Hi everyone!

mrschrismorris Posts: 3
Hi everyone...my name is Misti....I just joined this myfitnesspal this last week and so far im liking it! :D Currently im stationed overseas in italy. being overseas is fun but its challenging because who doesnt want to eat authentic italian food 3 times a day?!? I have two little boys 6 & 7 &1/2 who are my world.

Since ive been putting my husbands military career and my kids first, ive gained more weight then what im comfortable with. Its time to START THINKING ABOUT MYSELF!!!

I hope that I can be a motivation to anyone and everyone on this site. and good luck to you all in your weight loss journies!!

Feel free to add me as a friend if you see someone to talk to. im up to 9 hrs ahead of the USA depending on your location


  • Hi Misti - I'm Jackie from Richmond, VA. I have never had a weight problem - in fact I was always underweight at 5'11" and 98 lbs everyone thought I was anorexic. But, I was healthy as a horse and eating constantly. Well, when I was 23 I had a tumor on my spinal cord removed and wham, the weight came like gangbusters. I was loving life and myself for the first time! Believe it or not, people make fun of you even if you are skinny (and tall - I'm 5'11"). Well the years passed and I will be 52 in February and the weight keeps coming. While many people tell me I am not fat or overweight I beg to differ as I can see it in my face along with every other place and I don't like it. My problem is I never fill full - even eating foods that are supposed to make you feel full; like oatmeal. I usually make at least double the single serving size. I try to take my lunch to work but I am not crazy about sandwiches. I live less than 2 miles from the job, but would rather go out somewhere. So,not only am I gaining weight, I am spending a ton of money. My friend Sharon sent me the link to this site. It's a lot like Weight Watchers (which I've done) but it's free. Today, I logged my first meals and couldn't believe I blew my 1200 calories per day almost entirely on a supposidly healthy salad that came in at over 1000 calories! Hope we can get through this weight loss together!
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    welcome to you both and i hope you both find all the motivation and support you need to make the changes you not only need to but want to.

    good luck on your journeys
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