Looking for motivation through this journey.......

My weight and self image is something I have struggled with my whole life, but for the past couple of weeks I have just felt worst than ever. I almost just complete gave up on working out and eating right and just started eating whatever, which I know would not help the situation at all. Its like in my mind I feel one way about myself but when I look in the mirror I see something completely different and thats like the biggest blow to me everyday. I keep saying that I am the one that has to get up and make changes if I want to see something different, but its hard especially when you look around you and see people that don't struggle with this problem and wish you could just be like that. I know that in order for me to every be successful in my weightloss journey I am going to have to work on my self image first, because otherwise I don't think I am going to every get to my goals. I really though I was ready this time to turn over a new leaf with the weightloss thing and finally accomplish my goals, but its a new day and week and I pray that this time that I start on this journey I am able to get there physically and mentally.


  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    It is a journey and being on this site is proof that you are not alone in this battle. Don't give up!! Baby steps :-).
  • tillmanlady
    tillmanlady Posts: 139 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!

    I too struggle with what I see in the mirror and how I feel about my self-image... It is def. a blow to take but I have come to realize in order to see HOW I feel then I have to make the change and become who I feel like I am... It is a struggle indeed.. If you want feel free to friend me and we can motivate each other.
  • sparklyball
    sparklyball Posts: 93 Member
    you know it's all in the eye of the beholder- looking at your picture it's kinda hard and sad to believe you can not see your beauty- the very best to you on your journey to see that. it starts in the mind but you know sometimes actions speak louder as in go for a nice walk..notice the little things and start to feel better about yourself
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Hi Nicole & Welcome! You are the only one who can change how you feel about you. Stop comparing yourself to others and focus on what you need to change to become the person you desire to be. This site has totally effective tools to make change possible, not to mention a whole bunch of us who are here to support you and each other. It's not that hard if you are really ready. One day at a time and log everything you consume. You'll see where you are going wrong and you have the power to change it. Add me if you like. Best of luck to you on this journey! :flowerforyou:
  • allycaturban
    I share your feelings exactly... it sucks. One day at a time :flowerforyou:
  • LisaMariaCallow
    A friend said this to me once, and it applies to so much in life..."How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!!" You're here for a reason-to improve your health and well being...this site is amazing!! You'll meet so many people, all who struggle with weight (and sometimes) self-esteem issues. Don't give up on yourself...you are so worth it!! :smile:

    Friend me if you need a cheerleader in your corner!! :happy:
  • lindamarvin
    I am 61 years old and have stuggled with weight my whole life. My pediatrician put me on a diet at age 8 and told my mother if she didnt watch me I would be obese. When we left the doctor's office I asked her what obese meant as i saw tears well up in her eyes and so began my journey. For most of my adult life i maintained a normal weight by eating right and exercising. If i put on a few pounds -was able to lose it. Now it seems not matter what i do i cant seem to shed the pounds. Right now i am probably 30-40 pounds overweight. I still continue to exercise at least 3 times a week for 60 minutes. Right now I am on a program to build muscle mass as this is supposed to speed up metabolism. So far no change- but i refuse to give up!! My goal right now is to just lose 10 pounds as 30 seems impossible! Also if you come from a family with obesity - as I do its much harder to lose weight. anyways DONT GIVE UP and in the meantime accept yourself for the beautiful person you are.
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    I think that most of us traveling this tough road have a difficult time seeing the best of ourselves. That's one of the great things about MFP. The people here are all going through the same thing and can genuinely relate to your troubles. Chin up girl! You're beautiful inside and out and you're not alone!