P90X vs Chalean

Hi everyone!

I was really interested in both of these workouts due to the raving reviews, however can't afford both. Does anyone have any opinions, tips, advise or such that can help me decide which one would be better?

Thanks in advance! :smile:


  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    Hi everyone!

    I was really interested in both of these workouts due to the raving reviews, however can't afford both. Does anyone have any opinions, tips, advise or such that can help me decide which one would be better?

    Thanks in advance! :smile:
  • silverharmony
    silverharmony Posts: 11 Member
    I dont know much about PX90, but from what i have heard, Chalean is a shorter workout...the sessions tend to run about 30 minutes or so...

    i personally do Chalean's...with some TurboJam mixed in for fun...and i LOVE it...the gym i have at work is doing a strength training program similar to chalean's so i had the trainer here look over the exercises to be sure i would be doing a good mix, and she said it was excellent...i also like it because there is very little equipment needed...(just handweights OR resistance bands)...so i can do it at work AND at home...

    there are a few forum threads out on the web that detail her workouts so you can see what they entail...the article i recommend reading is


  • Always losing 10
    This is my second round with PX90 and I can tell you it is one of the hardest workouts I have ever done; I recently purchased the Chalene workout and tried one tape and it was kind of wimpy...It's for more of a beginner workout so I am returning it. Basically if you want a hard core workout go with P90 if you are just getting into strength training start with Chalene.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    My vote is for P90X. It will give you a HIGH level of fitness, not just weight loss. Also, it is something you can do as a family. Believe me, I am not against Chalean...she's a winner. But for strength and true fitness, you can't beat Tony Horton's P90X. It will kick your butt in the beginning...you will grow to enjoy the hard work. Try it for 30 days and return it if is not for you! Please read other female posters about this subject.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well I am sticking with My ChaLean right now. Maybe after I lose more weight and get under 200 lbs I will invest in P90X. Right now I am still in the 250's so I have aways to go till then.

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    OK, since I have done both... I will give you my opinion!!

    I think they are both awesome programs and I have seen results from both of them!!

    First of all, P90X workouts are all about an hour a day for 6 days a week. ChaLean Extreme is around 35-45 min for 5 days a week.

    P90X includes pullups so if you don't have access to a pullup bar or a way to attach a band for pulldowns, that can be a factor.

    For both workouts you will need either bands or dumbbells (I personally prefer dumbbells but bands work also and I do use them while traveling).

    I think ChaLean works more of the lower body than P90X, but P90X is a kick-butt upper body workout. (I can do countless pushups now and real pullups)

    So... does that help or not?? I would be happy to answer any questions that you have, I am a Team Beachbody coach and am familiar with all of the programs. HTH!

  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    Thanks for the info everyone! :smile: I'll check some other threads and web info before I decide. They both seem to be very good. I'm really close to my goal weight and need the extra challenge or "push" to lose the rest - sounds like P90X might just do it.