Stunned by how easy it is to overeat!



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    ice cream always shocked me. I don't normally get ice cream. it's a rare once a month treat so when I do I get the full non-diet type. ½ a cup of haagen daaz. 230 calories!
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I found through this website that on top of never exercising....I was overeating...........A lot!!!! On an average day I was eating 5-7000 calories!!! I reduce it to 2500, and as my weight got lower I reduce my calories even more. Today I eat about 1765 calories a day. give or take. Keep up the good work !!
  • WeighAhead
    WeighAhead Posts: 42 Member
    Am I the only one who would have eaten the birthday cake and not felt guilty about it?
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Plan ahead & log first. That's what I'm doing trying this week & it's working.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    It is eye opening. I had no clue how many calories were in the foods I was eating when at my heaviest. I told myself " I don't eat that much". I might not have eaten huge volumes of food but what I did eat, was high in cals and fats.

    I was doing WW when I lost my 60 pounds and now use MFP to maintain. I tracked my first week on WW and ate what I normally did and was chocked at how much I was really eating.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I got an eye opener on Thursday. If you look back on that day on my food diary I went over 1000 calories over my allotment. It woke me up because that WAS my norm several times a week and then some if you add in about 5 more MT. Dews. I was upset at first but then used it as a jumping off point and yesterday I was below for the first time. I am finding myself thinking and measuring. Today will be another tough day, Sundays always are the hardest for me but I am going to do my best! That is all we can do!
  • clairelane1982
    It was definately an eye opener for me.... I was not exercising, snacking between meals and my portion sizes were huge... No wonder i need to lose at least 60lbs....
    After logging all my food it made me realise how much I was eating. My main thing now is controling my portion sizes. That way I get to eat what rest of family eats, just not as much of it. Also when i do snack it makes me choose the healthy snack and not the choc chip cookies.
  • saartje1982
    saartje1982 Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah for me it's definitely portion sizes and how much I actually should eat. Now, I eat my food on smaller plates and it def. helps.
  • petitfilou
    The smaller plate thing definitely works! I eat my dinner from a cereal bowl and, more often than not, find it's enough. On the rare occasion that I have second helpings, it'll be one or two spoonfuls rather than another full-sized serving!

    I have also discovered a magic breakfast that only "costs" 318 calories yet keeps me going for ages - 2 fresh figs, 1 tablespoon each of sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, a bit of goat's yogurt (MUCH nicer than cow yogurt) and some oatmeal. I started off with 3 figs but then realised how filling it was and that I didn't need 3. It's not my ideal breakfast (I'd far rather have last night's leftover macaroni cheese) but, given that I want to lose weight, it's nice and it seems to stop me needing my mid-morning snack.
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    Am I the only one who would have eaten the birthday cake and not felt guilty about it?

    LMAO!!! I would have totally eaten the birthday cake!!
  • petitfilou
    I didn't eat the cake ... but only because I ate everything else in sight. Crisps, cheese board, you name it!
  • clairelane1982
    I didn't eat the cake ... but only because I ate everything else in sight. Crisps, cheese board, you name it!
    Dont talk about cheese..... i love it........ I would think nothing of slicing off a huge wedge and munching on it..... Now though, I buy baby bell or cheese sticks for kids lunch boxes, if i really need cheese fix i have one of those. They are about 60/70 cals....