think i am about done.



  • CanterberryMom
    I listen to a book on tape titled, The Perfect 10 diet. It is not about dieting but healthy eating. Stay away from processed foods, eat fruits rather than drinking them in juice form, eat "natural", etc. etc. For example, calories from donuts for breakfast is not as good as a bagel with scrambled egg. The latter is more filling. Take most of your meals early in the day -- breakfast and lunch, and have a lighter dinner. If you have to have snacks, take nuts. Some oils are good for you -- avocado, macadamia, extra virgin olive oil, coconut, fish oil. This is about changing our mindset regarding food, and not simply counting calories. Hang in there! I did have an 800+ calorie dinner for Thanksgiving, but I don't punish myself for it. I ate the good carbs, the good fats, and enjoyed my dessert. Then went to the gym the next day. Like what the others have said, exercise is good. I didn't like exercising, and I even hated P.E., but I joined the gym with the rest of my family. I feel great, and it has only been a month.

    By the way, if you eat too little, you put your body in starvation mode, and the long-term result is weight gain.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    up until the last couple months i was exercising alot 6 days a week , often twice a day. lately its has slacked off due to life reasons,
    and the last 3 weeks i have been able to due much , has a nasty cold to start it that moved into a nasty sinus infection to the extent of getting dizzy if i moved to fast. on antibiotics now, and seems to be getting better, (actually better than its been in quite a long time even before the cold hmmm..)

    and though back when i was doing the extreme exercising , was doing insanity, plus weights a few days a week, and zumba once a week. i did not lose very much weight even then, 5 pounds that whole 3 months (did month1 twice, as i did not feel ready for month 2 after the first time) BUT i will say i did FEEL better.

    And when i eat what seems to be the most proper for me even when not losing i feel much better, so maybe i should still 'diet' but lock up the scale and just try to feel better? even if i dont lose any more i may feel better I( and my blood work got better during that time)

    i have seen the doctor, showed her everything i was doing with no results, her comment was i should be able to lose no problem doing that. She has order another thyroid test, though it was fine 6 months ago, and said if that was normal she doesnt know what to tell me.
    and said at that point she would recomend a medically supervise diet clinic. as they might be able to figure something out , unfortunately finacial that is not possible for me

    Glad to hear you went to your doctor, now about that feeling better. You get that out of it, even if you get nothing else, and maybe if you throw out the scale for awhile and keep working out, the pounds will start dropping at some point? I don't know, one of my goals is to be able to bench press a VW Bug (okay, not really!), I'm picking up some weights today, and I'm going to keep at it with the rest. Yes, I want to lose weight, but actually, I'm primarily motivated by the muscles underneath all that fat. I want them bigger, I want my back and knees not to hurt because my body is supported by muscle instead of being a ball of fat on legs.

    In short, if you feel better, don't give up, feed your body what it needs to keep exercising so you can keep enjoying how good it feels. I'm no expert, but I do know what it's like to have no energy, to drag my listless, fat self through my days, mostly while in a chair, and I know about aching joints and getting winded halfway up a flight of stairs is like. Those things are worth fixing, even if the scale is being stubborn.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    set my diary to public for future use , as i have not really logged on this account yet.

    had a diffrent account that i canceled when i gave up on this (fairymiss) but came back
    with this one cause i missed some friends, didnt really have much intention of using the logging and such. jury still out.
    would love to lose some weight, though not overly confident.

    to the person who mentioned food testing , and sensitivity , i would love to be able to to this. as one of my biggest success has been at a medically based weight loss place that did such testing and based my diet around it. unfortunately this was during high school and was not wise enough at the time to stay on course and well with parting an all it came back fast (had gotten down to 125 on that one)
  • hppyngf2
    I know your frustration. But you can do this!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    How many calories do you eat in a typical day when you're not trying to lose weight? Are you steadily gaining? How quickly?
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    How nany calories do you eat in a typical day when you're not trying to lose weight? Are you steadily gaining? How quickly?

    Also, what is your age and gender? What is the time frame of your weight gain and loss? Have you ever been successful losing weight in the past?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    set my diary to public for future use , as i have not really logged on this account yet.

    had a diffrent account that i canceled when i gave up on this (fairymiss) but came back
    with this one cause i missed some friends, didnt really have much intention of using the logging and such. jury still out.
    would love to lose some weight, though not overly confident.

    to the person who mentioned food testing , and sensitivity , i would love to be able to to this. as one of my biggest success has been at a medically based weight loss place that did such testing and based my diet around it. unfortunately this was during high school and was not wise enough at the time to stay on course and well with parting an all it came back fast (had gotten down to 125 on that one)
    Two thoughts:
    1. I always swore I didn't have time and would NOT use a food diary. Well... turns out that using the diary is the ONE thing that has actually worked for me! I thought that I couldn't lose weight, that something was metabolically wrong with me. I also thought that I ate a basically healthy diet, but it seems that my biggest problem was portion control and the diary helps me stay on track. Please consider using this resource!
    2. Can you draw on any of your memories from your high school weight loss days to help you eliminate some foods that you might be sensitive to? Try to remember what foods you could eat and could not eat - that might point you in the right direction now.
    Good luck to you!
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    How nany calories do you eat in a typical day when you're not trying to lose weight? Are you steadily gaining? How quickly?

    Also, what is your age and gender? What is the time frame of your weight gain and loss? Have you ever been successful losing weight in the past?

    i dont really know, as when i am not trying to lose i am not logging, though i usually don't eat a whole lot more than when i am, i know people do not belive this because i am obese i am not a bigger eater. I tend to go up and down, and by that i can be eating at or around 1200 calories and go up and down with out any change in diet or exercise. if i am not being 'careful' its a steady up and at an alarming rate (10 pounds in a week).

    age is 43 gender is female. time frame my whole life (puberty on) yes i lost 80 pounds a few years ago using trimspa. and 75 pounds 27 years ago using a medically supervise weight loss clinic called doctor quick weightloss. oh and the 50 pounds i lost from end of august of last year til jan of this year when i hit the mother of all brick walls.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    set my diary to public for future use , as i have not really logged on this account yet.

    had a diffrent account that i canceled when i gave up on this (fairymiss) but came back
    with this one cause i missed some friends, didnt really have much intention of using the logging and such. jury still out.
    would love to lose some weight, though not overly confident.

    to the person who mentioned food testing , and sensitivity , i would love to be able to to this. as one of my biggest success has been at a medically based weight loss place that did such testing and based my diet around it. unfortunately this was during high school and was not wise enough at the time to stay on course and well with parting an all it came back fast (had gotten down to 125 on that one)
    Two thoughts:
    1. I always swore I didn't have time and would NOT use a food diary. Well... turns out that using the diary is the ONE thing that has actually worked for me! I thought that I couldn't lose weight, that something was metabolically wrong with me. I also thought that I ate a basically healthy diet, but it seems that my biggest problem was portion control and the diary helps me stay on track. Please consider using this resource!
    2. Can you draw on any of your memories from your high school weight loss days to help you eliminate some foods that you might be sensitive to? Try to remember what foods you could eat and could not eat - that might point you in the right direction now.
    Good luck to you!

    well um check out some of the numbers in the last post so no i can not remember specifics of what they had me eating other then meba toast and alot of turkey (i remember that because my mom once said i eat so much turkey i was going to start going **** a doodle do. Mom gets confused)
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member

    well um check out some of the numbers in the last post so no i can not remember specifics of what they had me eating other then meba toast and alot of turkey (i remember that because my mom once said i eat so much turkey i was going to start going **** a doodle do. Mom gets confused)

    um they censored that?
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    OK Fairy,
    Let me guess, I'm pulling no punches here...
    When you diet, you stay strict and meet your calorie goals, 1,200 just like you said. You don't mind exercising, when you diet. But you give up, just like you're thinking of doing now, then you don't keep track. And you gain quickly. All of this you've said.

    What you didn't say, I'm guessing here, is you also eat for emotional reasons, it has a calming effect for you. And you've yo-yo dieted in the past, and if you quit again, this is another yo-yo for you.

    Here is what I would recommend:
    1) Try to eat at least 1,800 calories on average every day. You can go more or less by 200 on any day, but at the end of the week, that's a good target.
    2) Burn 2,800-3,000 calories per week, every week through exercise. That's 700 calories 4 times per week, or 450 calories 6 times per week, or 950 calories 3 times per week. Any way you want. Just burn those 2,800 calories per week, minimum.
    3) Log everything. Every calorie, every exercise. Buy a food scale if you can afford one. Buy a good heart rate monitor if you can afford it. I recommend the Polar FT40 if you can afford it, or the FT7 at a minimum. If you can't afford it, use the MFP numbers.
    4) This time of year people often slow down. You can counteract that by shaking things up. If you drink alcohol, quit for a month or two. Quit eating your comfort food for a month as an alternative. Park in the farthest spot at the market, or walk instead of taking a taxi. I don't know what your circumstances are, but think of ways to get more active. Get up from your desk or job at work twice as many times as you do now, but just go for a walk around the building. Just start moving, and quit eating your favorite thing, whatever that is, replace it with a protein bar or a banana or something like that. If its a carbohydrate, a piece of fruit. Or any protein.

    So, this math works out to 1,400 NET calories per week. My recommendation is to increase your net by 200 calories daily. My reason is that I think you could be pushing your body too low on calories for too long, and this has made your weight loss plateau. You've experienced illness, this could also be a consequence of not enough calories, at least partially.

    Log carefully, and if this helps you will know it. Try this for a minimum of a month to know for sure. You may initially gain some weight and then lose. If you stay the same, add another 200 to your NET calories by adjusting your food intake, your exercise calories or both. Post to this Topic if you choose to try my advice, and just keep posting with your result.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Another thought for consideration:

    Check out the calorie calculators and free podcasts on the podcasts are full of information and are good sources of motivation and inspiration, too. One of the co-hosts has lost about 100 lbs and they promote lifestyle changes and losing weight slowly and safely.

    Stay focused on your health and your long term goals. If you make effort every day, and keep getting back on the horse no matter how many times you fall, you will get there! Good Luck!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    The post from solpwr above is the very best advice.

    You have to log everything. It's almost a guarantee you'll fail if you don't.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I've been stuck at the same weight plus/minus 5 pounds since about June, despite being diligent about my logging, portion measuring/weighing, exercising, etc., so I know the "what's the point" feeling. However, I continue to lose inches which is good, and the logging is very important so that when I stall too long, I can use it to support my request for a re-test of my thyroid (I have hypothyroidism). When I did Weight Watchers ago, the food logging and accountability that came with that were the most important factors in mysuccess. Then I got lazy/casual, stopped tracking what I ate (esp. alcohol calories) and gained almost all of it back. My strategy with MFP is to change my "food lifestyle" and that's not going to happen overnight, so as long as I'm not gaining, I view it as a type of success.

    RE: gaining 10 pounds in one week--it is almost certainly water weight. Unless you have a really whacked out metabolism, as someone else posted, you'd need to have eaten approximately 35,000 extra calories in a week to gain that much weight--that's not likely. My weight will vary up to 5 pounds in the course of a day and most definitely is higher when I've had more sodium than usual.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    OK Fairy,
    Let me guess, I'm pulling no punches here...
    When you diet, you stay strict and meet your calorie goals, 1,200 just like you said. You don't mind exercising, when you diet. But you give up, just like you're thinking of doing now, then you don't keep track. And you gain quickly. All of this you've said.

    What you didn't say, I'm guessing here, is you also eat for emotional reasons, it has a calming effect for you. And you've yo-yo dieted in the past, and if you quit again, this is another yo-yo for you.

    Here is what I would recommend:
    1) Try to eat at least 1,800 calories on average every day. You can go more or less by 200 on any day, but at the end of the week, that's a good target.
    2) Burn 2,800-3,000 calories per week, every week through exercise. That's 700 calories 4 times per week, or 450 calories 6 times per week, or 950 calories 3 times per week. Any way you want. Just burn those 2,800 calories per week, minimum.
    3) Log everything. Every calorie, every exercise. Buy a food scale if you can afford one. Buy a good heart rate monitor if you can afford it. I recommend the Polar FT40 if you can afford it, or the FT7 at a minimum. If you can't afford it, use the MFP numbers.
    4) This time of year people often slow down. You can counteract that by shaking things up. If you drink alcohol, quit for a month or two. Quit eating your comfort food for a month as an alternative. Park in the farthest spot at the market, or walk instead of taking a taxi. I don't know what your circumstances are, but think of ways to get more active. Get up from your desk or job at work twice as many times as you do now, but just go for a walk around the building. Just start moving, and quit eating your favorite thing, whatever that is, replace it with a protein bar or a banana or something like that. If its a carbohydrate, a piece of fruit. Or any protein.

    So, this math works out to 1,400 NET calories per week. My recommendation is to increase your net by 200 calories daily. My reason is that I think you could be pushing your body too low on calories for too long, and this has made your weight loss plateau. You've experienced illness, this could also be a consequence of not enough calories, at least partially.

    Log carefully, and if this helps you will know it. Try this for a minimum of a month to know for sure. You may initially gain some weight and then lose. If you stay the same, add another 200 to your NET calories by adjusting your food intake, your exercise calories or both. Post to this Topic if you choose to try my advice, and just keep posting with your result.

    well logical post but many of your assesments are way off.
    i actually dont emotional eat atleast not when stressed, just the opposite.
    i dont drink so cant cut that out
    if i used anything as a 'comfort food' it would be a big juicey burger (no bun) honest that is actually the only food item i ever have craving for.
    as far as the rest of number four LOL to get up more from my job i would actually have to sit down a time or two. I am on my feet and in motion all day at work.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    the thought of increasing calories scares me , what if i just gain more?
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    YOU have to make up in your mind that you really really WANT this! And you arent going to give up because it gets hard. I have been working out since September 8th and I do 30min to an hour 7/6 days a week. I went to the doctor recently and he told me I gained five pounds. I was devastated, but I kept goin even though I didn't feel like I was getting no where. And I am still going, this is a lifestyle change for me and I am doing to better my health. I am 18 and very close to being obese. I've made up my mind that I WILL NOT ever see/hear a doctor tell my I am obese. Keep going and dont give up! I wont lie toyou and say its easy everyday for me but I remember why I am doing this. I realized today that I have 50+ pounds to loose till I get to my goal weight of 120; and that will take me a year maybe even more. "It's not about how fast you get there, it's the climb" Take to heart the things you will learn on this journey, trust me it'll be alot. You'll learn about your body and how it works waht works for it and what doesn't. You want to be healthy and that is a great thing to have. And it's great that you have a slow weighltoss because just think what if you lose quickly but gain it all back, take your time because you have time.

    Best of Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    You sound pretty convinced MFP won't work so I guess you just move forward the best you know how.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    You sound pretty convinced MFP won't work so I guess you just move forward the best you know how.

    hmm not sure how you came to that, MFP is a tool and a tool that is neutral to sucess or failure.
    its my body that wont behave, just trying to figure out what to make it kick into gear, and the done part is not
    about the website as again it is neutral it is about trying this weightloss thing in general, though at this point not sure
    i could quit. whether i log on this site or another, i am sure i will always revert back to watching what i eat.

    is it because i said you were off on your assessment? hell if your assessment were more accurate the difficulties would make more sense.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    you're not losing weight because you're not eating enough. You should eat no less than 1500 and no more that 1800

    And you got this info where? I've lost eating less then 1500 and eating more than 1800.. so there are some flaws in your logic for sure.

    To OP:
    Most that I can say is, Don't stress! Stress makes losing weight about 10 times worse.

    Also you need to eat more than a thousand calories and 20 carbs a day. Increase by small amounts and give it about 4 weeks.. and then re-assess. I currently eat around 1700-2000 calories a day, and I lose fine.. so it can happen. It's just about finding the balance for you.