Concerned Reader



  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    So I've been on here a few weeks now, but I am a bit concerned about some people here on MFP.

    Reading some of the boards is quite distressing as I feel some people aren't doing this the healthy way. If you're unsure if your weight loss is "normal", or your concerned about only eating 1200 calories, then please GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!

    Does anyone else get this same feeling? I really do worry about some people here, and it makes me sad :(

    I did go see my doctor... he told me not to eat my exercise calories back.

    With that being said, I'm not hardcore about not eating them back. If I want them or feel hungry, I eat them. If I am full, and feel fine, I don't eat them. I have also been told that it isn't as important when you are really heavy to eat them back, as when you are smaller and closer to your goal weight. I do plan on upping my calories in Jan anyways just for sustainability.

    ALSO Before i had my HRM MFP gave me about 1000 cals for my Turbo Jam workouts. My Polar FT4 only puts me at about 455 for the same workout, had I eaten all my exercise calories there is no way I would have been losing weight...
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I'm more concerned with the people trying to "loose" weight

    OMG, this drives me absolutely crazy. Along with those who do not know the difference between there/their/they're, and those who think no one is one word (noone, seriously? It doesn't even look right!). Ok, that is all...:happy:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Eh, if I'm a couple hundred over one day after subtracting my exercise calories I won't worry about being a couple hundred under the next day, again, after subtracting exercise calories. I'm sure as heck not going to bed hungry, and I feel fine. If I get dizzy or weak while working out, I'll definitely change something, though. Besides, I don't have a heart rate monitor yet, and a lot of people are saying MFP is too generous with calories burned estimates. So I'm probably a little over every day without even knowing it.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm more concerned with the people trying to "loose" weight

    Seriously made me LOL!!! It makes cringe everytime I see "I'm trying to loose weight" or "Help me I'm not loosing any more"

    Well done! :)
  • Rain_Howard
    So I've been on here a few weeks now, but I am a bit concerned about some people here on MFP.

    Reading some of the boards is quite distressing as I feel some people aren't doing this the healthy way. If you're unsure if your weight loss is "normal", or your concerned about only eating 1200 calories, then please GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!

    Does anyone else get this same feeling? I really do worry about some people here, and it makes me sad :(

    It doesn't make me sad. People do what they do. Most of the kids of here are convinced they are right and no amount of logic or factual information will deter them from that misguided belief.

    And then we have the ones with nothing productive to say so they comment spelling. I love that.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,049 Member
    There is a lot of great advice on this site. I spent many years trying one quick fix after another, and it saddens me that some folks want to use the great tools here for that hopeless cause. Perhaps that is just part of the process, but I hope that those folks get it together sooner than I did.
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    There are a variety of right ways to do things. Ideal Protein for example is an excellent diet. People lose weight rapidly which for some people is necessary due to medical issues or to get off to a jump start. And even though Ideal Protein is 'unbalanced' those who are on it often see improvements in their medical status and doctors are increasingly supporting Ideal Protein. But Ideal Protein is about 800 calories a day and very low carb. sure people always say 'but you'll gain it back as soon as you go back to eating the way you were.' True! But if you are fat and lose weight and then go back to eating the way you were, you will lose weight because obviously 'the way you were eating' made you fat.

    Each to their own. We are all adults here and can make our own choices.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I absolutely agree. There is so much medical misinformation, half truths, and just utter nonsense on these boards, yet some treat responses as if they are coming from leading medical professionals. And some resonders seem to purposely leave out details (like "I have a disease" or "I lift weights for many hours per week") when responding, as if what works for them would work for someone not in their situation. It's very disturbing.
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    On the other hand, having said that (LOL I"m a libra and can argue all sides of an issue), I am now trying to lose weight slowly - just 1 pound a week. I am hoping that it will help me to not have wild swings in motivation and cravings and over the long term, if not in the short term, the weight loss will be significant.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    This has come up before - certainly for me - really creeps me out. You're not the only one... one reason I don't check the forums much!
  • onehotgirl
    I see 1200 as a minimum rather than a maximum, every single day I have eaten over and have still lost weight (2.5kg/5.5lb) over 3 weeks.

    I don't like it how it says on your main page "xxxx completed her food and exercise diary for xx/xx/2011 and was under her calorie goal" like it's a good thing. Although if you complete your log under your goal it does warn you. Confusing huh.

    It would be cool if it congratulated on logging and going over no more than say 10% of your calorie goal - more of a real life motivator! I know this is just a tool in aid of weight loss but people do take to heart what MFP tell them to do.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    As a person who fairly regularly eats or nets under 1200 calories a day, I feel like there is some judging in this "non-judging" thread. My eating has been okayed by a dietician-I was concerned because MFP would always say in red how I am eating too few calories. However, contrary to what some people believe about how you are starving on only 1200 a day, I am not; everyone is different and every body has different needs. If I am hungry, I eat more. I am not eating 1200 a day because that's what MFP tells me, but because that just happens to be what I eat that day to be satisfied. I now eat pretty regularly and don't skip meals all the time like I used to. So while you may look at a lot of my diary days and think "wow, she's starving herself, etc etc" I look at that and think, wow, my eating habits are so much better than they used to be".
  • stix_n_stones
    1200 isn't a magical number, to lose weight I can only eat a little above that. It all depends on your starting point and your metabolism. A slow one in a small person means you don't need that much food in the first place.
  • Rain_Howard
    This has come up before - certainly for me - really creeps me out. You're not the only one... one reason I don't check the forums much!

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^When I read these forums I have to remind myself not to respond to the stupidity I read. If I did I would do nothing other than spend hours typing.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I personally feel like people here are just like so many girls/women.

    I do really feel like we (especially as women) need to embrace who we are and really really gain that self confidence that we all deserve to have. With that said, I'm not saying to not be healthy or better yourself, just do it in a way that is healthy and be proud of yourself and confident in yourself the entire way through.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    As a person who fairly regularly eats or nets under 1200 calories a day, I feel like there is some judging in this "non-judging" thread. My eating has been okayed by a dietician-I was concerned because MFP would always say in red how I am eating too few calories. However, contrary to what some people believe about how you are starving on only 1200 a day, I am not; everyone is different and every body has different needs. If I am hungry, I eat more. I am not eating 1200 a day because that's what MFP tells me, but because that just happens to be what I eat that day to be satisfied. I now eat pretty regularly and don't skip meals all the time like I used to. So while you may look at a lot of my diary days and think "wow, she's starving herself, etc etc" I look at that and think, wow, my eating habits are so much better than they used to be".
    Yay, someone sensible.
  • KendaVSG
    KendaVSG Posts: 147
    As a person who fairly regularly eats or nets under 1200 calories a day, I feel like there is some judging in this "non-judging" thread. My eating has been okayed by a dietician-I was concerned because MFP would always say in red how I am eating too few calories. However, contrary to what some people believe about how you are starving on only 1200 a day, I am not; everyone is different and every body has different needs. If I am hungry, I eat more. I am not eating 1200 a day because that's what MFP tells me, but because that just happens to be what I eat that day to be satisfied. I now eat pretty regularly and don't skip meals all the time like I used to. So while you may look at a lot of my diary days and think "wow, she's starving herself, etc etc" I look at that and think, wow, my eating habits are so much better than they used to be".

  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    As a person who fairly regularly eats or nets under 1200 calories a day, I feel like there is some judging in this "non-judging" thread. My eating has been okayed by a dietician-I was concerned because MFP would always say in red how I am eating too few calories. However, contrary to what some people believe about how you are starving on only 1200 a day, I am not; everyone is different and every body has different needs. If I am hungry, I eat more. I am not eating 1200 a day because that's what MFP tells me, but because that just happens to be what I eat that day to be satisfied. I now eat pretty regularly and don't skip meals all the time like I used to. So while you may look at a lot of my diary days and think "wow, she's starving herself, etc etc" I look at that and think, wow, my eating habits are so much better than they used to be".

    The biggest part of your post that is good --- is that if you are hungry you eat more.

    What I find is a big problem (not necessarily on here, but in general for women) is that they stick to a 1000-1200 calorie diet and never add calories when they are hungry. If you are hungry, your body is telling you you need food, you should eat.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Thank you. And yes, I agree-it is important to eat if you are hungry. We all have different needs-I see some diaries and I think wow, that person eats so much-I would be SICK if I ate that much, and that same person would be starving to death if they ate how I ate-neither of us would be happy switching places haha. Accepting that there are healthy ranges is I think important.
  • Abusser
    Abusser Posts: 22 Member
    Well I can say from my experience eating too little has helped make me fat. When I was 104 lbs I remember thinking there is no way I will every be over 120 lbs. Most of the last 10 years I have neglected my eating habits basically just eating to get by. I have been a workaholic and didn't want to take the time to eat. I can go 24 hrs without eating and don't feel hungry... I don't think that means I don't NEED to eat.

    I have totally messed up my metabolism and my health. I now have all these health issues and also found out I am very deficient in certain vitamins. I was even taking multi-vitamins and I am still VERY deficient. I am now taking prescribed vitamins in addition to high blood pressure medication.

    I just joined this site and I'm interested to see what happens. I have to lose weight for my wedding or I am going to be very disappointed. I am researching nutritionists in my area and plan to make sure I start eating in a way that makes sense for my body.

    You might lose weight initially by not eating "enough" calories but it's hard to believe that it is sustainable and healthy. Being under weight is also very unhealthy as we all know and as we also know there are many bulimic and anorexic people and no matter what doctors (or people on forums) tell them they are not going to change their mind,,, most of the time.

    I know what I am supposed to do but still haven't done it most of my life so now I'm unhealthy and over-weight. I hope I can really make a life change now since my health is now a big concern. I have also tried all sorts of ways to lose weight and only lost weight following a macrobiotic/cleansing plan from a naturopath.... which I was able to maintain. I lost 25 lbs in 3 months but gained it back immediately after going back to my normal eating habits. It was too restrictive.

    No matter how skinny you are if you are not healthy it is really defeating the purpose... well some people don't care as long as they are skinny I guess. Hopefully people that are hurting themselves by under eating have friends and family that can help them. It would be nice if we could help these people but I really don't think that by reading comments on a forum they will change their minds or eating habits.

    Sorry if I have typos :) Remember to not let the small stuff bother you it's not worth it and can actually negatively affect your health. Do you really want people that you barely know to affect your life? Think about that next time someone cutting you off on the road raises your blood pressure :smile: :smile:

    :heart: Good luck!