busy mummy to 2 boys in need of some support.

Hi all, i m a very busy mummy to two fabulous boys, (3 years and 1 year). I joined this site a few months ago and managed to loss 12lbs then kind of lost my way a bit and maintained the weight loss but didn't lose anymore. Have got back on the site and am now very dtermined to lose the rest of my weight and reach my goal.

Am looking for some fellow supportive people to keep me on track and make this weight lose journey together. I really want to become a yummy mummy and not sit on the sidelines worried i am going to embaress my kids. xxx


  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    Hi! I'm a mom of two. Support and motivation of good friends is so important along this journey. Some days when I'm feeling lazy, I see that someone has posted a killer workout on MFP, and that's motivation enough to get me up and doing something. When I started, I just wanted to feel better. I felt absolutely disgusting inside and out. I started slowly and then caught the exercise bug. It was extremely hard for me to set a goal, because I didn't want to fail, so that's why I started with feeling better. As I was really diligent with logging, even the really terrible days and tried to get some sort of exercise in four days a week, I started to notice big differences on the scale and through taking my measurements.
    I never thought my mommy kangaroo pouch would ever go away, but it's shrinking! Yay!
    There's so many activities you can do at home for exercise so you don't have to leave your boys. Heck, my kids love doing Zumba DVDs with me.
    I'll send a friend request.

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  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi Cathy

    I'm Andie, I've been on here for almost a couple of months and I love it. Like you I'm a mum of 2 (boy 4 and girl 2) and we mums always tend to put ourselves last don't we!!

    I'll give you all the help and support I can, my diet is not perfect and I don't have time to exercise everyday, but I try my best and am generally a very positive person so if you like the sound of me feel free to add me!!!

  • loisd82
    loisd82 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm with you on this one lovely, just need motivation (and find the time!) to get more exercise throughout the day! You did so incredibly well when you first tried MFP, i know you can do it again! xxx
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Hi all, i m a very busy mummy to two fabulous boys, (3 years and 1 year). I joined this site a few months ago and managed to loss 12lbs then kind of lost my way a bit and maintained the weight loss but didn't lose anymore. Have got back on the site and am now very dtermined to lose the rest of my weight and reach my goal.

    Am looking for some fellow supportive people to keep me on track and make this weight lose journey together. I really want to become a yummy mummy and not sit on the sidelines worried i am going to embaress my kids. xxx

    Hi there! I'm a mama to two boys the same ages as yours. :-) funny how they can keep you busy enough to not get a workout in, but not busy enough to call it a workout, hey?

    Come check out the Sexy Mamas group. We have a weekly weigh-in, a weekly challenge, and a thread where you can put up your starting picture ("before" shot). And lots of moms as support.
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    I am a mommy to 3 (boys 6 & 4, and a girl 2) and I am also looking for supportive MFP friends! I'm still pretty new, just been on about 2 weeks, but so far I love it! I am hoping to lose 60 lbs, so I expect I will be on here for quite awhile. I'd love some new friend requests!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I want to be a yummy mummy too. Due to the fact that 3 of my children are a set of identical triplets we attract a lot of attention when we go out. As a result I always make sure the girls look nice etc. I feel that my fat clothes make me look scruffy and unkept and that I am letting the side down for my gorgeous girls. I'm trying to lose 100lbs, I have lost 16.9 so far so I will be here for a while too.
  • Andr1Kar
    Andr1Kar Posts: 18 Member
    I am a mom of a gorgeous 6 month old girl. I just joined the website, because as a new mom, I am finding time to sqeeze in "me" time while still getting all the motherly duties with my baby girl. Hopefully this site will help!
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    Hi I'm a mommy to two boys (6 yrs & 2 months) & a girl (18months) with 50lbs of baby weight to lose. Feel free to add me I understand the struggle to lose weight lol it hasn't been easy
  • I am looking for some friends to help me with my weight loss journey. Please add me as a friend.
  • You done it once you can do it again :-) I too have two children both girls aged 2 (3 in jan) and 1, just need to find the time for yourself to exercise or whatever you want to do xx
  • tlzidon
    tlzidon Posts: 79 Member
    I am single mom to an 8 yo daughter and 6 yo boy who are both very busy. I sometimes swear there is still an invisible umbilical cord draining my energy and feeding theirs. Until 2 weeks ago I was down 15 pounds from this spring and was feeling very good about it. Went down a jeans size and everything. The last couple of weeks I am up 5, but I know now what to do to drop it fairly quick and in a way to keep it off. This site has been a godsend that I am very thankful to my RL friend for introducing me to. Please feel free to send friend requests as things are more settled for me once again and I am ready to lose those last few pounds to my goal.