give up?

my wedding ring band broke and i tore my under ware while trying to put them on...coincidence? my father also made a comment about my weight. i have about 100+ to loose to be "healthy" and i feel like i am so far from it that i should just give up. i lost 25 pounds last year, gained it all back plus another 20 lbs...why not just give up? help.


  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    Because a year from now you will have wished you would have started today :flowerforyou:
  • rochey1098
    Everyone falls down, success is getting back up. The most successful people have learned to get back up faster. We all suffer by our own hand, you're not alone. You could give up yep, or you could start again... it just depends where you want to be in 6 months time.

    Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    What will you gain by giving up? Usually the only thing you gain, is weight. Don't give up. You can do this. It's not easy most days but it can be done. Find your inspiration & go with it :)
  • rochey1098
    I also wanted to say stop kicking yourself about the past, I don't know about you peeps but I've never achieved anything great off the back of a guilt trip
  • jessashcher
    stay strong, don't give up, you didn't get where you are over night, it's going to take time and alot of adjustments, but it's all worth it in the long run, don't be doing this for anyone but yourself. Your father is probably just worried about your health and sometimes family just doesn't know how to approach someone and let them know they care. It is much easier to just say forget it and don't even try, but is that who you really are? Set yourself some short term goals that are achievable for you to reach, then each time you reach it, that will give you more strength and ambition to push forward even more. God Bless you in your journey.
  • rainbowcandy2004
    Don't give up.I have been giving up my whole life and I have started this site among other things and you just need some really good friends to keep you motivated to keep losing. I use this site, my family, my friends, and my coworkers to keep me motivated. You will have bad days, weeks, even months I have but it is realizing it was just a phase and you can start again. One day at a time. YOU CAN DO THIS DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!
  • Hayesgang

    What would you say to your best friend at this moment - Tell yourself the same thing because ultimately we have to be our own best friend and fight for what we want - This journey is hard but it can be overcome if we don't sabatoge our efforts. This is all about us - no one can make us want to change, it comes from within.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    If you're unhappy now, then giving up won't make you happy. Is it hard to lose weight especially if your obese? It's DAMN hard, but anything worth having will ALWAYS be hard. Suck it up. Giving up will leave you miserable and you'll make others around you feel miserable for you. I'm sure that's not what you want.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • GraceysMommy09
    I have about 220lbs to lose and I know how feels to want to give up and give in, and that's what I have done over and over and it's only gotten me nothing but more weight. I love the statement above about a year from now you will wish you had started today and that is so very true. If we continue from now on look how far we can go from here. We have to take control and stop beating ourselves up if we make a mistake. Just pick right back up and move on. It's hard, believe me I know. I have so far to go, but one day we will be able to take a look back at where we have come from. That's what I am waiting for, the joy of knowing what I have accomplished. So I shall push on and I hope that you will too. Feel free to friend me, we need all the help and support we can get.
  • tmttn
    tmttn Posts: 4 Member
    Because a year from now you will have wished you would have started today :flowerforyou:

    This exactly.

    You may feel discouraged now, but everyone has setbacks. You have to remember this isn't just something that goes away one day. You have to consciously work at it, and it is hard, but it's worth it. One thing I like to do to motivate myself is watch The Biggest Loser. Not only are there some great tips, but there's always going to be someone somewhere along the line you identify with. In cheering for them, I decided it was time for me to cheer for myself. And since then I've lost about 30 lbs and kept most of it off. Again, like anyone else, I've struggled, but I don't give up. The change I'm making now makes me healthier and is going to help me be able to achieve everything I want in my life. When I have children, I'm going to be able to do all the things I want with them without having to feel self-conscious or having to tell them I can't because of my weight. And I even want it for my boyfriend. He tells me all the time I'm beautiful, he loves me and my body. But I still don't feel beautiful every day, and I feel like he deserves to be with someone healthier who will take care of herself, and that 's who I want to be for him.

    Find your reason. Find your support. When you have those, when it does get hard and you get discouraged, think about why it is you want this. Remember why you're doing this. And remember that people are supporting you along the way. You deserve to love yourself. Giving up is like telling yourself you don't deserve to be happy with who you are, and that's a lie.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Time will pass either way, if you start now or not. A year from now you'd be wishing yu started today.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    It sounds like you have some really great reasons to start!!! This could be the wake up call you've been waiting for.

    But the first thing you need to do is not think about this journey as a diet or "weight loss". It's about getting healthy and regaining control. The by product of that will be weight loss.

    Secondly, don't think about the 100+ lbs you need to will drive yourself crazy because that's a lot to lose!!! Make a couple of long term goals and then break them down into smaller goals. I don't think that I have over 50 lbs total to lose. I set my first long term goal to be my pre-baby weight by Christmas and then I set monthly goals to see how close I could get to those. My second long term goal is the remaining 25 lbs to be done by June. Which I feel is doable!!! Don't look at the whole....make smaller goals.

    And make friends and challenge yourself!!! I am a couple pounds away from my pre-baby weight and I really didn't think I could get there and I've been strong doing this for almost 110 days!!! This works. Check out the success stories and know they are real!!! And don't expect this to be a short process, you will have off days, you will fail and you will start over the next day!!! Don't expect doesn't exist!!!

    And add me.....I'm crazy addicted to this site!!!
  • starblazing
    starblazing Posts: 28 Member
    thank you everyone, i know what i have to do, i just have trouble believing in myself. best of luck to all of you as well!
  • cheree1965
    Dont give up. I did and gained back 2o lbs and lost muscle mass. I am 46 and it takes alot of work to lose hunny. YOU CAN DO THIS! Food is just food to keep us alive. NOT Pleaseure. Pleasure is seeing grandchildren grow and be able to play with them. Pleasure is a good book. Find pleasure is other ways.
  • ThatNurseKt
    ThatNurseKt Posts: 45 Member
    Don' give up. You can do this. I started out with about 220lbs to lose and in just 5 months im down 65lbs.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Did this person give up? He went from 300lbs with no use of his legs, to someone in better shape than I am, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

    What's your excuse?

    Apologies for the tough love, but watch the video and ask yourself what's holding you back. If a guy in a wheelchair with no use of half of his body can end up looking like a freakin' beast, then there's no reason you can't get started on your journey RIGHT NOW.

    (Bodybuilders -- check out the pullups in the squat cage. Baller as hell).
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    Because a year from now you will have wished you would have started today :flowerforyou:

    ^^ this! nicely said!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Because a year from now you will have wished you would have started today :flowerforyou:

    This exactly.

    You may feel discouraged now, but everyone has setbacks. You have to remember this isn't just something that goes away one day. You have to consciously work at it, and it is hard, but it's worth it. One thing I like to do to motivate myself is watch The Biggest Loser. Not only are there some great tips, but there's always going to be someone somewhere along the line you identify with. In cheering for them, I decided it was time for me to cheer for myself. And since then I've lost about 30 lbs and kept most of it off. Again, like anyone else, I've struggled, but I don't give up. The change I'm making now makes me healthier and is going to help me be able to achieve everything I want in my life. When I have children, I'm going to be able to do all the things I want with them without having to feel self-conscious or having to tell them I can't because of my weight. And I even want it for my boyfriend. He tells me all the time I'm beautiful, he loves me and my body. But I still don't feel beautiful every day, and I feel like he deserves to be with someone healthier who will take care of herself, and that 's who I want to be for him.

    Find your reason. Find your support. When you have those, when it does get hard and you get discouraged, think about why it is you want this. Remember why you're doing this. And remember that people are supporting you along the way. You deserve to love yourself. Giving up is like telling yourself you don't deserve to be happy with who you are, and that's a lie.

    All of this. Sure you should do it for yourself ultimately but also for those that love you. They care about your health, they want you around for the long run and to me, when I don't take care of myself I feel selfish because it is not only me that it affects. My motivation comes in many forms, wanting to take care of my heart because my family has heart problems and my biological Grandfather died of a heart attack when my mom was 8, both my uncles have had heart surgeries, my mom had breast cancer, I want to be healthy for my fiancé who will be my husband in a little over 7 months and I definitely want to be healthy for when I have children of which I now want 4. I also just feel so much better physically and mentally when I'm consistent with my work outs and eating healthy foods. I stopped working out over the holidays and gained 12 pounds. May not seem like a ton but I'm a very small girl so even 5 pounds extra and I really feel it and see it. It sucked getting back to my P90X routine and there were times when it was tough saying no to bread but my fiancé is also working out with me and he's eating much healthier and that helps so much. Ultimately though it's up to you and what will make you happy.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Because a year from now you will have wished you would have started today :flowerforyou:

    because as many times as you fall down, you can get right back up. It's hard, I won't lie, but you have to take the initiative and start LEARNING and be willing to fail and put in effort and time, and have patience. don't starve yourself is the most crucial thing. find workouts you like. change bad habits that lead to over-eating. it's a complete life style change. it gets better, trust me. i have 100+pounds to lose, and I say I have put a good dent in my goal, I am somewhere in the middle of this race, and get discouraged at times, but now I have habits built in that won't allow me to quit, just keep going, and you can't keep going if you don't start the race, it's a marathon not a sprint.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Because a year from now you will have wished you would have started today :flowerforyou:

    because as many times as you fall down, you can get right back up. It's hard, I won't lie, but you have to take the initiative and start LEARNING and be willing to fail and put in effort and time, and have patience. don't starve yourself is the most crucial thing. find workouts you like. change bad habits that lead to over-eating. it's a complete life style change. it gets better, trust me. i have 100+pounds to lose, and I say I have put a good dent in my goal, I am somewhere in the middle of this race, and get discouraged at times, but now I have habits built in that won't allow me to quit, just keep going, and you can't keep going if you don't start the race, it's a marathon not a sprint.

    Love that last part "It's a marathon, not a sprint" Definitely good words to remember. As was also mentioned about not starving yourself. It seems more and more I see people barely eating and working out like crazy. Sure they lose weight and it can be quickly but that's a damn hard lifestyle to stick with. This comes from experience. I came back from a cruise once with for whatever reason a complete lack of appetite. At the time I was at my heaviest around 140, I'm 5' 2" and a half with a small frame so this was really big for me. Anyway, I was eating 600 calories a day and sometimes I didn't even want that, I simply wasn't hungry. I also worked out like mad. I ended up getting down to 108 pounds, which would be fine for my size but it was not the healthy way and I did not at all look healthy. When I started eating normally I gained most back. When I started this current round of P90X after the holidays I was at 126.6, I'm currently at 120.4. It's definitely enticing to want to lose the weight super quick but it's not healthy and when you lose too quickly your skin tends to not have time to catch up leaving the extra skin. When you lose the healthy way, your body handles it much better, you're likely to stick with it for the long run and your skin has the time to shrink along with your shrinking body. Try to keep a positive mind set and keep supportive people around and you can do it.