How do you "think" thin?

It's an interesting concept and I was wondering how, or IF anyone else out there does it? What does it mean to you and how do you apply it?


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think healthy. I make the best food choices I can, I do my best to drink more water than other beverages, I park farther away from the store entrance (sometimes, I'm about 36 weeks pregnant right now...), etc.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I do a lot of visualizatin excersizes and have recently undergone some guided hypnosis. It's really just a tool to help project where you are heading... and in my case not fight with this anymore.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Hmmmm....never really thought about it and now that I do it's interesting.

    I do "think" thin. To me it means maintaining my weight now. Before it was getting to where I needed to be.

    To apply it means that I sit down and make my menu out for the week on Saturdays. When I am at the store I read labels on new stuff I want to try. I do not stop at fast food places much and when I do I choose a more healthy item off the menu. I cook cleaner. I am going to start growing simple veggies and tomatoes. I have what I call an indoor "greenhouse" I've been doing herbs and flowers and decided to expand. I don't go for seconds at meals. I control my portions better. Not that I don't indulge every now and then but if I notice a slight weight gain I get right after it. I make more of an effort to exercise every day. Even if it is only a 20 minute walk it's better then nothing!
  • josiesumerlin
    Thanks :)
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    I don't really think thin. I more think "not fat" I know "fat" is a horrible word, and can hurt some people's feelings and all, but I have to look at myself in the right light. I started this journey with over 100lbs to lose, so I think "fat" is the right word for me.
    I think about the food choices and portion sizes I am making now and compare them to how things were before I started losing weight. I don't want to ever go back to how I was, so I always choose to eat healthier, smaller portions.
    This way of thinking also works to motivate me to get out and exercise. I think about how lazy I have been in the past, and decide that I should do the opposite.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    My way is that if I have something that is not part of a healthy diet, I just have a salad for dinner, or cut down the next day. Think people do that. I no longer think I'm a failure if I mess up, it is what it is and I just have to adjust.

  • josiesumerlin
    Here is what I wrote down the other night when I was thinking about this concept.. Everything is easier when you are thin, shopping, running, sex, standing for a long time, and snuggling on the couch to name a few! lol.... To begin thinking thin I will start with my actions and self talk, I will get up each morning get dressed, do my makeup and take pride in myself. I will chew longer on my food, take my time and Share my food with others. Choose foods that are naturally filling like veggies, whole grains, fruits and nuts. I want to take the journey slow and enjoy the ride, when I say slow I don't mean losing weight really slowly but in general slowing down and being present with each and every choice I make with food. I shut off at times and not think twice about what I am eating so I want to be more present. Sorry about the grammar.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I never thought of "thinking thin" but I guess one of the major changes in thinking that I have is to look at food as a tool to fuel my body and give it the nutrients it needs, rather than look at food solely as a pleasurable thing because the latter could easily lead to overeating and eating the wrong things. Don't get me wrong, I still eat the foods I enjoy but I now find pleasure in knowing I am giving it the right foods if that makes sense.
  • marzahl68
    I can't say I'm thinking "thin" but I have a mental image of myself that I'm working on matching with reality. I guess I use visualization a lot and it works for me. Example: before I cave in and overeat, I visualize how it will make me feel, the suffiness, the "ugh" in my stomach and the discomfort associated with eating to much. Then I don't have the desire anymore to eat that big ol' burger for example.
    I spend a lot of time visualizing what I'm going to look like, the clothes I'll be wearing, how healthy I'm going to feel, light and breezy.
  • josiesumerlin
    Thanks every one it's cool to hear what you guys do.