Question for dog owners



  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    My groomer told me not to use the furminator, we were using one but she said its mainly for long haired dogs, our vet said the same. He's completely healthy and has no bald spots. I use a flat brush, like the ones they use on horses but it's for dogs. I should have massive bicepsby now from all the brushing! He loves being brushed and will bring the brush toome. He loves being vacuumed too. I have to put him out the back when I'm cleaning because he will stand in my way until I use it on him
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    Unfortunately ... keep vacuuming.

    It's one of the perks of being a dog (or pet) owner. I had a Great Dane/lab mix when I was younger, and he ran true to his lab side ... stiff black hairs everywhere, and it was hard to get out of the upholstery (he didn't sit or lie on furniture, being a really submissive type and preferring to lie near your feet instead, but the hairs still got there.)

    Grooming can help, but with a bullmastiff, it's not like you're dealing with a massive amount of fur and an undercoat to begin with. If you have even floors (without a lot of rugs), a Roomba-type device can help keep up with daily upkeep (although you will still need to do the full house clean periodically). A friend of mine has 2 cats and he swears by it.

    We have 4 cats. Dustballs seem to magically appear within 2 minutes of the vacuum being put away. We just accept that pet hair will be a fact of life, and we keep up with it the best we can. I sometimes need to wear suits to work, and when people find out I live with 4 cats, they don't believe me because I'm pretty diligent about keeping the cats and cat fur out of the closet. (And one of them is a pure white cat. Trust me, his white hairs get EVERYWHERE.) It takes a bit of policing, attention to closed doors, periodic vacuuming, and a lot of lint rollers. :)

    But if you're also willing to be diligent, you'll have the joy of a happy tail and a wet tongue every day to greet you. :)
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Try this type of brush it has done wonders for me and my pup. It allows you to get the hair off the dog rather then finding it around the house. My brother has had good results also.

    Dogs used on
    Shepard wolf mix
    Short hair mut

    My groomer told me not to use the furminator, we were using one but she said its main,y for long haired dogs, our vet said the same. He's completely healthy and has no bald spots. I use a flat brush, like the ones they use on horses but it's for dogs. I should have massive bicepsby now from all the brushing! He loves being brushed and will bring the brush toome. He loves being vacuumed too. I have to put him out the back when I'm cleaning because he will stand in my way until I use it on him
  • annadilynn
    they are shedders...and like other comments have said..brushing helps...they dont have super thick hair so dont get one of the "point" scratchy brushes or you will be torturing him...get a brisle brush, doesnt have to be can use a human brush on him :0) do it somewhere out of a draft so they dont float all over while your brushing...I have two jacks and they shed insanely, i swear there is a naked 3rd dog running around cause i empty my vac like 3 or 4 times when i vaccum..its a small house and i vacuum pretty much every other day...and they are both white furred dogs...we have a chocolate couch..UGH..what was i thinking!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    As the owner and past owner of Mastiff;, Newfoundland; Great Dane; Labador: Begales... Yhea I have grown-up with a lot of dogs. You either groom them weekly or shave them bald.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oy, I have an Australian Shephard. Nuff said.

    I brush her every day, and still she waits until I am leaving for work in my black pants, and 'hugs' mommy good bye:sad:
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Oy, I have an Australian Shephard. Nuff said.

    I brush her every day, and still she waits until I am leaving for work in my black pants, and 'hugs' mommy good bye:sad:

    Yeah I get that too, normally accompanied by a big drooly kiss!still love him tho!
  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    You could try a Lamb based dog food...It has cut the shedding in my house by ALOT...however I have 2 dogs and a cat so I also vacuum everyday...nothing will stop that LOL, but believe it or not...alot of dogs have a low tolerance to chicken and that is the most common dog food.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    What do you feed him?
  • netsirk419
    netsirk419 Posts: 30 Member
    I also have a bullmastiff and twice a year ( around March and October) he goes through a period of ridiculous shedding. The furminator brush helps alot.
  • ptcgirlie
    I have 4 dogs and using the Furminator helps. Also a good rake brush is helpful. We often shave one of ours too, but he is a long haired dog.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    You could try a Lamb based dog food...It has cut the shedding in my house by ALOT...however I have 2 dogs and a cat so I also vacuum everyday...nothing will stop that LOL, but believe it or not...alot of dogs have a low tolerance to chicken and that is the most common dog food.

    just a mention of that if you are using a average brand 'lamb' dog food read the label carefully, many of the store bought lamb dog foods have beef and chicken in them. the store brands have actually made it so lamb is no longer used as a elimination food anymore.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    another idea, google hound mit
  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    You could try a Lamb based dog food...It has cut the shedding in my house by ALOT...however I have 2 dogs and a cat so I also vacuum everyday...nothing will stop that LOL, but believe it or not...alot of dogs have a low tolerance to chicken and that is the most common dog food.

    just a mention of that if you are using a average brand 'lamb' dog food read the label carefully, many of the store bought lamb dog foods have beef and chicken in them. the store brands have actually made it so lamb is no longer used as a elimination food anymore.

    I buy Nutritian First by Presidents Choice...There is no chicken or beef in it and the dogs love it...I would say that my dogs shed a 1/4 of what they use to. and its very affordable which is a bonus :happy:
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    What do you feed him?

    He's on royal canin, it's recommended by his vet and breeder and it's good quality, might change it to the lamb one. He gets green tripe the odd time too
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Some shed more than others and I just live by the words on a magnet on my fridge "No outfit if complete without dog hair". I love my babies so much more than the dog hair bothers me. I don't really have any suggestions for you other than what others have already had. I feel bad for people that have a hard time living with it,
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oy, I have an Australian Shephard. Nuff said.

    I brush her every day, and still she waits until I am leaving for work in my black pants, and 'hugs' mommy good bye:sad:

    Yeah I get that too, normally accompanied by a big drooly kiss!still love him tho!

    :laugh: no droolz here. But LOTS of hair. I have a roly in my car, my office desk, my trunk..........I have them all over my house for friends. Of course my friends bring their own dog hair with them :wink:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,034 Member
    My two beagles (small dogs with short hair) shed like crazy, and I brush them every day. Look at the bright side -- log those calories burned vacuuming ;) !
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    We have a 7 year old Boykin. We brush him everyday and vacuum everyday. But, it's worth it. Best dog I have ever had.