Day 1 of no more excuses..

So, here's my story. I'm 42, female and pretty active. My two jobs (Server and Bridal Consultant) keep me busy all day long. Both are pretty physical jobs. There are times when I work and I don't stop or sit down for over 10 hours. Problem I have is I don't eat enough and when I do eat, my portions are large. I mean, I worked yesterday without lunch and I polished off half a pizza at dinner time.

I've done Jenny Craig in the past and it has forced me to keep a schedule of eating and I've lost weight. I just don't have the money or the time to dedicate to this program again. Plus, it's a quick fix. Once I loose some weight, my lifestyle doesn't change and I'm back to poor eating habits.

Another problem is I don't food shop enough. When I'm working at the restaurant, I'll just grab something there. Or I'll grab something to eat before I work. These options usually aren't the best choices. Can you say Sausage, Egg and Cheese on a toasted bagel. Yummy but oh so bad. And that will what I eat to sustain me throughout the day when I don't get a chance to eat lunch.

So, here I am looking to loose 10-15 pounds. Not a large amount but enought to make me feel better and look better. I need to see what I am eating and how many calories because the weight is not coming off regardless of the spin classes I take three times a week plus all of my walking around.

Hope this works.

Chrstine in Boston


  • shadow9012
    shadow9012 Posts: 6 Member
    I am the same as you,I work 3 jobs and am walking almost 12 hours a day at times! at first I found it hard to shop every week for fresh fruits and veggies when I could easily just get junk to put in my lunch bag! but now everynight I make a little time to prepare a salad for the naxt days lunch and usually just put in a can of light soup!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    Hi, Christine! I've been at this a while, but have slipped up in the past month so I kind of chuckled at your topic name thinking, "yeah, I'm on day 2!" :o) The workouts I've been doing haven't been working for me either so I have to change it up...AGAIN!

    Anyway, I just wanted to wish you luck in your journey!!
  • janelle1993
    Good luck!! And you said only 10-15 lbs, that makes a huge difference in someone's appearance and health. I know this site will help you. Again Good Luck!