Lacking motivation :(

Hi everyone! My name is silvia and I'm new to MFP. My sister told me about this site so she is currently my only friend on here so far and so I would love to meet new people to help me get my motivation back. Life has been especially hectic, busy and stressful lately so of course I'm craving all my favourite foods and not having enough to time to go to the gym.

I need help!


  • weightlosswonderwoman
    Feel free to add me!
    The sense of community at MFP will keep you on track :)
    We're all in it for different reasons, but we all have the same goal!
    Good luck with yours
    -Jess xx
  • SilverStar18
    SilverStar18 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks Jess! Im going to take you up on that offer! :)
  • Clinno
    Clinno Posts: 123 Member
    I find exercise breeds energy, so even though you are busy and tired try to add some exercise wherever you can to start out, along with a balanced diet of coarse. Have faith in MFP its been good to me :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 175 Member
    I am a full-time student who works as well. I totally feel your pain about being so dang busy. Every Sunday night I sit down and plan out my times/classes I will attend for the week. That way I have NO excuses because it's already scheduled!
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    I'm in week 7 of my journey and I'm lacking a bit of motivation too! I know if I stop now all my hard work will go to waste, so I'm just focusing on taking things 1 day at a time. Seeing the clothes I still don't fit is really helping me stay on track when I have hard days. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • SilverStar18
    SilverStar18 Posts: 53 Member
    I know how that is! I just finished college so I have a full time career plus I'm in the middle of a move so all I want to do is curl up with a bag of chips! Ah! I have been planning my schedule as well every week but i always seem to have some kind of excuse to miss half of my classes. It needs to stop!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I know how you feel! I just started college and I've been totally stressed out so I haven't been able to take care of myself as much as I used to. I'd be happy to motivate you if you ever needed it! You can add me if you want :) I'm new to this site too