Gaining...could it be muscle?

I stupidly did not take measurements before I started working out so I really don't know what my body fat is. Anyway, my lowest was 164, on November 14th I think. Yesterday I was I'm 167...I'm sure that pound was water weight from thanksgiving. But the! Now, I am PMSing and the scale may be up a pound or two from that, but three pounds? And no loss??

I know that it could be that I'm gaining muscle, so my question to you is: for those of you who work out, how long was it until you actually saw your muscle gain reflected on the scale? Because I've only had 5 workouts so far (in the past week and a half). Isn't that a little soon to actually gain muscle??


  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Yes it is too soon to be muscle. You were right the first time when you said it was water weight. Some people can go up and down 5 or 6 lbs just on water, so don't worry. Keep drinking your water and it will come back off.
    OURLADYPAULINE Posts: 51 Member
    Have you taken your measurements as of today? Don't stress on the scale going up, it will happen! It's not neccessary fat, it could be other factors.

    Losing inches is always better than that evil scale!

    How do you feel in your clothes? My Coach always ask me that question, she's awesome in that way ;)

  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    My opinion is no you are not gaining muscle. I don't know why your scale is going up, but it could just be fluctuations or water retention from working out. I have read and from my experience when I start working out, I gain a little. I've heard it's water retention in the muscle. Keep doing the right things right, the weight may or may not drop right off, but it will come off in time. Everybody is different.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    It's way too soon to be gaining muscle so it's probably water retention. If you have been eating more than maintenance on several occasions, some of it may be actual weight gain too.