Weight gain after eating carbs

I am really frustrated...because literally 1 week ago i weighed in at 79 kgs (174 pounds), and i had been weighing myself daily ( i know i shouldn't)
so on the night before thanksgiving i had a cheat meal, a brownie with ice cream. I weighed 80 kgs the next day (176 pounds) which fair enough, that's okay. But on thanksgiving i ate badly ALL day, after not eating carbs for two months i just went wild and had whatever I wanted to eat. I weighed myself at night when the day was over and i was 82.5 kgs. I thought this would go down by the morning but it only went down to like 82 kgs...
Since then i've really been upping my water intake more than i usually drink ( i already drink a lot daily) and i've gone back to eating less than 40 g of carbs a day.........it's been four days since thanksgiving and i still am weighing in at 81.5 kgs!!!!!!
i thought this was all water weight!!!!
can someone please explain to me why i still weigh like five pounds more days later after being good and drinking a lot of water and exercising?!?!?!?!??!!?
is it even POSSIBLE to gain five pounds from like a day of cheating?!?!?!?


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    as you have not logged anything for quite a while its hard to tell
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Up your exercise and cut down on carbs for a few days. Your body will go to it's new set weight. :)
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    It all depends on your metabolism, how fast or slow it is, how efficiently it processes carbs. If you eat a lot of carbs in a short time period, and your body can't process & use them quickly enough, then most of them will get stored as fat. Yes, it can be immediate and it can be several pounds, depending on how much you ate. My doctor told me that, with my metabolism, one cheating meal could set me back a couple of weeks. An entire cheating day, like you describe, could easily make me gain 10 lb.

    Kind of sucks that some people can have "cheat meals" or "cheat days" and it doesn't hurt them a bit, their metabolisms will allow them to work it off right away. But some of us just can't do it. It's not fair. But my dad always says, "Anyone who tells you life is fair is probably trying to sell you something." :smile:

    Did you have a good time and enjoy the day? If so, it might have been worth it. If it wasn't, just chalk this up as a "learning experience" and don't indulge yourself quite so much the next time. We've all been there, you just have to learn what your particular body can and can't handle well.

    Good luck to you!
  • kearlnp
    kearlnp Posts: 8 Member
    There is really nothing wrong with daily weighs; inn fact, studies show people who weigh daily stay on track with their weight loss goals. You can LOG weekly, that is reasonable. So what if you write down your daily weight for personal knowledge? I post mine on the refridgerator; it is nice to see daily---and I can see my weight go down. Up 5 pounds for a week,, no problem! Hormones, water weight etc. Just stay on your calorie track and exercise program and you will be fine.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    There is really nothing wrong with daily weighs;

    In theory yes, but then we get a flood of posts about people who panic over a 3lb gain overnight because they think it's fat. So while it's not harmful to weigh in daily, it would be helpful if people didn't put such an emotional investment in the day to day changes.
    Up 5 pounds for a week,, no problem! Hormones, water weight etc. Just stay on your calorie track and exercise program and you will be fine.

    Ultimately this.

    OP: You didn't gain 5lbs of fat from 1 day of overeating. If somehow you did, I salute your 19k+ calorie day.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You aren't logging your food. What are you doing - just avoiding carbs? You may have been overeating for the past month and it's just now caught up with you. Sometimes it takes a while to show up on the scale.
  • miam4nia
    miam4nia Posts: 137 Member
    i've logged my food long enough to know what i can eat and stay below 40 gs of carbs a day, especially since i'm still eating the same foods in the same quantities....i've been very strict about it, just been lazy about logging but i will get on that....

    the only thing that freaked me out was that i all of a sudden LITERALLY overnight gained five pounds....i know it's probably not all fat but it should be gone by now shouldn't it?!?!

    sounds like the metabolism thing is really the only thing that explains it :S
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Carbs don't make you gain weight. Try logging again and you might be surprised how many calories you've been eating.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    It's water weight.....you should know this or at least understand the diet your on.
  • miam4nia
    miam4nia Posts: 137 Member
    Carbs don't make you gain weight. Try logging again and you might be surprised how many calories you've been eating.

    i have pcos, so yeah, a low carb diet is best.

    and to neanderthin, i said i thought it was water weight in my original post...
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    Carbs don't make you gain weight. Try logging again and you might be surprised how many calories you've been eating.

    i have pcos, so yeah, a low carb diet is best.

    and to neanderthin, i said i thought it was water weight in my original post...
    You should have mentioned you have PCOS.......yeah, nothing to worry about, it's just glycogen storage (glucose) and with every glucose molecule 3 water molecules are absorbed and the body can hold a lot of glycogen........just get back to your regular routine and forget about the fluctuation that happens daily, and concentrate on your overall trend over your time your dieting.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Carbs don't make you gain weight. Try logging again and you might be surprised how many calories you've been eating.

    i have pcos, so yeah, a low carb diet is best.

    and to neanderthin, i said i thought it was water weight in my original post...
    Having PCOS does not mean that calories don't affect you, dear. I didn't say "don't eat low carb". I said you have no idea how many calories you are eating.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Up your exercise and cut down on carbs for a few days. Your body will go to it's new set weight. :)

    I agree with this, it has been a fail safe method that always brought me results. Sometimes is takes 3 days other times it takes 2 weeks, but it works.

    As for your question, yes it is possible some of those carby foods have a lot of fat too and by depriving the body for both and upping the calorie intake without using those calories it happens.

    Try the above for a few weeks if necessary, and good luck!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Do NOT weigh yourself daily. What is the point/// The true test of weight loss is how our clothes fit. You also admit you "went wild", so that could be it, I try to weigh myself once a week. Also I was advise no more then 50 carbs a day. I will try it.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Carbs don't make you gain weight. Try logging again and you might be surprised how many calories you've been eating.

    Not true. Whether or not carbs "make you gain weight" is entirely dependent on your metabolism.

    Some people (like the original poster, and myself) have carbohydrate-sensitive metabolisms. Our bodies cannot process carbs properly. When normal people eat carbs, their bodies release insulin, which converts the carbs to energy which is then used to fuel the body. In that case, carbs are just like any other calorie, whether or not you gain weight depends on whether or not you're eating a calorie deficit.

    BUT when carbohydrate-sensitive or insulin-resistant people eat carbs, the body either is slow to release insulin, or the insulin that is released stays in the bloodstream too long instead of being absorbed by the cells that need it. Either way, the carbs don't get turned into energy, so the body stores them as fat. And once they're stored, carb-sensitive people also have trouble with the hormones that prompt your body to retrieve and use that fat. People who are carb-sensitive (and are still eating carbs) can eat a calorie deficit, be tired & cranky all the time 'cause they're not getting enough fuel for their body, and still gain weight constantly.

    The "calories in / calories out" thing works fine IF you have a relatively normal metabolism. But our bodies are extremely complex, and the chemical reactions that allow us to burn energy are extremely complex. Once you throw the hormone balance off, then yes, it is possible to gain 10lb of fat in a single overindulgent weekend. I know, I've done it. Not saying for sure that that's what happened here, but it is a possibility.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    Carbs don't make you gain weight. Try logging again and you might be surprised how many calories you've been eating.

    Not true. Whether or not carbs "make you gain weight" is entirely dependent on your metabolism.
    Not true at all. You seem to be confusing metabolism and thermodynamics.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I put more water weight on from carbs and my daily fluctuations were 3-5lbs and 6lbs + at TOTM. Since going low carb I only fluctuate by 1 lb per day until I've been to bathroom and my last few monthlies I only gained 2-3lbs and it went off straight after, when previously it would take around a week to get all water back off.

    I was previously 12st 7 with 48" tummy and size 20 (UK) when I ate carbs daily, now I'm 10st 7 (2 stone lost) size 14-16 and tummy shrunk to 36"... I'm planning to stick to this as permanent lifestyle change. I do allow a few treats meals but I'm not returning to eating them daily again.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There is really nothing wrong with daily weighs;

    In theory yes, but then we get a flood of posts about people who panic over a 3lb gain overnight because they think it's fat. So while it's not harmful to weigh in daily, it would be helpful if people didn't put such an emotional investment in the day to day changes.
    Up 5 pounds for a week,, no problem! Hormones, water weight etc. Just stay on your calorie track and exercise program and you will be fine.

    Ultimately this.

    OP: You didn't gain 5lbs of fat from 1 day of overeating. If somehow you did, I salute your 19k+ calorie day.
    People who freak out about daily fluctuations shouldn't weigh themselves more often than weekly, but no less often than that. I've also seen too many posts from people freaking out because they decided to skip the scale for a month and were VERY unhappy with the weight they'd gained in the meantime because they weren't keeping check. :wink:
  • kearlnp
    kearlnp Posts: 8 Member
    exactly:smile: )
  • kearlnp
    kearlnp Posts: 8 Member
    they don't have to post, just personal knowledge. Hint hint