Home made green tea?

Has anyone tried making home made green tea? What's you low cal recipe?


  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    what do you think green tea is? in the uk, green tea is taking green tea leaves/bags and pouring boiling water over them, and then drunk hot. 0cals??

    or is this a US thing like iced tea where it's a very sweet mix more like a soft drink (just not carbonated)?
  • laughingwasabi
    what do you think green tea is? in the uk, green tea is taking green tea leaves/bags and pouring boiling water over them, and then drunk hot. 0cals??

    or is this a US thing like iced tea where it's a very sweet mix more like a soft drink (just not carbonated)?

    From my experience (I drink a whole lot of different teas, all black) its very strange in the US to not drink tea without some sort of sweetener or sugar or in it. Most store-brand green teas are hardly tea at all, but artificially flavored sugar waters. Yuck!

    To the OP: Brew some green tea up (I usually steep way longer, but I like it strong) and also add some peppermint herbal tea, its awesome and great on a cold winter day!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    In Australia it's the same as U.K. Green or herbal tea is taken without milk or sugar. Just boiling water.
    I love Rooibos tea It is African for Red Bush tea. It has a lot of antioxidants in it. i have it first thing in the morning. 0 cals
    if you grow your own peppermint just steep some in boiling water. I prefer to put in in a jug of cold water in the fridge for a lovely refreshing drink in Summer.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    Um ... tea has 0 cals. Well, PROPER tea has 0 cals. ;) I may be American, but my mother would roll in her proverbial grave if I added sweeteners to my tea, haha. :)

    With green tea, the leaves haven't been processed as much so they're more delicate. You'll want to heat the water up to just before boiling (you see bubbles at the bottom of the pot, but the surface of the water is not moving yet), then pour into your teapot -- or cup, if you're using a tea bag rather than steeping loose leaves. Steep for 1-2 minutes, no more, then remove the leaves or the tea bag.

    You can save the tea bag by sitting it on a saucer on the counter because you can reuse the tea bags a couple more times, even the cheap ones with tea leaves that are more like dust than leaves. I wouldn't reuse them the next day though, only in the same day/afternoon.

    If you absolutely must, a bit of honey or lemon can enhance the flavor, but I find that green tea is best plain. :)
  • MissDiscipline
    Sorry guys, just woke up and only realized what I wrote after a cup of coffee. I meant Iced Green Tea!
  • MissDiscipline
    Lol hahaha I'm such an idiot. :laugh:
  • laughingwasabi
    Still, it'd be the same. Brew up some tasty green tea (again, honey if you absolutely must), but make it a bit stronger to adjust for the added ice, then either toss in the fridge for a while or ice it up. Voila! Tasty Iced Green Tea!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Honestly...for iced tea I just put a green tea bag in a glass or pitcher of cold water...then add some sugar in if I wish, or lemon or lime juice of honey. You can also brew it hot THEN cool but I find that after a minute or two of having the tea bag in cold water I have enough flavour already so I don't go through the whole process of boiling water then waiting for it to cool
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I live in the US and I drink tea that I brew with the little bag in hot water too.

    The bottled stuff is a sugary citric acid mixture, but the bagged leaves are much better. I like to get Lipton green tea with Mixed Berry flavor. It's tasty when it is sugar free. If I get the generic, it tastes more bitter and I end up putting sugar in it.