Calories Burned during Hot Yoga?

Was wondering if anyone knows if there is any data for calories burned doing hot yoga, as cardio, on this site? I couldn't find any, but Im new here, and I feel like Im not the first person to have looked for this activity on here.



  • this is the site i went to

    and then just put in bikram for "hot" yoga
  • ecookk
    ecookk Posts: 13 Member
    I have posted about this before, you could check my posts, but the calculators online are pretty terrible and tell you that you burn around 1000 calories per 90 mins, which is obviously a total joke. I log it at double normal yoga, so around 400 cals per 90 mins.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    What is hot yoga?
  • During Bikram Yoga, you can burn between 500-900 calories in a 90 minute session. I use a HRM, however you have to clean it really well after every time because you're drenched the whole time
  • I do "hot power yoga" Not bikram (no flow - 26 different poses) so I googled calories burned. I'm 42, female 144lbs and during a 75 min. class I burn about 550. There is a girl in my class (similar to my age,size and level) and she burns 700 (w/Bodybugg) some people say that the heat from the room throws those numbers off. Depending on your flow/intervals it can burn as much as a spin class.
  • What is hot yoga?

    It's a series of yoga poses performed in a 105 degree room. Each session is 90 mins
  • What is hot yoga?

    There are different kinds - Bikram is done in a room that is heated to 105* with 80% humidity but there is no flow involved its 26 (or 19 I forget) different poses.

    My hot power yoga class is 95* w/80% humidity and we warm up for 5-10 minutes then into Sun Salutions (rapid flow) for 60 minutes then cool down.