TJCOMER02 Posts: 9
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay... so.... I have a ? for all of you out there, almost everyone, who has tried diet pills. I have lost most of my weight on my own, I am 5''8'' & my weight fluctuates from 129-134, but I want to get down to 125lbs! So I've been taking diet pills probably for the past 3 months or so... AND somedays I feel good, somedays I feel horrible, like I'm having adrenal burnout & I'll get real hungry & EAT!!! My dilemma is this.... I also take them for energy since I do not drink coffee every morning, I only drink coffee with my husband on Sunday mornings & I like it with GOOD creamer! So... if I would stop taking diet pills, then I think, what will I do to have energy? I workout & keep up with my 1yr. old, so I have to have SOMETHING!!! Any suggestions or experiences you've had would be very helpful!! Thanks:)


  • Okay... so.... I have a ? for all of you out there, almost everyone, who has tried diet pills. I have lost most of my weight on my own, I am 5''8'' & my weight fluctuates from 129-134, but I want to get down to 125lbs! So I've been taking diet pills probably for the past 3 months or so... AND somedays I feel good, somedays I feel horrible, like I'm having adrenal burnout & I'll get real hungry & EAT!!! My dilemma is this.... I also take them for energy since I do not drink coffee every morning, I only drink coffee with my husband on Sunday mornings & I like it with GOOD creamer! So... if I would stop taking diet pills, then I think, what will I do to have energy? I workout & keep up with my 1yr. old, so I have to have SOMETHING!!! Any suggestions or experiences you've had would be very helpful!! Thanks:)
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Okay... so.... I have a ? for all of you out there, almost everyone, who has tried diet pills. I have lost most of my weight on my own, I am 5''8'' & my weight fluctuates from 129-134, but I want to get down to 125lbs! So I've been taking diet pills probably for the past 3 months or so... AND somedays I feel good, somedays I feel horrible, like I'm having adrenal burnout & I'll get real hungry & EAT!!! My dilemma is this.... I also take them for energy since I do not drink coffee every morning, I only drink coffee with my husband on Sunday mornings & I like it with GOOD creamer! So... if I would stop taking diet pills, then I think, what will I do to have energy? I workout & keep up with my 1yr. old, so I have to have SOMETHING!!! Any suggestions or experiences you've had would be very helpful!! Thanks:)

    You get energy from proper nutrition and choosing the best foods and excercising. If you arent getting enough by that you should probably see your doctor and have some blood work done. It could be just a low iron situation. I would stop with the pills because its just overdose of caffeine or ephedra which leads to HUGE withdrawls not to mention health risks.:drinker:
  • Okay... so.... I have a ? for all of you out there, almost everyone, who has tried diet pills. I have lost most of my weight on my own, I am 5''8'' & my weight fluctuates from 129-134, but I want to get down to 125lbs! So I've been taking diet pills probably for the past 3 months or so... AND somedays I feel good, somedays I feel horrible, like I'm having adrenal burnout & I'll get real hungry & EAT!!! My dilemma is this.... I also take them for energy since I do not drink coffee every morning, I only drink coffee with my husband on Sunday mornings & I like it with GOOD creamer! So... if I would stop taking diet pills, then I think, what will I do to have energy? I workout & keep up with my 1yr. old, so I have to have SOMETHING!!! Any suggestions or experiences you've had would be very helpful!! Thanks:)

    You get energy from proper nutrition and choosing the best foods and excercising. If you arent getting enough by that you should probably see your doctor and have some blood work done. It could be just a low iron situation. I would stop with the pills because its just overdose of caffeine or ephedra which leads to HUGE withdrawls not to mention health risks.:drinker:
  • I am not sure how to post a quote, but I just tried. The answer Myastemy gave was GREAT. I just want to tell you my experience with diet pills. When I was 18 I had my son. I knew nothing about diet, working out, etc. 16 months after birth I still had only lost 10 from delivery. I was frustrated and felt disgusting. I started taking diet pills because I saw them in the pharmacy. I couldn't believe it. They worked so good. I went from152 lbs to 103 lbs. I was sooooo skinny and still felt fat. I had no idea I was that skinny. Until my nanna one day freaked out on me. Thank goodness she did. I stopped those pills the next day still not knowing what the big deal was.

    The thing I know now is that I was still flabby even though I was working out daily on those pills. I was starving my body even though I ate. When you starve your body, everything you give it to eat it saves for fat just in case it doesn't get food again. So I was thin, flabby, and I now had one other problem.

    Once I stopped the pills, I of course started eating more again, but the problem was that my stomach hurt all the time. I had cramps constantly and diarrea with pain. I now have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I KNOW it's from taking those pills so long. It messes up your stomach and it isn't good for your body in any way.

    I think you need to stop taking those NOW. Eat healthy, work out for energy and if your not feeling like you think your supposed to, go see your PCP (primary care physician). I am worried about women and men and these pills. You don't know the damage they do until after you have stopped them.

    Please give it some thought. I am now 38 and still have IBS.
  • These girls are smart! Heed their advice. You could end up with heart problems too. Be good to your heart! :heart:
  • wow... I think if you are that tall and only weight that much... you probably look pretty slim and fit now.
    Did you check your BMI?
  • I have never used diet pills, so have no comment on those, but I do take the one-a-day vitamin energy formula (in all the supermarkets) and it contains some caffeine in addition to all the vitamins. So that might be a good way to get some energy without calories or using dangerous drugs.
  • Okay... so.... I have a ? for all of you out there, almost everyone, who has tried diet pills. I have lost most of my weight on my own, I am 5''8'' & my weight fluctuates from 129-134, but I want to get down to 125lbs! So I've been taking diet pills probably for the past 3 months or so... AND somedays I feel good, somedays I feel horrible, like I'm having adrenal burnout & I'll get real hungry & EAT!!! My dilemma is this.... I also take them for energy since I do not drink coffee every morning, I only drink coffee with my husband on Sunday mornings & I like it with GOOD creamer! So... if I would stop taking diet pills, then I think, what will I do to have energy? I workout & keep up with my 1yr. old, so I have to have SOMETHING!!! Any suggestions or experiences you've had would be very helpful!! Thanks:)

    What pills are you taking? Are they FDA approved? Be careful, you can develop all kinds of crazy side effects with most diet pills. Has anyone ever noticed that leaky stool is probably one of the most common side effect of diet pills? I would rather be chubby then constantly have the runs:laugh:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    What kind of diet pills are we talking about here? If they have high caffeine, or ephedra, then you might have burned out your adrenals for sure! I've been there....

    What makes you feel alert? For me it's a good night's sleep, and running first thing in the morning. If I feel sluggish in the afternoon, another bout of quick cardio perks me up again. Maybe you could try this?

    And on the note of coffee... I have a cup of delicious coffee every day, with 2 tablespoons of light cream, at only 30 calories! And I feel that bit of fat helps to sate me.

    I'm also 5'8" and I think 134 lbs is a BMI of 20, and 125 lbs is a BMI that's just barely 19 - and I think to get that low will take a lot of work (and some hunger!) but you can do it!
    Good luck!
  • make sure you are getting a lot of vitamin B that is good natural energy. i take a vitamin b supplement just to make sure i will have energy and there is no harm of having too much of it. also those 5 hour energy shots are good, but it is basically just loaded down with vitamin b. make sure you are getting enough supplements!
  • may i just make a suggestion--Hydroxycut drink mix ins...they taste good & I haven't had negative side effects :smile:
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Umm how skinny do you want to be... For your height that is too thin in my eyes. Girls like to be that thin to look good to other girls. Men dont like that. They like woman to look healthy and fit at the same time. Why do you think men favor Beyonce... B/c she has a booty and some thighs!!!! lol
    Thats your choice though: The diet pills are not a good idea. One when you get off them the pounds come back and two it specifically says not to take them for that long. Also, they do intrnal damage. :frown:
  • I am not sure how to post a quote, but I just tried. The answer Myastemy gave was GREAT. I just want to tell you my experience with diet pills. When I was 18 I had my son. I knew nothing about diet, working out, etc. 16 months after birth I still had only lost 10 from delivery. I was frustrated and felt disgusting. I started taking diet pills because I saw them in the pharmacy. I couldn't believe it. They worked so good. I went from152 lbs to 103 lbs. I was sooooo skinny and still felt fat. I had no idea I was that skinny. Until my nanna one day freaked out on me. Thank goodness she did. I stopped those pills the next day still not knowing what the big deal was.

    The thing I know now is that I was still flabby even though I was working out daily on those pills. I was starving my body even though I ate. When you starve your body, everything you give it to eat it saves for fat just in case it doesn't get food again. So I was thin, flabby, and I now had one other problem.

    Once I stopped the pills, I of course started eating more again, but the problem was that my stomach hurt all the time. I had cramps constantly and diarrea with pain. I now have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I KNOW it's from taking those pills so long. It messes up your stomach and it isn't good for your body in any way.

    I think you need to stop taking those NOW. Eat healthy, work out for energy and if your not feeling like you think your supposed to, go see your PCP (primary care physician). I am worried about women and men and these pills. You don't know the damage they do until after you have stopped them.

    Please give it some thought. I am now 38 and still have IBS.

    I have this too and never thought about it being from diet pills (I took them a few years back for energy (ephedrine)).............
  • may i just make a suggestion--Hydroxycut drink mix ins...they taste good & I haven't had negative side effects :smile:

    These have Chromium in them which are supposed to suppress appetite..................But then make sure you really are eating enough.

    Have you tried green tea? That has caffiene
  • i just started taking the hydroxycut last it tho...and i used the food tracker on this site to ensure i'm getting 1200 calories a day yet...
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    A caffeine and aspirin stack is a great safe supplement (aspirin in the form of white willow bark and pure caffeine not coffee something like guarana) and only tae the recommended dose I am pretty sure ephedra is a banned drug so just check the labels. You could also try a good multi with b vitamins that could help you get energy. People saying you should get all the energy from your food well that depends on the quality of your food veg with no pesticides meat with no antibiotics organic foods only if you can afford it. Failing that you will need a supplement and there is nothing wrong with that.

    Proper diet pills the ones you get from the doc stay away from them the alter your brain chemistry your appetite and you will probably gain all the weight you lose back plus a bit extra to teach you a lesson they only way to lose weight safely is to count your calories and put in the effort with exercise (that means no reading whilst on the treadmill or bike allways working out at 85% of your max hr for at least an hour a day)
    Been there learnt the lesson and now back on track.

    But caffeine is not all that bad as long as it in pure form not coffee and the aspirin (white willow bark ) helps you absorb the caffeine correctly is a well known safe way to assist weight loss it really helps get the workouts done.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I was on a perscription type wieght losspill for about 8 months. I stopped taking them when financially I couldn't afford them, when I did I gained all my weight and more back, but that was not the only side effect. One of the things that some of these pills does is to send you endorphines a misfire, which tells you that you are not hungry........after 2 years off the pills I got back on them to try and lose the weight yet again and they had an opposite affect on me. Instead of giving me energy and appetite supression, they made me groggy, grouchy and hungry, so they no longer worked. The reasons could vary, but 1 side effect of these pills is that they confuse the endorphan centers so much that your body no longer has the ability to decide when it is really hungry or not.....hence you're never full or that is what your brain tells your tummy.

    I suggest taking vitamins, working out.....and some may argue, but I love the 5 hour energy drinks, there is no crash, they work 5 hours, don't make you jittery and hey they are only 4 cals.....

    I would not take the pills.

    Just my thoughts.

  • Umm how skinny do you want to be... For your height that is too thin in my eyes. Girls like to be that thin to look good to other girls. Men dont like that. They like woman to look healthy and fit at the same time. Why do you think men favor Beyonce... B/c she has a booty and some thighs!!!! lol
    Thats your choice though: The diet pills are not a good idea. One when you get off them the pounds come back and two it specifically says not to take them for that long. Also, they do intrnal damage. :frown:

    I agree. I do know men who like very slim women, but the majority love women with shape. You want a little of everything. A little booty, a bit on the chest, a little bit of hips. I have 4 brothers and hear them talking, trust me!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Umm how skinny do you want to be... For your height that is too thin in my eyes. Girls like to be that thin to look good to other girls. Men dont like that. They like woman to look healthy and fit at the same time. Why do you think men favor Beyonce... B/c she has a booty and some thighs!!!! lol
    Thats your choice though: The diet pills are not a good idea. One when you get off them the pounds come back and two it specifically says not to take them for that long. Also, they do intrnal damage. :frown:

    I agree. I do know men who like very slim women, but the majority love women with shape. You want a little of everything. A little booty, a bit on the chest, a little bit of hips. I have 4 brothers and hear them talking, trust me!!

    I have to agree! My hubby is happy with my figure right now, but it's me who wants to lose a little more - not for anyone else, just for myself!
  • fitchick99
    fitchick99 Posts: 267 Member
    wow, what did I miss here.....she didn't ask if anyone thought she needed to lose weight or if she looks great the way she is, I thought her question was about diet that get so off track?? I think if you're not comfortable in your skin then you and only you can be the judge of that, as far as diet pills go, people don't take pills to get fat, so I don't know why one would take them to get thin :drinker:
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