Burst Training?

Hey everyone! Has anyone heard of burst training? Where you go 30-60 seconds of 90%-100% effort, then go easy for 60 seconds. Apparently it's more effective than spending up to an hour on the DREADmill...but I'm not sure if it actually works. I guess I'm confused as to hwo many reps you should do.

Here is what I'm looking at doing:

5 minute warm up

30 second burst

60 second easy

30 second burst

60 second easy

30 seconds burts

60 seconds easy

30 seconds burts

60 seconds easy

so that only adds up to...a total of 11 minutes of cardio. Then I would to strength training, depending on the day legs or arms, and always abs.

Also, every other day doing this burst routine (or something similar...) with "off days" swimming a mile or two. (I'm a swimmer and can swim all day...it doesnt give me the same effect as it once used to...muscle memory I guess..)

Does this sound like a good plan?

Thanks for ANY advice.


  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Ya, most people call it HIIT.

    I've done it on an elliptical and really liked it.

    As far as running, I've seen it done as 'run a block, walk/jog a block' . Basically exactly what you typed out.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Also, it definitely works..but space the training at least a day apart, some studies show your body is still recovering for up to 36 hours later. Waaay more effective than straight cardio.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    We also call them "intervals". They go by different names, but are essentially the same. Hard/ Easy... repeat over and over again.

    They are great for burning calories quicker.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yep - I do something similar.... fantastic workout....

    5 minute walk - then 10 sets of 60 seconds max effort / 120 seconds active recovery (moving slowly)

    Then Low intensity steady state exercise to make up for 60 minutes....

    So in the end I do a 60 minute workout - of which about half is "bursts" and recovery

    When I do it I will only do it every second day....

    You can actually do the same thing with swimming, cycling....
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    Ok, thanks. So is 4-6 around the interval goal then? I figured a swim between each day would help stretch and loosen my body while still burning some extra calories.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I would actually try to do at least 30 minutes - rather than just 11 minutes.... (except if you are very out of shape)
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    Yes, intervals work really well. Depending on length of rest period, it can do different things. You should look up the research on Tabata intervals - 20s of all out effort, 10s of rest for 8 rotations (4 minutes). It sounds easy on paper but is really hard if you are pushing yourself and really effective. But if you want to know about intervals, you can look up the research on that with the Olympic speed skating team.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I love doing HIIT on crossclimber and elliptical :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Hey everyone! Has anyone heard of burst training? Where you go 30-60 seconds of 90%-100% effort, then go easy for 60 seconds. Apparently it's more effective than spending up to an hour on the DREADmill...but I'm not sure if it actually works. I guess I'm confused as to hwo many reps you should do.

    Here is what I'm looking at doing:

    5 minute warm up

    30 second burst

    60 second easy

    30 second burst

    60 second easy

    30 seconds burts

    60 seconds easy

    30 seconds burts

    60 seconds easy

    so that only adds up to...a total of 11 minutes of cardio. Then I would to strength training, depending on the day legs or arms, and always abs.

    Also, every other day doing this burst routine (or something similar...) with "off days" swimming a mile or two. (I'm a swimmer and can swim all day...it doesnt give me the same effect as it once used to...muscle memory I guess..)

    Does this sound like a good plan?

    Thanks for ANY advice.
    Called HIIT or interval training.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    You're right...it SOUNDS easy...I know how hard it will be though. The reason I'm so interested in it is because I'd like to start running, but I just CAN NOT run for the life of me...i get so tired so quickly and so bored...and intervals seem to be a good way to get really into it. EVENTUALLY start making the "bursts" longer (not at 100% of course...) and rest time shorter...plus it would seem like it would go quicker having to look at the time and actually having short term goals inside of a 30 minute workout.

    One step at a time though. I'm going to start this tomorrow at the gym instead of doing 30 mins of the same speed...see what happens over the week with it.