Going Vegan??



  • losingitforsummer
    losingitforsummer Posts: 20 Member
    Some good responses and input here. I believe I have already moved toward a vegetarian diet without knowing it, the last couple of days my meals would be considered a vegetarian diet. I’m not sure if I’m ready to go Vegan (I’m more vegan curious at this time). Any vegetarians or vegans out there that want to add me as friends send me a request, I’m sure I’m going to have more questions as I continue to change what I eat and I could use the experience/input of others.
  • Halloch
    Halloch Posts: 18 Member
    It is funny to read some of the responses regarding the vegan lifestyle. My family had the same questions " How will I get all my protein?" What about calcium?" and many other questions. I frankly couldn't answer them so I did some research. A great book to read which contain all the information you could possibly need regarding a vegan lifestyle and dietary requirements (backed up with hard research) is called " BECOMING VEGAN" by Brenda Davis, R.D. and Vesanto Melina, R.D. Using this book and MFP tracking program I can assure myself I am getting all the required vitamins, mineral, proteins, a balance of proper carbs and dietary fat. Since I have adopted a vegan lifestyle my sleeping has improved and I require less of it. My skin is clearing up and I have softer smoother less wrinkly face. I have energy abound, AND mood swings are almost a thing of the past. Is this all from becoming vegan? I cannot say for sure. I am working out as well so I do need to consider this as well.
  • But over time, you can gently change from one way to another, like going from heavy to healthy... carnivores to vegan... little by little... but there are happy mediums for everything, but getting healthy.

    when my BF moved in 15 years ago it took him 6 months to notice there was no meat in house since i do all the shopping/cooking. :laugh: you really will not miss it as much as you think.
  • kate_n_pjs
    kate_n_pjs Posts: 86 Member
    About 6 months ago I cut out any meat that wasn't grass-fed or free-range organic type meats, and that lasted one meal... and I decided I wanted to go full vegetarian. I kept the eggs and cheese but only organic and what not. Last week I saw Forks Over Knives and decided that after Thanksgiving I would go vegan. I also think I am more vegan curious because I am probably not giving up honey and I think there are a few products I use that are not pure vegan. I live on vegetables, fruit, beans, tofu and grains. I stay away from simple carbohydrates (or junk) completely. No one else in my family is vegan... Thanksgiving was a struggle when my extended family came, but other than that I haven't had issues.

    There are many different opinions on what is healthy and what isn't. A scientific study can show many different outcomes when all you see is the end results that the scientist chooses to present. All you can do is what you feel is best for your body. Eating a fatty bacon cheese burger or even a chicken egg doesnt sound healthy to me. Kale and Pumpkin soup or a big spinach salad with mushrooms and balsamic vinegar sounds divine and healthy!! I crave vegetables now and hate the smell of meat.

    Just try it.