of remaining in my unhealthy yet familiar state was subconsciously more comfortable than commiting to a change.

    In my opinion it is often only when the current reality suddenly becomes uncomfortable (eg major health scare) that the idea of change becomes a comparitively less scary proposition.

    My pearl of wisdom for you all for today :bigsmile: