Has anybody tried atkins diet before?

Hello Everyone, I am not new to dieting but I am just wondering if anybody have tried atkins and I want to get some input about it. Thanks!


  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    if it worked so many would be thin, Carbs are needed in moderation. The only thing that will work is Eating properly and exercising.
  • BarbiNay
    BarbiNay Posts: 65 Member
    I have any like any diet it works till you go off of it and then you gain it all and then some back. Best diet I have ever found is planning my meals on MFP and exercising.
  • brit7880
    brit7880 Posts: 59 Member
    my dad has and it seemed really unhealthy. It isn't really realistic to stay away from carbs forever. Calorie counting is so much better because you learn to eat all kinds of foods in moderation. Adkins diet is just what it sounds like.. a DIET and calorie counting is about a life style change. Good luck with what ever you do and just be healthy!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I've tried it and it did not work for me. Let me clarify that though..... I lost weight. I lost almost 100 lbs. and I was the most angry, hungry, constantly on-edge person ever!!! I constantly felt deprived.... I got sick of eating meat and cheese 'sanwiches' and then more meat and more cheese and more this and that and just not enough of a balance. I need balance in my diet to feel satisifed. Also, I'm lactose intolerant, so that takes a little getting used to... working that out in the diet. It was definitely not my fav plan at all. I subsequently felt so disatisfied and unhealthy that I gave up and put on the weight plus more. I felt very sick and worn out most of the time... not pleasant in any way.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    my dad has and it seemed really unhealthy. It isn't really realistic to stay away from carbs forever. Calorie counting is so much better because you learn to eat all kinds of foods in moderation. Adkins diet is just what it sounds like.. a DIET and calorie counting is about a life style change. Good luck with what ever you do and just be healthy!

    This exactly! What you need isn't a "diet"- you need a lifestyle change! Why do something difficult and unhealthy to lose the weight and then most likely gain it back as soon as you get off the diet? Start making lifestyle changes you can stick with for life. Don't cut anything out completely; depriving yourself of things you love is why people so often fail. You can do it the right way! :D
  • It worked really well for me. I enjoyed it and felt great. I used this site to help keep up with my carbs. Once I lost nearly 30 pounds, I started counting calories and didn't gain any weight at all. In fact, I've lost 3 more since I switched a couple of weeks ago. I have to say my 6 months or so on Atkins was just what I needed to jump start my weight loss, motivate me, and curb some of my constant craving for sugar. I even ran 3 miles several times a week on 20-30 carbs a day. Not to say it's the best thing for everybody.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I havent tried atkins (im not too keen on strict diets) but I do try to eat lower carb.. nothing crazy like atkins, but I try not to eat bread,pasta,potatos,rice,ect.. when I do I feel better and I lose weight alot faster...
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Ive tried it and my blood pressure, cholesterol and other levels went from normal to the point of almost having a heart attack when I was 28 years old within the first 7 months of the diet, sure I lost over 40lbs but keeping it off was the problem, one diet id NEVER do again, my doctor that misdiagnosed me put me on it, when I went to another doctor they told me your body needs whole grains it keeps it fuller longer AND it helps lower cholesterol and many other things, and you need fruits and veggies to balance everything else out fresh ones and green veggies, lean meats and what I do is red meat and potatoes 2x a week :)

    Word from experience DON'T DO IT!

    Females no less than 1200 cals a day men 1800 cals day low carb is key

    plus sodium that works for me 2400mg a day or less

    Just remember healthy eating and workouts do it you just have to have the willpower and determination to do so!
    Like my doc and dietitian say you can do it, you can eat what you what treat yourself after you make your goals just half the normal serving size and work it into your day :flowerforyou:
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    There are pros and cons to the Atkins diet. I tried it a long time ago when I was less educated and more naive than I am now. I was miserable. The Atkins diet is designed to put you into ketosis in the beginning stages. Ketosis is rough. I was tired, cranky, had a constant headache, and didn't feel like I had the energy necessary to walk up a few stairs. I didn't last long on the Atkins diet.

    However... supposedly, you can get past that nasty initial stage and get used to ketosis.

    If you stick with the program, you will likely lose weight.

    This website has some good, unbiased info: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/atkins-diet/MY00648

    See what you think. Try it if you think it will work for you.

    But don't get it in your head that it's an 'easy diet'. It's not any easier or more effective than simply restricting calories and increasing exercise. You don't have to give up carbs to lose weight. You just have to burn more calories than you eat.
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    Atkins in it's first stage is a bit severe, but cutting carbs down to say 40 g a day does not mean an unhealthy diet and nothing but meat. The South Beach diet is a better alternative.
    I would say that you should try the low carb approach only if 1200 calories with whole grains, lots of fruit and veg etc does not work. Only then should you consider low carb.
    I take the view that there are some of us, of a certain age, who really do have problems with insulin resistance and need to restrict carbs to lose weight but this does not affect everybody.
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    if it worked so many would be thin, Carbs are needed in moderation. The only thing that will work is Eating properly and exercising.

    It works. I'm not an advocate of it but it does.

    Also, the body can obtain all its energy from protein and fats, carbs aren't essential.
  • bs1981
    bs1981 Posts: 36
    I kicked butt on atkins after my 3rd child. Problem is when you start eating carbs again you gain it back. Lifestyle change is correct, I am getting results now just by eating better and working now, just not as fast as atkins. Which I hope means .... it will last.
  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    I did the Atkin's diet when I was a teenager and lost a significant amount of weight. My problem with diets like that is that any time you cut out entire groups of foods you are setting yourself up for failure. You want something that you can maintain as a lifestyle. The Atkin's diet may help you lose weight, but you will gain it right back and other parts of your body will be unhealthier than when you started. Imagine all the cholestorol in all meat/eggs/cheese. Bleh!
  • Thank you all for the helpful insights! I greatly appreciate it! I love food and decide to just stick to MFP, just to help me keep track of my food intake! you guys are awesome!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have any like any diet it works till you go off of it and then you gain it all and then some back. Best diet I have ever found is planning my meals on MFP and exercising.

    Atkins isn't meant to "go off of it". It is meant to be a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Any "diet" you go off your going to gain weight back.

    To the OP: I lost 100 pounds on Atkins back in 2003 and kept it off until a bad car accident and additional health problems started taking its toll on my body.

    It works as long as it is the lifestyle change you can live with. If not, other methods would be more fitting.
  • zetsubou
    zetsubou Posts: 48 Member
    I think I'll give it a try since nothing else seem to work recently. Hope I'll last at least a week ;D
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
    I found this youtube video presenting a serious research study across diets quite interesting. shows low-carb trumped the other diets on all parameters


    towards the end he shows how for insulin sensitive people there wasn't such a dramatic difference, but if you are insulin resistant, low carb makes for far better weight loss results.

    The guy presenting is a lifetime vegetarian and said that these results took him aback as well.

    Interestingly - the Atkins profiled here is not a vanilla-Atkins - the participants moved to more carbs than pure Atkins allows, but they were still the least carb consumers in the group. so you can get results without suffering the extreme low carbs of pure Atkins