
Hello everyone! My name is Sheila and I am new to My fitness pal. I have been battling my weight all my life. In the past 3 years I have tried every diet out there. Weight watchers, Atkins, Jenny Craig, medifast, you name it. I lost small amounts on all but always gained it back. I just joined Metabolic Research Center and I am very encouraged. I joined Friday and have already lost 3.2 pounds on pre conditioning. If anyone out there has any experience with the program (good or bad) I would love to hear it.


  • BeautyAndStrength50
    This site is AMAZING... I joined almost a yr ago and love the support of all my friends on here.. When you are trying to get into shape you need all the support you can get.. Im at my goal and still use this site to keep my weight down and keeps me motivated to exercise. Ive been through alot with up and down did quick weight loss and lost it all in 2000 but gained it all back. So I finally realized you have to eat good and EXERCISE.... The key is EXERCISE... Even if its walking on the Treadmill. Keep moving. If you like to add me Id love to help you through your journey. :)

  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    You will get great support here!! Be flexible, be consistent and have a plan and remember losing weight and being healthy is a marathon and not a sprint. It’s not about how fast you get out of the blocks but how consistent you are over the long haul
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Good luck with MRC! I used it and had success (almost 20 lbs lost) but then I got pregnant. I came back right after I had my baby - i actually called them while I was still in the hospital. I wasn't successful the 2nd time. My advice is to go all in 100% and take advantage of all their classes. It isn't designed to be strung out. Good luck.
    I struggled with them wanting me to work out no more than 3 times a week. I understand why they did that because my calorie intake was probably so low they didn't want me burning too much. It just didn't feel right - I felt great and wanted to work out but I would stop myself.